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Red Bull

I am new here. I'm Red Bull, by the way. And I'm not creative with names as you can see. Hooray for drinks that are bad for your heart!

So that's it, really. I just wanted to introduce myself.
Haha. Your username made me remember a short film my friend and I planned to make during the Summer. My friend would be standing at the top of the stairs, drinking Red Bull. There'd be a pause and it would switch to a scene with someone holding a banner saying Red Bull gives you wings! After that, we'd switch back to my friend. Only this time, he's sprawled at the bottom of the stairs and it's obvious that he's dead.

Pity we never got around to making it.

Anyways, welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies and thanks for helping me remember a forgotten memory.
Hi Red Bull. Have a cat plushie. *throws* I've just started giving them out...so you'd better like them...*sharpens knife*
Haha. Your username made me remember a short film my friend and I planned to make during the Summer. My friend would be standing at the top of the stairs, drinking Red Bull. There'd be a pause and it would switch to a scene with someone holding a banner saying Red Bull gives you wings! After that, we'd switch back to my friend. Only this time, he's sprawled at the bottom of the stairs and it's obvious that he's dead.

Pity we never got around to making it.

Anyways, welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies and thanks for helping me remember a forgotten memory.

Hahaha. Aw. It sucks you never got to make it.

Thanks and you're welcome. Memories are always great to have.

Welcome to the forums!

Thanks, buddy!

Welcome to TCoD! Hope you have a great time here!

Thanks. And hopefully I will!

Hi Red Bull. Have a cat plushie. *throws* I've just started giving them out...so you'd better like them...*sharpens knife*

Haha. Why, hello! Don't worry, I like it. I don't want to find out what you'd do with that knife if I didn't. O_O

Hmm. You're my favourite drink, dear. I don't know what I'd do without you.


Why, thank you! And Red Bull IS pretty tasty. Although I do like Monster more.

Welcome. :3

-drinks you-


Ahhhh. My insides. =O But thanks!
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