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home of the Shiny

"No, wait!" Candy yelled after them, but immediately clapped her paws over her mouth. She hadn't intended to say that out loud!
The Mareep began to try to catch up with the group.
Houdja had been attempting to follow Watermelon from the ground. He slapped his tail loudly on the ground.
"huh?" Rose said " Did you hear someone?" she asked Houdja who was hiting his tail on the ground.
Candy desperately tried to catch up, her little legs pounding the ground. But as soon as she got close, her nerves failed her and she dove in a bush.
The Mareep stayed there for a while, summing up her courage, before stepping out and saying: "Uhh..hi?"
Watermelon continued flying for a moment until the others talked behind her. Turning around and ignoring the scent of a Cheri tree, she asked, tilting her "eye-wings," "What's up?" Curiously, she floated down to Rose and Houdja, noticing the Mareep pad up behind them. Turning to the sheep, she flitted about, since she couldn't wave. "Oh, I'm Watermelon. How about you? We don't mean to scare you. We're just looking for a place to stay."

Carefully, the Masquerain spun around again, her green wings flapping furiously for a moment. "There's someone near by, I know it... and I think it's going to rain. At least nearby."
"I'm Candy." Candy told Watermelon, quickly gaining nerve by the Masquerain's friendliness. "Oh, and I don't live here." I don't live anywhere...Candy added in her thoughts.
Dreams heard a new voice talk. She turned and saw a purple Mareep. "Hey, you look like cotton candy!" Dreams said as she flew up to the shiny Mareep.
((OMG now be stunned by the awesomeness of a shiny Mew =D))
"I dunno. I'm just tagging along!" Dreams giggles, then turned into a Shiny Mareep, just like Candy. "TWINZ!"
Houdja happily trotted up to Candy. "Hi! My name's Houdja! Houdja Duthatt! No, that is not a question!"
Watermelon flitted closer to Houdja and giggled, snuggling him on the side of his head. "You're such a cute one," she commented, floating back up again. She shivered slightly.

((No, it's short... DD:))
"Hi Houdja!" Candy greeted the Wynaut. She giggled when Watermelon snuggled up to him. Then she looked at teh Umbreon. "And who are you?"
"She's Rose." Dreams replied, then turned into a Shiny Umbreon and stood next to rose. She made Rose spin around and around. "Who's the real one?" she said before she stopped, so Candy wouldn't have a clue.

((I already know. It's right))
Candy didn't have a clue, of course, so she just guessed.
"Uh, left?"
Candy didn't expect to get it right or anything, but you never know!
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