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HOPE Not Hate: Not in My Name


if the nineth lion ate the sun.
HOPE not hate was set up to counter racism and fascism in elections and beyond. Over the past few years the British National Party has seriously contested council elections all over the country and achieved 55 councillors at district/borough level after the May 2008 local elections, though this has since fallen to 54. The BNP is now concentrating all its resources on the European elections, in the hope of getting Nick Griffin elected to the European Parliament. Once there, he would link up with other European fascist parties, to gain international influence and, above all, funding beyond the BNP's dreams. At Searchlight we want to make sure that people know the full story about who the BNP are and what they really stand for. The HOPE not hate website aims to do just that, serving the anti-fascist movement and providing up to date news, good practice and analysis.

Sign our petition and help show what Britain thinks of the BNP - we'll be handing our petition to the European Parliament on the day Griffin and Brons take their seats. Join the campaign, upload a photo of yourself holding a sign saying "Not in my name" and then share this petition with your friends. Let's send a deafening message of defiance: NOT IN OUR NAME.


This is most relevant to UK residents but I guess you can always make up a postcode! And you don't need to post a picture if you'd rather not.

[ BNP ]
I'd be surprised if this forum had any BNP supporters. =P

But yes, as someone who can only spectate from the sidelines, I wish all of you not-stupid Brits the best of luck. :(
I'd be surprised then rage silently, haha. S'why I posted it here! ♥

And we will take your luck and promote it. |D
Fuck the BNP. I wish the European elections were tomorrow and not last Thursday. I might do this. After I shower and dress properly...
I'd be surprised then rage silently, haha. S'why I posted it here! ♥

And we will take your luck and promote it. |D

Silently? Wuss. D:

Yeah, I've been reading about this. Apparently the BNP recently got two seats there, though. The next day I saw an article in the same paper that said Nick Griffin had been egged. A lot. It made my day.
Uh yeah, flaming's kind of against the rules. If it was IRL I'd punch them in the face. 8)
BNP: 'Yeah we're against the European Union, but we're sure as hell going to make use of their handy privacy laws when it suits us!'
Depending on how you look at it, either 93, 90 or 87 years ago, my country became independent of England. And now I have a valid reason for saying "Thank fuck."

We got rid of all our fascists a long time ago.
Yeah, so do most countries. We also have every other major world religion and atheists.
yeah but

in ireland, the catholic church actually affects shit like abortions and homosexuals and stuff

at least over here all we have is the CoE which is probably the most weak-tea religion ever. "yeah we think we might be opposed to this but y'know we're not REALLY that angry about it, love and peace man".
homosexuality was only legalized in ireland in 1993. i mean you didn't have section 28 but you didn't even beat the britons to the race? tschhh

the britons! the whole damn country's in denial!
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well uh

I mean

we weren't the last :( section 26 was a travesty. :( hate politicians who defend it

Also it was only repealed in 2003 what the hell were you guys doing meanwhile.
leave Lady Thatcher alone okay she's a product of a different time :(

but uh I have no idea. bearing in mind that I only realised I was gay in 2003 I haven't the foggiest.

but I think we were just busy trying not to be hated at the time, you know?

EDIT: oh! and then there's the fact that lots of legislation in the UK sort of just gets ignored when it becomes unpopular and is just repealed later. it's how we roll.
but uh
I mean
if you drink under that and we notice we'll just give you a warning or occasionally take it off you if we need a hard-on

Yeah, that's pretty accurate.

(Thatcherrrrrr. *shakes fist*)
Leave Lady Thatcher alone :( the poor dear had a fall recently.

but yeah we have a major tendency to just ignore things we don't like or agree with. in fact I remember one time the police confiscated and later returned our alcohol, probably because they didn't want to deal with the paperwork of having confiscated it.

<3 that time

or like our attitude to most EU laws. "oh well we sort of like this I guess we'll listen BUT LIKE FUCK are we switching to the Euro >:("
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