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How is there not a Legends: Arceus thread yet?


New member
use what you think
Game looks super cool in general, can't believe there isn't a dedicated hype thread yet that I can find (am new, sorry if I missed it)
Game looks super cool in general, can't believe there isn't a Essay Writing Services dedicated hype thread yet that I can find (am new, sorry if I missed it)
I'm excited for the new game to release Pokémon Legends Arceus. It remind me of Breath of the Wild, which I spent many hours play in 2017. Now I spend most of my time writing essay instead !
Yeah... I wasn't expecting it to be in the first place, from the beginning it seemed to me to have more Monster Hunter-like vibes, but I can see how it's disappointing to people who were hoping for a more unrestricted experience. Especially since they were clearly really trying to cash in on the Breath of the Wild comparisons.

I love your new avatar btw, it's really cute ;_;
Working on postgame stuff now and not to be cringe on main but I kinda love this game. I love the game as a whole, how it's a huge departure from the formula, and a necessary change to the series and blah blah blah, completely echo the sentiments there, but it's just the little things about it too that really make me love it more. I love how beautiful the orchestral soundtrack is, I love how the Pokedex entries are written less like factoids from a book of trivia and more like an actual researcher writing their own thoughts and observations on a new species, I love the various little cultural differences you see from the NPCs that all immigrated to Hisui from other regions... All these cool little details that are scarce to nonexistent in other mainline games really sell this for me. That, and as a guy who makes a Living Dex for every single goddamn new release I get my hands on, the whole surveying thing and having dex completion drive the story really gets me going too.
it's really fuckin good yeah
the post plate collection battle is currently frustrating me rn, as someone who decided to build a second team immediately after the credits rolled, since I first went into it with my team an average of ~15 levels underlevelled. I've gotten my team up to a minimum of lv60 by now and making progress. Shadow Force is also complete bullshit.
What a fabulous game! It’s the most fun I have had completing a Pokédex, literally ever. Postgame, had a blast shiny hunting for a good while and completing side quests.
PLA was my favourite pokemon game since the 3DS era. I had given up on the main series games after Sword/Shield so I didn't even bother with Scarlet/Violet or the Diamond/Pearl remakes, but I was super into PLA. The graphics are kind of ugly and the gameplay somewhat repetitive but it's just the mixup to the formula that the franchise needed. The fact that it didn't feel utterly unfinished like Sw/Sh helped.

I also enjoyed some of the characters it introduced, like Volo and Cogita. I especially like how it plays into fans' knowledge of Sinnoh lore. It's not that it's appealing to nostalgia, it's that fans have grown up with the gen 4 games and know the basic gist of the origin myth and history of the region and it kind if became a background part of pokemon fan culture for a while, for lack of a better way of explaining it? We all know Arceus is the god of the pokemon universe, we know Giratina is devillish, we know some of the stories from Canalave library and Celestic town. Some fans wrote fanfic or made fanart about some of it but the games never really went into much more detail about any of it - until now.

I can't describe it other than it fitting well into pokemon fandom culture. We each come from different countries with different mythologies and folklore, but as pokemon fans we have the Sinnoh myths as a shared point of reference, and we get to continue to experience it together, too.
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