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I'm excited for the new game to release Pokémon Legends Arceus. It remind me of Breath of the Wild, which I spent many hours play in 2017. Now I spend most of my time writing essay instead !Game looks super cool in general, can't believe there isn't a Essay Writing Services dedicated hype thread yet that I can find (am new, sorry if I missed it)
honestly I think the way this is described sounds better than open-world, if only because I don't trust the Pokemon company and GameFreak to not make it super barren like 95% of open world gamesApparently it isn't actually going to be open world
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Is Clearly Not Going To Be Open-World [Update]
The Pokémon Diamond and Pearl prequel is less Breath of the Wild, more Pocket Monster Hunterkotaku.com
So what does everyone think of the game so far?
I love this game. I've been shiny hunting!
at least 10, mostly from mass outbreaksI love this game. I've been shiny hunting!
how many do you have currently ?
it's really fuckin good yeah[...]