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How many strings would you have to pull...


New member
If you wanted to make your own pkmn tv show?

Specifically....like say...

1.) If you wanted the same art styles used in the currently airing series.
2.) If you wanted a different animation team for battles and such.
3.) If you wanted to gear it towards a slightly older audience.
4.) Getting the rights to any previously made material such as music an the like, considering different dubbing companies have made original songs.
5.) Getting Nintendo's "ok" for it.

Because I have seen various topics like "I could make a better show" and I ask....how? The show is being created in Japan and considering (won't mention own interpretations), I dont see how it would be possible.
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Hmm...I don't see how either. And considering how large the Pokemon franchise is now, even if we did get a anime together and they air it, it'll probably just get dissed. Or Nintendo will yell at us for 'copyright infringement'.
Unless somehow we get the equipment necessary and a team of dedicated people. We also need directors, artists, animators....a lot of people need to be there just to make 10 seconds of one episode.

I think that whoever posts topics such as those don't really think about how impossible it is to really make a show, and not just any show, a successful Pokemon anime. They really just post it out of anger for the current anime, if you ask me.
Because I have seen various topics like "I could make a better show" and I ask....how? The show is being created in Japan and considering (won't mention own interpretations), I dont see how it would be possible.
They probably mean they could make a better storyline for the anime.
Yes. When people say, "I could make a better show," they mean, "Hypothetically, if I were in charge of the show, it would be better," not, "I personally could go create a better show from the ground up right now if I felt like it."
Hmm...I don't see how either. And considering how large the Pokemon franchise is now, even if we did get a anime together and they air it, it'll probably just get dissed. Or Nintendo will yell at us for 'copyright infringement'.

No I mean if ninty did allow us the "ok" for a show. Even though they would never :P

I think that whoever posts topics such as those don't really think about how impossible it is to really make a show, and not just any show, a successful Pokemon anime. They really just post it out of anger for the current anime, if you ask me.

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