• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hullo, I'm back...

Zephyr Stars

New member
...though I highly doubt that anyone but Flora and Ashes remembers me. I talked to very few people, but perhaps the fact that I'm Flora's sister may job one or two people's memories. I dunno. I was Zephie the Pichu, although now I decided to just stick to my typical username, Zephyr Stars.
Flora kept bothering me to come back even though lately I'm deluged with the wonderful thing called summer homework and have little time to finish it in...so here I am...


Anyway. I'm done ranting now.
*shoos away header*
I love the fact that it doesn't go away until after 2 posts. :D

Welcomez back. ^^
Hello, hello! I'm Arylett (+Dawnsborough, nobody ever says that part though), hmm, yes. And I've come to welcome you, obviously! So yes, welcome back and have a most excellent time! (And I can feel your pain, I am deluged in a fair share of summer homework as well. AP classes suck.)
Ahah, Flora's sister is back,
Although knowledge of you I do rather lack,

And it looks like we have similar usernames,
But fortunately they're not the same.

And now, without further ado,
I'll sing the Welcoming Song to you.

Welcome and well come.

Enjoy your stay, however long,
And meanwhile, listen to this song.

Welcome to t-C-o-D,
Where we eat cod and drink mint tea,
And everyone is, to an extent, happy,
Under the leadership of Butterfree.

We'll talk about stuff, like Pokémon,
We'll play random games, and sing random songs,
I hope your stay is rather long,
For this is a place for everyone.

But to commemorate what is lost,
A slight change in tone of verse,
Pokémon and humans mourn all around
As we carry the old forums' hearse,

And although what was great has passed,
We can rise again, you see,
It'll take a bit of work, but we can do it, for
We are tCoD!!!
Hi Flora's sister
Im the Ultimate Pikachu, or pikachu629
Welcome to TCoD, where we live under the rule of Butterfree!
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