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I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon


The Mewtwo-loving Espeon!
I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Well, I was looking through my Pokémon guide, with all Pokémon exept Shaymin and Arceus, I think. And, I couldn't find a single Pokémon I hated. So, what do you think? Is anyone else like this at all, or am I alone?
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Well, there isn't a Pokemon that I absolutely hate. There are soem that I'm like eww or ugly, but none that I hate.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I don't hate any.
There were a few (i didn't like how they looked), but i forced myself to train them so i could finish a pokedex, and it turned out that they weren't so bad after all, i actually started to really like them after a while. Now i can't judge any pokemon without having had it on my team for some amount of time.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Most of the Pokémon I don't like are for other reasons, not really anything to do with the Pokémon itself--examples being the giant cloud of stupidity surrounding Pikachu in the anime, the idiotic Mudkip meme that's infected most of the Internet by now, Lucario's rabid fanboys, Garchomp's "only because of use in battle" popularity, and Sky Form Shaymin's not-looking-anything-like-an-alternate-form-of-Shaymin-ness. But I don't really hate the Pokémon themselves.

Except Lickilicky. I really despise Lickilicky, and if someone just happened to wipe it from existence... I'd probably give them a free candy bar or something.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I have things against pokemon who don't seem to have any purpose or ones I have had reasons for not liking in the past. And for some reason I seem to really hate the eeveelutions, as a group, but individually, I like them (except maybe umbreon,espeon and Jolteon, dunno why.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

=D Somebody else who hates Lucario for exactly that reason!

I don't really hate any Pokemon besides Lucario, though.

D= It's not Lucario's fault ;_;

I don't think there are any Pokémon I hate... just Pokémon I like, Pokémon I really like, and Pokémon I don't like or really like. ^_^
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

If theres any pokemon I don't like there is a reason, take Jigglypuff, keeps ruining my favourite game. SSB.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I don't hate or particularly dislike any Pokémon... Sure, there are a few which I don't like quite as much, but that's a different matter altogether.
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Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I don't hate Pokemon, but some scare me. I try to hide that fear with hate, but sometimes it doesn't work out.

But the ones I like greatly outweigh the ones that scare me.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I don't hate any at all. No offense, everyone, but I think disliking Pokemon because everyone else likes them isn't a very good reason. Just my opinion, though; think about all the others who would be sad if it disappeared.

I don't have a least favorite Pokemon either. I have a top four, and then the rest I like equally.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I do have my top favorites, but after those I tend to just go through phases of liking certain Pokemon. I can't think of one I seriously hate.

...although Kricketune does annoy the hell out of me for some reason I can't quite put my finger on.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

There might be few who bug me a little (tentacool and wingull), but I don't have any pokemon that I despise.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

With Pokemon, I just look at them and something clicks. Either I think they're pretty cool, meh-ish, I love them, or I utterly despise them. My opinions of Pokemon rarely change, actually. Once I hate 'em, I hate 'em.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

There's not really any Pokemon I really hate, either. I sort of dislike some of them, but I don't really hate them.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Stats-wise, I have a few in mind. Namely Sunkern and even Magikarp (to an extent). Aesthetically speaking, some do seem to look slightly odd, but I do not hate them.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I don't really hate any particular Pokemon, just because there's so many angles. Aesthetics, effectiveness-in-battle, general appeal, and what have you. So most of the ones I don't like I can't justify, because I haven't experienced all the angles on some of them.

But there are exceptions. Like Lickilicky, and Probopass, and some others. Mostly 4th gens, though.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

D= It's not Lucario's fault ;_;

I don't think there are any Pokémon I hate... just Pokémon I like, Pokémon I really like, and Pokémon I don't like or really like. ^_^

Same, though I still can't seem to put a finger on Mr. Mime. To hate or not to like?
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Overpowered pokemon bug me. No originality. Salamence, Mew, Garchomp and Tyranitar, so predictable.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I have issues with Pokemon that just don't go away (Zubat, Bidoof, Geodude), and pointless and ugly prevo/evolutions like Igglybuff or Lickylicky.

Most others are cool, though.
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