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I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Some Pokémon really tick me off when they are opponents in contests. Especially that Clefairy named Buffy. But I don't hate them.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Some Pokémon really tick me off when they are opponents in contests. Especially that Clefairy named Buffy. But I don't hate them.

I've never seen that particular Pokemon in a contest, but now all I can think of is "Clefairy the Vampire Slayer".
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Some Pokémon really tick me off when they are opponents in contests. Especially that Clefairy named Buffy. But I don't hate them.

Jumpy. Jumpy Jumpy Jumpyjumpyjumpy freaking Jumpy!

>.< I want to shoot that damned Kangaskhan

Also, Dannichu, you just made me want to make a one shot sprite comic ^^
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I like all Pokémon.
No questions asked.
I have some Top Pokémon, but I really like everything else.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I hate Bidoof. You could just kick it in the face and it would make me feel a whole lot better 0_0
AAAANNND Croagunk. They remind me of this boy in my school who has a face just like a Croagunk. UGH. I could punch a Croagunk and not feel bad.

Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

and pointless and ugly prevo/evolutions like Igglybuff or Lickylicky.

Aww, but I love Cleffa ;-;
Igglybuff and Lickylicky are a bit weird (although the latter inspired a hilarious conversation with a friend once), but pre-evos are usually awesome D:
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I hate shaymin's sky form. >:( Blasted thing is so ugly and unshaymin-ish.
And bidoof. So ridiculously common... It's ruined quite a few pokeradar chains on me.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

=D Somebody else who hates Lucario for exactly that reason!

I don't really hate any Pokemon besides Lucario, though.

I hate Lucario because it mops the floor with half my party every time I challenge Maylene. It's so, so, so frustrating. Ooh! And Cynthia's strongest Pokemon is also a Lucario!
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Garchomp. Need I say more?

Okay, I will anyway. Ugly, super overpowered, and the worst part, totally stole Flygon's mojo.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Mr. Mime. I hate that dancing freak so much. That thing could give little kids nightmares.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I hate Lucario because it mops the floor with half my party every time I challenge Maylene. It's so, so, so frustrating. Ooh! And Cynthia's strongest Pokemon is also a Lucario!

Really? I defeated Maylene on my first try, with not even 1 Pokemon knocked out. I defeated Cynthia with no problem, I didn't even know her Lucario was strong.

Anyways, Pokemon I hate:
4.)Shaymin-Land forme
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I actually hate quite a few: all baby Pokémon, Jynx, Mr. Mime, Lickitung and Lickilicky, Tangrowth, Zubat and Golbat, Raticate, Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, the Chimchar family, the Turtwig family, Groudon, Magnezone, Electivire, Togekiss, and Magmortar, and that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm mostly affected by design (why did they have to ruin the evolution lines of Magnemite, Electabuzz, Togepi, and Magmar with fat, ugly Pokémon? WHY?), frankly. I haven't seen Luvdisc and Feebas enough to hate them.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I. Don't. Hate. Any. Of. Them. I don't even hate Gyarados, which is really annoying because I have Infernape.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I actually hate quite a few: all baby Pokémon, Jynx, Mr. Mime, Lickitung and Lickilicky, Tangrowth, Zubat and Golbat, Raticate, Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, the Chimchar family, the Turtwig family, Groudon, Magnezone, Electivire, Togekiss, and Magmortar, and that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm mostly affected by design (why did they have to ruin the evolution lines of Magnemite, Electabuzz, Togepi, and Magmar with fat, ugly Pokémon? WHY?), frankly. I haven't seen Luvdisc and Feebas enough to hate them.

I am saddened. :C Poor Togekiss, why doesn't anyone love him? He's so cute! And so's Lickilicky. It's kinda annoying that no-one seems to understand what he's based on. You know those mascots old diners and stuff used to have? The really fat kids with the overalls or whatever? That seemed to always be holding a tray or having a thumb up? yeah, those. That's clever.

See, there's really not much of a reason to hate any Pokemon. Think it's unappealing to the eye, perhaps, sure. Hating it because people like it is stupid and shallow. Hating it because you can't get one is jealousy. Hating it because it's stronger than you is stupid and means you need to train more or come up with a better strategy.

I'm really starting to like the Pokemon most people don't, so I can get to know them better. I'm going to start raising a Probopass in Platinum to see how much I'll like it. I've used lots of Pokemon I used to dislike and found out how cool they were. Yanmega, Lickilicky, Swallot, Purugly... All those and more. Just try using one and you'll see how awesome they can be. C:


tl;dr - FMC loves all Pokemon big and small, and all the Togekiss and Lickilicky hate makes her sad. :C
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Mr Mime, Squirtle, wartortle, Bellsprout's family, the eevee family, latias/latios, onix/steelix, riolu, rampardos, bastiodon, The Piplup family, the caterpie family, raticate, torterra and grotle.

So thats quite a lot then.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

I've used lots of Pokemon I used to dislike and found out how cool they were. Yanmega, Lickilicky, Swallot, Purugly... All those and more. Just try using one and you'll see how awesome they can be.

So true. I didn't think much of Rotom, until I needed an electric type in Platinum.
And then it was love.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

So true. I didn't think much of Rotom, until I needed an electric type in Platinum.
And then it was love.

You can have my Rotom then. I failed it :sad:

I have an immature hatred of Lucario due to whole Smash Bros. fiasco. And Hoenn pokemon in general (if it's not a Treecko, Manetric, Torkoal and Kecleon). And then there's the Togepi family tree...
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

No Pokemon itself is hated, it's just small things about them that get on people's nerves, like overpoweredness, ugliness, and issues like the fact Mr. Mime can be a girl and is still called MR. Mime. Creepy. But other than that, they're all pretty cool, for no real reason except that they're powerful non-existent creatures, and people seem to like things like that.

This is just my opinion, and all this is referring to me, by the way.
Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

Meh, I only hate pokemon if the game gives them really annoying AI, like a sand-attack spam or something. Other than that, there are some pokemon I'm just not fond of, like:

-The second nose guy

I know there's more, I just don't remember them at the moment.

Some people don't like the Togepi evolutions either, but I like them just because it reminds me of my friends. We used to play through the game together, always with Togepi.
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