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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I hate Nintendo.

am i the only person who likes events...?
it's like the only time i get to meet pokemon fans irl, i think they're great
but then again i kinda live near a few cities...
Guys, cheating is perfectly fine as long as it isn't for super powerful pokemon or doing something for you like beating the E4.
Really, cheating is perfectly fine in most instances—certainly all non‐competitive instances. The only exception I can think of is in tournaments or other places where both battlers have agreed to use only legitimate methods (but if you’ve agreed beforehand that cheated monsters are okay then go hog‐wild). And of course if you personally dislike cheating devices, don’t use ’em.

As for events, well, who needs them? Cheat for it if you want it that badly, and if you don’t then be content in the fact that you’re righteously playing the game the way Game Freak wanted it to be played. Butterfree already pointed out that the games are perfectly completable without events.
I hate Nintendo also, but not because of that. All of their games are geared toward casual gamers!!! What about the people that are actually good at video games, like me???
Meh, I like events; even though there are barely any here. It feels like that's the point with the events, you know. We're talking about ultra rare Pokémon, not everyone is supposed to have'em.

Personally, I use trade forums :)
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