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I have Action Replay!

P.S. Nobody cares if you don't like Action Replays. Can't say anything nice, etc etc? Falls in this category.
Yay? Action Replays are always fun. But I refuse to use one since a friend brought one to school, took my diamond version, and hacked in like 999 Master Balls. Which are so tempting x_x

1. Use them on a bunch of Bidoofs or something
2. Put them on the GTS (holding a master ball, of course)
3. ???
4. Profit!

I personally don't use action replays. But I do like watching other people use them and watch their games screw up beyond comprehension.
Psh, I have the ultimate cheats from my super secret cheat recorse.*shifty eyes*

But I need a new one, with the Arceus event cheat, the 100% capture rate, the run anywhere cheat, the shiny cheat, the level 99 cheat, and, the Pokemon modifier cheat!(Bwahahahaha!)

Good luck messing with your game and uncovering some possibly harmful glitches.
I really would like a Walk through Walls on my diamond... oh well. Good for you, I guess. As long as you only want Arceus for Data.
I tried using a friend's Gameshark once on my FireRed and a few others. The cheats I wanted wouldn't work, and I realize that if I'd done that there would be absolutely no fun to the game.

So the only cheats I use are the in-game ones. Like the cloning trick in Emerald. @_@ Good lord, I spent at least 4 hours getting 250 Rare Candies through that trick. Now I have 6 boxes of Minun.
I daren't try walking through walls (and I know the glitch with NO cheat device, it worked! Never done it again after my game crashed. But, now my dex is 100% complete, and I'm playing as a GIRL!
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