• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I'm back.

Flametail von Karma

RedPawxLakePaool otp.
Hi, guys. Remember me? Probably not. I was a rather obscure member.

I kind of came on once and posted something regarding a (horrible and hilarious) Warriors fanfic, and announced I was probably back. I proceeded to not return again.

So... this time I actually intend to be back to an extent. So yeah.

... But for anyone who doesn't know me, you should probably be aware that my fandoms are as follows: Warriors, Ace Attorney, Kingdom Hearts, Hetalia, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's also worth note that I am an insane crackshipper. 8D And Leafpool is my best friend~

;~; It feels so good to be back on a forum where swearing isn't frowned upon.
Sup man

Since you've been here before, I take it you know about the carnivorous welcome mats and the large amount of vendors in the hotel lobby.

So I'll just say hi

Le gasp! There be people who remember me. 8O

And hello to those of you I've never seen before, too~

Do you obsessively whip people?

Yes, foolishly foolish fool of a fool.

the name

i remembers it

Welcome back, Miss kon Varma. May I take your bags?

I remember you, too. I appreciate the offer, but it's fine; the only thing my bags contain is my sanity, and I don't use that too much.
I do remember a von Karma here before, but I'm 98.3% sure it was not you. Unless you've gotten a mod to change your name in the 3 hours you've been back here. So, you're new to me.

So welcome back, newbie. :D
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