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I'm happy! c:


Wise old egg
My boyfriend just proposed to me. It wasn't a surprise because he'd already told me months ago he was going to and I'd already told him I would accept, so it was more of a formality than anything, but - ! I'm excited and happy! :]
Thanks guys! We are tentatively setting the date at September 3rd, as that's the day we had our first date. Obviously this upcoming September is too soon, so we're going for the next year.

We were celebrating his 21st birthday with his friends tonight [though his birthday was yesterday] and we told them and they were so happy for us! It was wonderful. Plus his best friend is going to be the best man and my best friend [his best friend's girlfriend] is going to be my maid of honor.
Thanks, Flazeah! ^^ And by the way, if anyone knows of any sites that guide one through the wedding planning / getting married processes [preferably American-based ones, if it matters] then by all means, throw a link my way. I'm lost here.
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