A chickadee in love with the sky
- Pronoun
- she/her
IndigoEmmy vs myuma
Format: 3v3 Singles
Style: Switch. We can switch out our Pokémon in a way similar to playing against NPCs in pokémon video games.
DQ: Like a week or so. A little more is fine but TRY AND KEEP IT TO A WEEK.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO moves. One direct heal per Pokemon (added here).
Arena Description: A tournament at a small dojo, there were about 8 trainers and me and whoever else moved up the ranks, ready for a battle. This is a tournament for trainers just setting off on their journey, so evolved pokémon aren't welcome here.
Additional Rules: Again, no evolved pokémon.
IndigoEmmy's active squad
Riolu the male Riolu <Steadfast>
Floof the female Buneary <Run Away>
Baby the female Togepi <Serene Grace>
Cardinal the male Fletchling <Big Pecks>
myuma's active squad
Silke the female Cottonee <Prankster>
Aster the male Vulpix (Alola Form) <Snow Cloak>
Konani the female Solosis <Magic Guard> @ Life Orb
Alright! I haven't done this in like a year probably so let's see what I've all forgotten! :D
Turn order (randomized):
@myuma sends out a Pokémon
@IndigoEmmy sends out a Pokémon and posts commands
myuma posts commands
Copying this from Eif's latest thread:
Eifie will ref; I will write descriptions and post! Good luck both of you!
Format: 3v3 Singles
Style: Switch. We can switch out our Pokémon in a way similar to playing against NPCs in pokémon video games.
DQ: Like a week or so. A little more is fine but TRY AND KEEP IT TO A WEEK.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO moves. One direct heal per Pokemon (added here).
Arena Description: A tournament at a small dojo, there were about 8 trainers and me and whoever else moved up the ranks, ready for a battle. This is a tournament for trainers just setting off on their journey, so evolved pokémon aren't welcome here.
Additional Rules: Again, no evolved pokémon.
IndigoEmmy's active squad

myuma's active squad

Alright! I haven't done this in like a year probably so let's see what I've all forgotten! :D
Turn order (randomized):
@myuma sends out a Pokémon
@IndigoEmmy sends out a Pokémon and posts commands
myuma posts commands
Copying this from Eif's latest thread:
Eifie said:Let me know if you have any questions on how to play! You can look at other battle threads for examples of commands; the most basic form is just move 1 ~ move 2 ~ move 3. You might want to give conditional commands if you're the one commanding first since you don't know what the other person is going to do. Those are like "use move A, but if your opponent is Protecting then use move B instead" and you would write the command string like move A / move B ~ second command ~ third command. I recommend just starting with whatever commands you feel like giving and not worrying too much about strategy; you can try out more complex things later on!
Eifie will ref; I will write descriptions and post! Good luck both of you!
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