Round Six
IndigoEmmy (2/3 left)
Floof ♀
Ability: Run Away
Health: 85%
Energy: 76%
Status: Angry! How dare Silke insult her for her grand move?! Leech seeded (1% health/action). Taunted (2 more actions).
myuma (3/3 left)
Silke ♀
Ability: Prankster
Health: 79%
Energy: 76%
Status: Despairing over the state of her cotton. Burned (mild, 2% health/round, 0.75x base power for physical attacks).
+3 Defense.

Konani, 70%H/40%E, 0 direct heals left
Silke inhales. She's got to do something about this fire, and she has to be fast. Quickly she whistles up a gentle breeze that wafts through the dojo; she feels faster, but now she's worried about the wind spreading the flames through her cotton. She has bigger problems, though, because Floof shrieks and blasts her with another fiery punch. The Buneary's paws are completely engulfed in flames, and the rage seems to burn through her eyes, too.
Silke backs off, charging her own attack. With the sunlight beating down into the room, she finds it faster and easier than ever before to charge her Solar Beam, and she looses it with a snarl. The beam of solar energy throws Floof back, but she recovers and slams another punch into Silke. As the Cottonee cries out, layers of cotton disintegrating into ash, Floof steps back. The insult and embarrassment she felt over Silke's cruel words are fading, and Floof stops to focus.
In the meantime, Silke shoots parasitic plant energy at Floof, sapping the Buneary's strength and restoring some of it to the Cottonee.
Well, thinks Floof,
she probably deserves just one more Fire Punch... Floof lashes out once more and then lets her paws rest, as Silke tries to extinguish her flames.
IndigoEmmy (2/3 left)
Floof ♀
Ability: Run Away
Health: 58%
Energy: 64%
Status: Feeling vindicated. Leech seeded (1% health/action).
Used: Fire Punch ~ Fire Punch ~ Fire Punch
myuma (3/3 left)
Silke ♀
Ability: Prankster
57% 55%
Energy: 64%
Status: Stop, drop, roll; stop, drop, roll... Burned (mild, 2% health/round, 0.75x base power for physical attacks). Has a Tailwind (1 more action).
+1 Defense.
Used: Tailwind ~ Solar Beam ~ Giga Drain

Konani, 70%H/40%E, 0/1 Direct heals left
Arena Status
- There is a long gash in the roof of the dojo. Boards and debris now litter the floor.
- The intense sun is shining straight through the gash into everyone's eyes. (1 more action).
Damage and Energy
- Floof's Health: 85% - 15% (Solar Beam) - 9% (Giga Drain) - 3% (Leech Seed) = 58%
- Floof's Energy: 76% - 4% (Fire Punch) - 4% (Fire Punch) - 4% (Fire Punch) = 64%
- Silke's Health: 79% - 9% (Fire Punch) - 9% (Fire Punch) + 4% (Giga Drain) -
9% 11% (Fire Punch) - 2% (burn) + 3% (Leech Seed) = 57%
- Silke's Energy: 76% - 4% (Tailwind) - 4% (Solar Beam) - 4% (Giga Drain)= 64%
- Speed order: Silke (132) > Floof (85).
- Cotton is pretty susceptible to like, burning... so I'm gonna say that for every 10% of Fire-type damage Silke takes, she'll lose a layer of her Cotton Guard. She lost one after the second action and one after the third, reducing her Defense boost at the end of the round to +1. She's taken 27% Fire-type damage total since putting up the Cotton Guard.
- @IndigoEmmy commands first.