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Isabella Here!


Whatcha' doin?
Hi hi! Isabella's the name, and being hyper's my game! I bet you can never guess my favorite show~*sarcastic* Anyhoo, let me say something about me: I'm getting promoted to 6th grade soon (I think on my birthday!), my favorite Pokemon is Houndoom, my favorite legend is Lugia, and I love Roleplaying and my friends say I'm creative! I'm hoping to make new friends here, and to have fun! See ya' around!

P.S-I like colors. But I won't get out of control with them, I swear!
I thought you would be my Twilight-crazy friend. But then again, she likes Edward, not Bella...

Anyhoo, hello, I'm Mewtwo. I hope to see you around the role-play section!
I thought you would be my Shugo Chara-crazy friend. But then again, she doesn't like Phineas and Ferb...

Well. I'm Minny, and uh, welcome. You're 10 and you're getting promoted to sixth grade?
Why YOU?? Well, have fun and enjoy your stay.
Hi, Mewtwo! Hi, Minkow! Sorry I'm not the ones you expected...Also, my birthday is after the school year, like other kids in the school, so I shall not be 11 until then! Yay for random! I might be around the Roleplaying forum...*smirks*
Hi, Mewtwo! Hi, Minkow! Sorry I'm not the ones you expected...Also, my birthday is after the school year, like other kids in the school, so I shall not be 11 until then! Yay for random! I might be around the Roleplaying forum...*smirks*

Oh, I get the Isabella reference. Do I wiiin? :D

Ah yes. Anyway, I'm RandomTyphoon. Heee, Phineas and Ferb~
^^ welcome to this place of TCoD, where... aw screw this, everyone has good T-CoD references, and stuuf. ;;
Hi, Isabella! We both have something in common: I love role-playing as well. I usually spend all my time there, although I also visit the Clubs and Artwork forums occasionally.

My favorite Pokémon is Purugly (Thanks to an RP called the Rack Shackle Pack! :) ) and my favorite legendary Pokémon is Entei, followed by Dialgla.

I haven't heard of Phineas and Ferb, much less seen it, but I am a big fan of Naruto, which is an animé.

Hope you have a good time!
Hello, Isabella. I hope we can be good friends. Guess what? MY NAME IS ISABELLE. 8)

I like roleplaying as well. I probably only have a hundred posts in forums other than roleplaying. I hope to see you around!~

Also, this is true for me, since I am her twin:
I haven't heard of Phineas and Ferb, much less seen it, but I am a big fan of Naruto, which is an animé.

Hope you have a good time!

P.S. I forgot what I was going to say here.
^ That has taught me a lot. I will not use colored font! *pledging* Anyway, hi! Dewgong, I am good. I wish I had a twin. I only have an annoying older sister. She's only older by 2 years, she doesn't know everything!
Another young person!! Hai, I'm called Notory around here. I'm glad TCoD is getting more people around my age. XD
Anyways, I hope you have fun and drink tea and cod. Yes, you have to drink the cod.
Hey, Phineas and Ferb is an okay show. Have a nice time, seeya around, ect, ect.
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