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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


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Hooray for you! Doing anything special? What did you get?

Well done, it's your birthday,
Your turn has finally come,
And birthdays are the perfect time
To have a load of fun!

Falthor, Falthor,
You're seventeen today!
Falthor, Falthor,
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I wish you a happy birthday!
You're one year older today~
This calls for celibration~
But I don't have a cake~
So I give you this song~
For you to enjoy~
Happy seventeenth birthday, Falthor~
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Good for you. You're only one year away from the milestone common knowledge calls being charged as an adult adulthood.
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Oh, great, more people copying my songs -_- *Jabs usertitle with finger*

Just kidding.
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Oh yeah, disclaimer:

inspiration for all songs made by me and the idea in general is (c) to Castform.

And again, Happy Birthday.
Re: …?

I got a car. I knew that I would because I've been driving it. XD It's a '95 Explorer, but I'm not complaining. It's been properly maintained, so its gas milage has improved somewhat to what I'd say is 28 MPG HWY? I'm unsure, but I shall find out. Anyway, I hung out with friends and family right now, and I'm taking a quick breather, working on the RPG and all, but I shall depart to hang out with them again around five till God knows when.

License tomorrow!
That was the biggest failing at thread titles ever.
Happy birthday, though!
What day is today?
It is Falthor's birthday.
What a day for a birthday
Now let's all have some cake.

And you smell like one, too.

this birthday song is stolen from Futurama and NOT from Castform.

EDIT: Wow, this is my 745th post, and it was made at 7:45pm O_o If only it were July 45th...
Thanks, Kratos. By the way, we need to talk forum skins and uploading and other important crap right now. Get on PM'ing or register for the forums if you can. I still got 45 minutes to shoot bull so we can definitely get a head-start on this foruming business. That is, if you can.

Sorry if that was kind of rude. xD

(And isn't it strange that the forum's birthday is also my own? AWESOME! XD)
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