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JackPK vs Lord of the Fireflies

Round Ten

JackPK (1/2 left)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 4%
Energy: 54%
Status: "IT NEVER ENDS..." Camouflaged (Flying-type). Torrent activated. Moderately paralyzed (17% failure chance).

Lord of the Fireflies (2/2 left)
Chime ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Illusion
Health: 16%
Energy: 84%
Status: "Hey, what kind of welcome was that?!"

togetic Icarus: 11% health / 29% energy / moderately poisoned


Sheena gulps and turns to face her opponent, unsure of herself. Yeah, she's on her home turf now, but is she fast enough to outspeed her perfectly healthy opponent? Well, whether she can or not, she's got to try, in the name of all things bad croak. The Froakie glances frantically from side to side, trying her best to look like she's forming an exit plan before shooting forward through the water with all the speed she can muster. Chime turns her head suddenly in surprise, and for a moment Sheena allows herself to feel hopeful, but then the Zorua grins wickedly, a dark aura bursting from her scuba diving suit. Swiftly she leaps forward to heatbutt Sheena in the stomach, and the Froakie's vision fades out, the last of her strength gone.


JackPK (0/2 left)
Ability: Torrent
Health: 0%
Energy: 54%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: nothing

Lord of the Fireflies (2/2 left)
Chime ♀ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Illusion
Health: 16%
Energy: 80%
Status: Cackling victoriously.
Used: Sucker Punch

togetic Icarus: 11% health / 29% energy / moderately poisoned

Arena Status
  • It's too bad we can't lay like this forever...

Damage and Energy
  • Sheena's Health: 4% - 10% (Sucker Punch) = 0%
  • Sheena's Energy: 54%
  • Chime's Health: 16%
  • Chime's Energy: 84% - 4% (Sucker Punch) = 80%

  • The way priority interects with waiting to move when both moves have the same positive priority is kind of iffy. With the large speed advantage and the fact that Sucker Punch is obviously performed very quickly and only needed minimal impact to knock Sheena out, I decided that Chime was able to cut Sheena off by using it.
  • And LotF wins! The database will handle the prizes and exp: I think Icarus gets 2 exp and can now evolve, Chime gets 3 exp, and Sheena and Louise get 1 exp and happiness each. LotF gets $16, JackPK gets $8, and I split $10 with TruetoCheese. Good battle, both!
It's too bad, but yeah, that's pretty much what I expected. But hey, at least Sheena can evolve now! (Or at least, as soon as the database processes prizes, lol.) Thanks for the battle, LotF! And thanks to both refs!
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