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Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

His personality does say that Luxcario's character is clever and has a strong mind, and I've heard of people who've skipped some grades, so age 10 could be acceptable since Luxcario says that Marcus is smart (or strong mind, whatever)

Of course, I'll let Greaser give the final decision to bump the age up or not. :)
JMMP Battle System

General Guidelines of Combat Mode
-All Mew Mews are strictly limited to their chosen move set
-All Mew Mews begin with 200 HP and with every hit taken, the health drops
-Once an attack is used up to its limit it cannot be used for the remainder of the battle
-Effectiveness of an attack with accuracy less than 100% is determined with my virtual dice roller
-Your job is to use your post to demonstrate what moves he/she will be trying to use and the actions taken to execute them.
-My job is to post whether they work or not and the predacites attacks. I will be managing the stats of everyone ;)

How to attack
1)How many commands can we make of our Mews?
2)What about our Mews outside skills and talents?
3)Can we dodge an enemy attack?
4)How do Type advantages and disadvantages apply?
5)Do the Mews dominant and weakest stats factor in to the total damage?
6)What happens if my Mew runs out of attacks during battle?
7)How often will Greaser post showing the change in HP and limit moves left?
8)What happens when my Mews HP drops to 0?

1)Post out a maximum of 3 commands and only 2 can be attacks from your move set explaining how the character moves around during battle. Please place chosen attacks in parenthesis beside the action sentence that corresponds with it.

Mona jumped up and drew her arms back, puffing out her chest as her cheeks rounded, and exhaled a thick layer of smoke (Smokescreen). She then dove backwards and began to spiral through the air with her arms stretched out. A ring of fire emerged out of thin air trailing the arcs made by her spinning motion and upon her sudden stop, she dropped through the bottom to try and escape the incoming Shadow Ball which automatically sent the ring towards the enemy (Fire Spin).

*Notice how even though the attacks are explained thoroughly, they are not said to have had any effect yet for my post that shall follow will do just that.


The predacite roared, finding the smokescreen too thick to see through and ducked just barely dodging the ring of fire cutting through the smoke (Rolled 92).

*The note in parenthesis expresses whether the virtual dice roller was in your favor or failed your attack, like the failed Fire Spin. It only had an accuracy of 85 so on the 100 sided die rolling anything above 85 will result in failure of effectiveness.

*Predacite moves function the same

2)Utilizing outside abilities can help prevent the Mew Mew from using attacks up to their limit quickly.

In the event that a skill is used with an attack, the damage of the attack is increased by multiplying it by 1.5

If the skill is used alone offensively, the damage it inflicts is 30 and is of the NORMAL Type

3)Spending one of your two possible action commands to dodge an attack decreases the incoming attack by 10%

Dodge will have no effect if the attack cannot miss (ie. Swift, Aerial Ace, etc)

4)Attacks that are strong against the opposing Type are doubled in damage and those that are weak against the opposing Type are halved or eliminated in damage

5)The dominant stats of a Mew Mews specie increases the damage they can deal with the corresponding attack by adding 1/4 of the base damage of the chosen attack and can reduce the weakest stats by 1/4

6)If a Mew Mew runs out of useable moves it will Struggle. This is an instant 45 damage towards the enemy for a single post before your Mew Mew instant KO's.

7)I will post the changes in stats after every Mew participating in battle has posted after my previous post.

8)When a Mew Mew KO's, the post following will be of his/her whiting out. The player cannot post till after the end of battle.
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