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knives alley hydra mafia

I believe it is TIME for me to go to BED.
On the other hand, that never really works out, does it?

alma lonesome is what I call it when no one else has checked into wolfchat yet :(
when the mater is sus

alma mater
This is who the mafia will KILL on night ONE.

at the risk of actually doing analysis during the earlymemepages of the thread, I'm reading this as like a 75% chance a wolf would never be this blatant so therefore this is town-indicative, 25% chance zori just acts blatant as a wolf and therefore this is wolf-indicative

if we die tonight that shoots up to like 25% town/75% wolf though. but now that I've said that, a non-lolfoxes wolf could proceed to kill us to frame zori? in which case 50/50

sigh this is why we don't do analysis in the earlymemepages isn't it? there's just not enough to go on

er, read 50/50 as "rand% chance", not a literal 50% chance. that was a figure of speech not a literal odds-guess like the other odds-guesses were
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