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knives alley hydra mafia


Sorry I wasn't around for start of day! Was getting pretty sleepy yesterday evening.

My other head has been busy so we haven't talked much yet, but it looks like none of the rest of you have yet either so that's cool. Kinda refreshing to see a postcount this low over 12 hours into day 1, I guess that's what happens when rari's not playing.

alma villager is what I call it when I have a hot take of a snapread based off Jack flailing around trying to come up with something useful based on nothing at all.

@feh the owl : Hi Ephemera! Nice to meet you, I hope you end up sticking around for a bit!

I think you're the only person here who I haven't played mafia with before - when you have time, do you suppose you could briefly explain how you think you tend to play? And/or, if you're comfortable with it, a couple of links to previous games you've been a part of?

I feel like I ought to be memeing around a bit instead of jumping straight to playing. It's kinda no fun when nobody else is online, though.

Alma VILLAGERS is what I call it when Jack makes a GOOD, JACK-STYLE analysis take at start of day without an AWKWARD TRANSITION.

Kyeughtini Alma - Did a villagery THING.
Quetzalcouatl - Good VIBES.
Feh RSP DM - It would be FUNNY if both Mafia were in here.

I don't even KNOW why I sign my POSTS anymore.

when the mater is sus

alma mater
THIS POST felt like an entrance that would be VERY NATURAL for a villager to MAKE. They are showing EVIDENCE of trying to solve the game PROACTIVELY when there is little pressure to DO SO.

when the mater is sus

alma mater
THIS POST felt like an entrance that would be VERY NATURAL for a villager to MAKE. They are showing EVIDENCE of trying to solve the game PROACTIVELY when there is little pressure to DO SO.

Hmm, OK. I can't say I agree, it seems more like just memery to me, but I see where you're coming from.

Hmm, OK. I can't say I agree, it seems more like just memery to me, but I see where you're coming from.

Thread entrances are one of the easiest places to slip up as a wolf in my experience, and I can feel the desire to start solving coming from this post. It's fakeable as a wolf, and mewtini and kyeugh are very capable wolves, but I think it's one villagery thing for now.

It's the start of D1, so I'm not particularly expecting my reads to be that confident anyways.

Wolves are more likely to make ENTIRELY JOKE thread entrances in my experience, over ones that express an only PARTIALLY-JOKING read.
Not to say that the latter is IMPOSSIBLE, however.

@feh the owl : Hi Ephemera! Nice to meet you, I hope you end up sticking around for a bit!

I think you're the only person here who I haven't played mafia with before - when you have time, do you suppose you could briefly explain how you think you tend to play? And/or, if you're comfortable with it, a couple of links to previous games you've been a part of?


hi hi!

i tend to play however i'm feeling
if i feel good, i can post a lot (not a lot by MU standards, but still), try and analyze, etc.
if i don't feel good, my posts are short and have a lot of open ended stuff

i'd like to say i'm good at projecting town? i'm very good at getting myself out there, unless it's MU and all my posts get drowned out ._.

as scum, i like to play around my team, see what they want to do. i haven't gotten a scumgame in a while (almost half a year) so i don't remember how i play scum too much. last game i did i openwolfed?

some games:
(town jack of all trades, died N1)
-i was being pretty serious this game, given that it was champs
-it was my third ever game so don't judge me pls

https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/26663/page1 (mafia, eliminated D3)
-probably my favorite game i ever played
-should be indicative of how i play maf but i haven't played maf for a while so i don't know
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