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knives alley hydra mafia

i like the thought behind it
...i tend to lock slots for random posts, if i feel like they're genuine
dw i don't actually lock them i just feel like that thought was really genuine
(but in a game where i can't even be sure of my own alignment...)
Thanks for the links, Ephemera! Fun reading, I like the way you think. And yeah, haha, the volume of posts in MU games is quite something. I hope you find TCoD more to your liking.

My vague impression is that you were more waffly in the wolfgame - your posts are generally longer but come with less supporting evidence. But perhaps that's less indicative of your alignment and more of how you were feeling, haha. Curious to see what VM thinks when he's around, we usually seem to have opposing opinions about this sort of stuff.

(but in a game where i can't even be sure of my own alignment...)
What does this mean, please? Our role PM is quite unambiguous about our being town-aligned.

i have written the rolecards with structural analysis shenanigans in mind. while every word i write may or may not be relevant, the format of the rolecards’ text should not be taken into account when trying to glean information on one’s alignment.
Oh, hmm, maybe you're referring to this.

I just interpreted as meaning rari didn't follow a template that we could use to identify townies vs. mafia, I didn't consider the possibility that the alignments might be outright untrue... hmm.

i am specifically not good at start of day posting i dont think cause i find it really hard to synthesize opinions when there's so little relevant info and no mechanics to go on (and the way y'all scumread by tone/random stuff like, off the bat, just totally goes over my head, no clue whats going on there even though i do try)

this is all classic herbeplaying facts though, shouldn't be so much of a surprise (except to our newish friend here)

i'd lean on my other half to help make up for it but all she has access to is a minion meme generator
I consider not making early game reads NON-INDICATIVE. I just think that people who do make them in a NATURAL way are VILLAGERY.

Thanks for the links, Ephemera! Fun reading, I like the way you think. And yeah, haha, the volume of posts in MU games is quite something. I hope you find TCoD more to your liking.

My vague impression is that you were more waffly in the wolfgame - your posts are generally longer but come with less supporting evidence. But perhaps that's less indicative of your alignment and more of how you were feeling, haha. Curious to see what VM thinks when he's around, we usually seem to have opposing opinions about this sort of stuff.

(but in a game where i can't even be sure of my own alignment...)
What does this mean, please? Our role PM is quite unambiguous about our being town-aligned.


oh, i was definitely waffly in that game
i'm trying to stop that but i'm not getting many opportunities to practice wolf

i have written the rolecards with structural analysis shenanigans in mind. while every word i write may or may not be relevant, the format of the rolecards’ text should not be taken into account when trying to glean information on one’s alignment.

given this rule, can i even be sure i'm town????
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