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knives alley hydra mafia

(but in a game where i can't even be sure of my own alignment...)
What does this mean, please? Our role PM is quite unambiguous about our being town-aligned.
I agree with the later conclusion that that modline was just meant to convey "the rolecards are designed so you can't gotcha each other to figure out alignments", but when I saw town in ours, I had the same reaction as feh of "oh god are we really? or is rari just bastarding us?"

still trying to figure out if the elderly couple who brought us cake last night was just rari fucking around or if it was actually mechanical
say what is everyone's flavor. rari made us a couple whom are college dropouts. then stryke and i made up a bunch of dubiously canon flavor on our own
OK I don't know how relevant flavor is so I want to be guarded for now about revealing our entire flavor

but I see a common thread here so I want to ask -- is everyone's flavor (romantic) couples? bc we are also a couple, but I won't yet go into more detail than that

i sincerely don't believe you could accurately guess our role based on our flavor for the record
(the details of our flavor also don't have anything to do with our role, I just don't want to share more detail yet bc I'm worried since this is a bastard game that there might be a good reason to conceal it that I don't know yet)

as an afterthought, I guess if flavor generally doesn't have anything to do with role, confirming that everyone's flavor is/isn't couples probably wouldn't do anything to help solve the game at all. oh well, it was an idea at least

Sorry i just
think posting is important so that we can all win.

you know?
thats what i think and i really want to win this game.
you have already lost.

but I see a common thread here so I want to ask -- is everyone's flavor (romantic) couples? bc we are also a couple, but I won't yet go into more detail than that

feeling cute, might kick off a really annoying week long discussion about how quetzalcoatl are probably mafia because they're not a couple. hmu if you're tryna chill
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