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Lie About the Above Poster

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^ Is my mother in West Virginia who believes that 2012 will bring about the end of the world and has spent my entire childhood filling me with said conspiracies about how the world is going to end and the government is all behind it and plotting to take control of the Matrix and make us all slaves to their robots which is why I must wear a tinfoil helmet to protect myself from the robotic evil mind waves.
^ Is actually from after the end of the world in 2012, who's parents moved back in time to give their child(ren) a normal childhood, but spent it all filling their mind(s) with conspiracies about the end of the world and robotic takeovers.
^ Is my father, a time traveling Psyduck who was able to grant us the ability to time travel in the first place, but then abandoned us to be with one of his kind, and allowed me to grow up with my screwed up upset mother drunk on conspiracy theories.
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