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Linoone is Baaaaaaaaack~

Crazy Linoone

broke ASB


It's good to be on the internet again. Especially after two long, hot, boring, tiring weeks in Taiwan, following mom around to visit relatives and such.

Now please excuse me while I go spamming posting around in other threads.

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Ooh, do you have any pictures? I've always imagined Taiwan as this big floating island where everything is made, because so much stuff seems to be "Made in Taiwan", but it's pretty small on the map. Educate meee~

Also: welcome back! :D
Taiwan was way too humid. But there's good food~ Taipei is, like, a huge city with lots of tall buildings and really tiny (and scary) roads. And there are lots of buses and taxis. I was scared out of my wits watching the bus driver drive. I thought we were going to crash for more times than I can count. But we never did... I guess the drivers have experience. And the air is kinda bad... Lots of people smoke there. I'll probably get lung cancer.

Oh! And there's the really fast bart/train things. I dunno what they're called in English, but I think it's MRT or something. Whatever that stands for. Anyway, that's how we (my family and I) get around most of the time, since it's fast and (sort of) cheap.

I just realized that Taiwan is sort of like Hawaii. If you cut down the number of buildings and cars, and add some beaches and palm trees, you'd get Hawaii. And Hawaii is over rated, by the way.

One of the best things about Taiwan (at least Taipei) is that there are semi-cheap anime/manga/pokemon related things everywhere. You get these little machine things that you put some coins in, then turn a handle, and a toy in a little plastic ball falls out. The prize is random though, but there are, usually, a picture of the possible prizes on the machine-thing. I have no idea what that's called in English either. And there are lots of places where you can just go and rent manga for a really cheap price. And there's anime on the TV 24/7. And, if you watch at the right times, the anime are subbed. :D Subbed anime on TV makes a happy Linoone.

I should stop ranting...

I'll post pictures if I can find/get the camera.
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