I just had this awesome idea AND the feeling I had to post it rite now.
3 vs. 3 singles
Style: Set
Move Restrictions: All moves that would instantly faint a battler, Attract, Evasion, Direct Healings limited to 1 /pokémon, Chills limited to 3 /pokémon, Pain Split and Endeavor can only be used if the target is the first opponent the user encounters. Finally, all Pokémon have access to the moves Snore and Sleep Talk.
Arena: The Piece Of Land With A Small Pink House That Hangs Up In The Sky
The name fits alright. The arena looks like a piece of land would look like if a giant had dug it out of the surface of the earth to place it several miles in the air, among the clouds, in total defiance of gravity. The land itself isn't very large, about twenty meters in diameter max, and there's a small pink house on the top-left corner of it. Actually the house isn't exactly pink, it's white with a pink roof and pink door and pink window frames, and there's also a small white closing made of wood and, surprise, an small pond enough to fit in, say... a Wailmer? Let's say a Wailmer and a quarter (a quarter of Wailmer). Apart from that and perhaps the most important thing to note is that there's an Apricorn tree in front of the house, and each other round a fruit will pop out, and the battlers will be able to use up an action to pick it up and eat it. If by the end of two rounds the Apricorn is still there, Kurt the Pokéball Master will arrive riding on a flying Slowpoke and pick it up himself, then leave with his Slowpoke activating the effects of Trick Room for the following round (just because he felt like it). The Apricorn rate and effect are as it follows:
9% Chance Each
- Red Apricorn, raises Attack one stage.
- Yellow Apricorn, raises Defense one stage.
- Blue Apricorn, raises Special Attack one stage.
- Green Apricorn, raises Special Defense one stage.
- Pink Apricorn, raises Speed one stage.
- White Apricorn, raises Accuracy one stage.
- Black Apricorn, raises Critical Hit Ratio one stage.
5% Chance Each
- Ruby Apricorn, raises Attack two stages.
- Topaz Apricorn, raises Defense two stages.
- Sapphire Apricorn, raises Special Attack two stages.
- Emerald Apricorn, raises Special Defense two stages.
- Garnet Apricorn, raises Speed two stages.
- Crystal Apricorn, raises Accuracy two stages.
- Onyx Apricorn, raises Critical Hit Ratio two stages.
2% Chance
- Super Extraordinary Amazing Rainbow Apricorn, the eater can now shoot rainbows from his belly for 6% rainbow-type damage (super-effective against EVERYTHING, meaning that yes Pokémon with two types will take double the damage), at the cost of 8% energy.
Apart from that amazing Apricorn tree, Pokémon may fall from the sky sometimes (We're in a sky, so obviously Pokémon have to fall down from it) a different rates, too, but those I won't tell exactly. Up to the ref. The Pokémon falling from the skies seem to be the same over time, and the apricorn guy made a list of them and the attacks they use while falling down.
I. Caterpie, Weedle and Wurmple will use Tackle.
II. Poliwag will use Wake-Up-Slap.
III. Mantyke will use Bounce (Down).
IV. Whirlipede will use Steamroller.
V. Diglett will use Scratch.
VI. Makuhita will use Arm Thrust.
VII. Dunsparce will use Headbutt (yeah the sucker has Serene Grace annoying isn't it).
VIII. Stunfisk will use Spark.
IX. Lileep will use Ancientpower.
X. Torchic will use Mirror Move.
XI. Magikarp will use Outrage (once then disintegrate).
There is no way to tell how much Pokémon will fly down to the surface of The Piece Of Land With A Small Pink House That Hangs Up In The Sky, nor which ones they will be and which battlers they will affect or even when they will do, but once they do the battlers are free to use them as they wish. They can kick them out of the piece of land and down towards the other pieces of land under (except the Lileep, since it has Suction Cups it will stay where it lands but won't use any attacks), they can use them to hit their opponent in the face, they can use them as fashionable scarves, whatever.
One more thing, the land has infused the battlers with its Gravity-defying powers, so if the battlers were to fell down from it, they would float back up on it. These laws don't take place when on the actual piece of land, because I want ground-type moves to work dammit (even Earthquake, the piece of land is shakable but indestructible).
Finally, there's a railroad in the middle of the piece of land, and at the beginning of each round there's a rough 14.71% chance the train passes and deals 8% steel-typed damage to a random battler because it was randomly sitting on the railroad.
Ah, yes, The Piece Of Land With A Small Pink House That Hangs Up In The Sky (henceforth abbreviated as TPoL because the ref is lazy). Just one of countless gravity-defying arenas present on the outskirts of Asber. It did have its defining features, most prominently – you guessed it – the little house sitting on one corner, and the Apricorn tree in front of it. Other than that, though, the arena was pretty standard fare: flat, grassy land, and a pool for aquatic Pokemon. Looks could be deceiving, for the stuff of legends grew on this modest island. The Apricorn tree was capable of producing the fabled Super Extraordinary Amazing Rainbow Apricorn, a treasure so perfect, so exquisite, that few had ever set eyes upon it, much less sampled its divine taste, much
much less harnessed the power to shoot rainbows from the belly.
Normally, Asberians used League-owned Abra to teleport to the more inconvenient locations, but this time they decided to hitch a ride on the referee’s back. And so Lord of the Fireflies and Blastoise Fortooate found themselves sitting on the neck of a giant mechanical dragon, struggling to hold onto the smooth metal. The referee made no allowances for them; she flew at top-speed, eager to get to their destination – maybe she could be the first to sample the Super Extraordinary Amazing Rainbow Apricorn! She was disappointed, though, when the trio arrived at TPoL: the Apricorn tree was bare.
Grumbling, the referee let the trainers slide unceremoniously off her neck. Blastoise was a faint shade of green as he struggled not to vomit. Lord of the Fireflies, too, looked queasy. Whose idea was it, to ride the referee’s back? Give them the Abra any day. The trainers took a few moments to fight off their air sickness, then sent out their Pokemon. On Blastoise’s side was an energetic Chimchar named Celeste. She hopped on the spot and chattered excitedly, ready to give her opponent a good thrashing. She shrank somewhat when she realized LotF’s choice, Acrobat the Gligar, was a ground-type, but then she became even more determined, shaking her tiny fists at Acrobat. The Gligar chuckled and stuck his tongue out at her in response.
Round One
Lord of the Fireflies (OOO)

@Razor Fang
Acrobat (M) <Immunity>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “
Commands: Sand-Attack/Taunt/Swords Dance ~ Bulldoze/Taunt/Swords Dance ~ Earth Power/Taunt/Swords Dance
Blastoise Fortooate (OOO)

Celeste (F) <Blaze>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “
I wonder what fried Gligar tastes like?”
Commands: Taunt ~ Swords Dance ~ Hone Claws
Acrobat squinted at his opponent, ready to take swift action should Celeste pull something sneaky out of her sleeves. What Celeste did was hardly subtle, though: she whipped around and sprinted towards the Apricorn tree, crossing the small island at top speed. Startled, Acrobat hesitated for a moment before working on his attack. The ground beneath him was damp and spongy – no doubt whoever lived in the little house took care of the lawn. When he swiped a claw at the earth, he gathered mud instead of sand. Shrugging, Acrobat threw the mud as hard as he could but it was too late: Celeste was already at the tree, hauling herself up the trunk and onto a large branch. The dirt landed with a useless plop while Chimchar chattered mockingly.
Annoyed, Acrobat glided closer to the tree, though he didn’t see how that could help him much – how was he meant to hit Celeste now with ground-type attacks? Well, depending on what his opponent did, maybe he didn’t have to waste his energy. Indeed, Celeste gingerly stood up, testing her footing on her branch. The branch was not especially wide, but between her small stature and her excellent sense of balance, she was fairly certain she would not fall off. Awkwardly, Celeste began to shuffle along the branch, but before she made much progress, a mocking laugh drifted from the ground.
Acrobat was staring at Celeste, a sneer plastered on his face.
Hiding, are you? Terrified that the scary ground-type is going to get you? Because mark my words, I’m going to get you. Once I shake you from this miserable tree I’m going to thrash you back to kindergarten! You’d best stay in the daycare, huh? That’s where you babies
belong anyway. Celeste twitched at that. Baby? She could fight as well as anyone! She was not scared. Shivering? No, not her! Seeing that he had hit a nerve, Acrobat continued.
That’s right, you’re a baby! A useless, sniveling, demanding newborn! Can’t fight, can’t hunt, can’t do anything without precious mommy and daddy.
Angrily, Celeste let out a hiss. She was absolutely fuming, her rage turning up her internal temperature so that the air around her was distorted with heat. Rationally she knew that the tree was the safest place for her, but how was she supposed to punch Acrobat from here? She wanted to bash
him back to kindergarten. He – he hadn’t even evolved yet, either! What a hypocrite. Torn by indecision, Celeste screeched and pounded the branch, not caring that her hands throbbed with each impact. She needed some outlet for her fury.
Amused by her antics, Acrobat had to grin. Nothing like the rage of a baby monkey to start your day. He’d been bluffing at least partially, though – he didn’t have much of an idea how he’d shake Celeste from her branch. May as well try what his trainer ordered. Tapping into his natural powers over earth, Acrobat sent a pulse of energy towards the ground under Celeste. The ground exploded, sending clumps of dirt and brilliant sparks flying, but they fell short of Celeste’s branch. Well. That didn’t work. Acrobat sat back, disgruntled, trying to think of ways to knock Celeste from her perch.
As it turned out, Celeste made it easy for him by flinging herself to the ground. Screw safety – that stupid bat-thing needed a thorough beating. She landed lightly on her feet, then lunged for Acrobat, fists clenched and little teeth bared. The Gligar was pummeled and bitten, but the blows were uncoordinated and he was able to duck and sidestep most of the assault. With a final cry, Celeste threw her entire body forward, but Acrobat simply leapt to the side, bursting out into laughter as Celeste’s chin hit the ground. She quickly scrambled to her feet, now almost incoherent with rage.
All of a sudden, there was a whistling noise, and a pancake fell out of the sky. Wait, no, it was a Stunfisk – they look similar from the underside, okay? As the terrified Stunfisk fell down, down, down, it dealt with the danger in the only way it knew how: by charging electricity to release on some hapless target. It was caught by the fringes of the Apricorn tree, and it burbled painfully as it was whipped by leaves. Finally, it landed on Celeste’s head. With a shriek the Chimchar grabbed a fin and slammed it to the ground; in response, the Stunfisk grinned its creepy little grin and let fly with an electric attack. It wasn’t especially powerful, but Celeste still yelped in surprise and pain, temporarily immobilized by the electrical charge. The Stunfisk then began to flop miserably, gasping for air. Its wild eyes sighted the pool, which was unfortunately a good distance away, and it began to wriggle its way across the lawn at a snail’s pace.
Lord of the Fireflies (OOO)

@Razor Fang
Acrobat (M) <Immunity>
Health: 96%
Energy: 90%
Status: Highly amused.
Blastoise Fortooate (OOO)

Celeste (F) <Blaze>
Health: 90%
Energy: 94%
Status: Shocked. Taunted (1 more action).
Terrain notes
There is a Stunfisk not far away from Celeste. It is slowly making its way towards the pool.
Final notes
Blastoise attacks first next round.
No sand available, so Sand Attack became Mud Slap.
Normally I’d have Acrobat react fast enough to hit Celeste with the Mud Slap, but he rolled an absolutely horrible number (100!), and Celeste was already some distance away, so it missed.
Celeste used Struggle on the last two actions, but she was fairly reluctant to give up the safety of the tree so on the second action she just Struggled on the branch.
Earth Power missed.
At the end of the round, a Stunfisk fell out of the sky and used Spark on Celeste.
Sorry about the errors, guys. Hopefully this is error-free OTL