Arena: Lake Laogai
As the name implies, it's a lake. A nice, shiny lake. The battle takes place on the shore, but any Water types can battle in the lake if needed. Off to the right is the entrance to Laogai's sercret underground chamber's for brainwashing. There is a 5% chance that a Dai Li agent will come out of this entrance and shoot stone hands at you, causing 7% damage. Ground and Rock types get a 5% bonus because of the rocky terrain around the lake.
Lord Shyguy (Oo)
Chaos (m) <Overgrow>
Health: 66%
Energy: 78%
Status: Startled, wondering where he is. Confused (severe), Paralyzed (minor)
Black Yoshi 99 (Oo)
Prius (f) <Run Away>
Health: 79%
Energy: 73%
Status: Incredibly confident. Poisoned (severe; 4% this round)
Prius stares at her opponent, focusing intently on her commands. She knows how much energy this attack will take, and she hopes it will be worth it. She squints her eyes and concentrates all her energy on her overlarge front teeth, so much so that they glow with the Pachirisu’s entire life force. She puts so much energy into her little teeth that she feels wiped out already, before she even attacks.
Baring her fangs, she runs at full speed towards the confused treecko, knowing he has no chance of escaping. And he doesn’t – he doesn’t even realize she’s coming at him until she hits him, digging her sharp teeth into his soft fleshy backside. Though the force of the attack isn’t tremendous in itself, the attack seems to drain Chaos of his will to fight almost immediately. As Prius jumps back from the treecko, wiping her mouth with a tiny paw and dropping to her butt in exhaustion, Chaos grabs his back in pain.
He immediately regrets the clarity that the pain brings to him. He knows what’s happening now, and wishes so desperately that he didn’t. Groaning as he gets to his feet, he glares tiredly at the Pachirisu for only a second before his mind falters once more. Perhaps this time he appreciates it, as it blocks his mind from realizing the pain, but it also prevents him from attacking. Instead he stares at the exhausted Prius, waiting for something to happen.
Prius, for one, feels way too tired to get up off her butt. That attack took a
lot out of her. But an order is an order, and she slowly pushes herself off the ground, brushing whatever dirty clung to her off. She stares warily at the treecko, remembering how confident she was before –
hah. She did some damage, alright, but she was too tired to gloat.
Sighing, she begins to strut, dancing somewhat clumsily and showing off how lustrous her fur is. Despite her aching body the Attract works itself, making her look more beautiful than she ever had before. It all goes to waste, though, as Chaos is too lost in his own mind to even notice Prius; he can’t even tell she’s gotten up off the ground.
He feels a sharp aching pain on his side and rests a palm there, but the pain quickly fades as his mind wanders onto something else. The world around him appears blurry, the colours tinged and running into each other, but he doesn’t know that that isn’t how the world is supposed to appear. He simply stares dreamily at the location Prius had previously been in, transfixed.
Annoyed, the Pachirisu stops dancing and glares at the treecko. She really does
not like being ignored. She hisses and her fur stands on end, her tail stretching out to show her anger. The fur on her tail begins to glow bright, reflecting in the soft sunlight; with a hiss, Prius runs at Chaos, twirling around and smacking him with her hardened tail. The treecko is tossed sideways by the impact, falling on his back as the Pachirisu lands neatly on her feet, her tail softening back to its normal colour. Prius pants with the effort of this last attack; she could really use a break.
Chaos gets up off the ground cautiously, glaring at Prius. That last attack had finally knocked him back into his senses, and he really felt the pain now. He’d return it fully. He got to his feet and glowered, wiping the dripping blood from his bite wound, before focusing on the Pachirisu’s energy. He closed his eyes and felt her location, her life force; a green glow enveloped the Pachirisu as small green orbs drifted between her and Chaos. The treecko felt himself growing healther with each orb that reached him, though not by nearly enough. He quickly ran out of energy to keep the Giga Drain going and the green energy faded, leaving Prius looking quite angry and Chaos still aching.
To add to her worries, Prius can feel the poison worsening. At this point she can hardly keep herself from vomiting; her exhaustion only adds to the dizzying effects of the toxic. She only hopes it will be over soon.
Lord Shyguy (Oo)
Chaos (m) <Overgrow>
Health: 39% (CAPS)
Energy: 70%
Status: Has a bite mark on his back, feeling rather bad overall. Confused (moderate), Paralyzed (minor), Defense -1
Black Yoshi 99 (Oo)
Prius (f) <Run Away>
Health: 72%
Energy: 19%
Status: Exhausted beyond belief and feeling nauseous. Poisoned (severe; 6% this round)
Battle Notes
- Chaos was confused on the first two action; his confusion actually protected him from being Attracted.
- Chaos hit Damage Caps from Super Fang and so Iron Tail didn’t do any damage. It did lower defense, though.
- Chaos regained 3hp from Giga Drain.
- Lord Shyguy attacks first