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Lord Shyguy vs turbler (Ref: Negrek)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
2 VS 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Recovery Moves, and Weather Moves
Arena: Octagonal Tower

The Octagonal Tower is a tower shaped like an octagon (duh) that sits in between two diminsions. It is shrouded in darkness; you can't see the tower from the outside. Inside are eight 30 foot by 30 foot octagonal floors. Stairs are easily accessable if a floor crumbles. Dark and Ghost Pokemon have an obvious advantage; the dark energy everywhere increases their power by 5%, and it takes 5% less energy to use attacks. Psychics aren't recommended, since the Tower's dark energy decreases the power of any psychic moves by 10%. Sometimes a flare of darkness could envelope a Pokemon, causing it to lose energy (5%).
The squads are thus:
Lord Shyguy said:
[Pyrite] Eevee (f)
Ability: Run Away
Item: N/A
Experience: None

[Amp] Mareep (f)
Ability: Static
Item: N/A
Experience: None

[Chaos] Treecko (m)
Ability: Overgrow
Item: N/A
Experience: None
turbler said:
[neko] eevee (M) <Adaptability> exp=0
[thorn] budew (F) <Poison Point> {shiny stone}Exp=0

1. Lord Shyguy sends out.
2. turbler sends out and attacks.
3. Lord Shyguy attacks.
Hmm, I think I'll send out Chaos (Treecko)!

((While I remember this, how would I evolve Eevee into Glaceon? It doesn't have an evo item, so I'm just curious.))
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Hmm, I think I'll send out Chaos (Treecko)!

((While I remember this, how would I evolve Eevee into Glaceon? It doesn't have an evo item, so I'm just curious.))

nk'ay since it's a train at ice rock in ASB that means 3 exp, your welcome
I'll start strong with Thorn(budew)
n'kay thorn, your fighing a treecko
Start with a growth then follow up with a good toxic
then use a sludge bomb if at any time any single attck launched at you will deal 9-10+% I want you to protect, but not twice in a row, so if at any time you hust used protect and it launches another strong move, try to dodge and if you can pull off the attack still, then DO IT. Oh and if you fail an attack for any reason (dodge, protect miss etc.) then bump to next action, if you get 1 action then just use toxic
Growth/Protect~toxic/protect/growth~sludge bomb/protect/toxic (don't forget if growth gets bumped this far switch it for a toxic.
My first EVER ASB BATTLE !!:grin:!!
Okay, Chaos, flip up into the air and spiral down while using Crush Claw. When you get close to Thorn, use Double Kick to hit it right after Crush Claw. If that misses, use Double Team and Aerial Ace to box it in and attack it. If they both fail, use Screech to weaken it, then use Slam and Detect to prevent damage to you while dealing it.
Crush Claw/Double Kick~Double Team/Aerial Ace~Screech/Slam/Detect

((My first ASB Battle too!))
Okay, Chaos, flip up into the air and spiral down while using Crush Claw. When you get close to Thorn, use Double Kick to hit it right after Crush Claw. If that misses, use Double Team and Aerial Ace to box it in and attack it. If they both fail, use Screech to weaken it, then use Slam and Detect to prevent damage to you while dealing it.
Crush Claw/Double Kick~Double Team/Aerial Ace~Screech/Slam/Detect

((My first ASB Battle too!))

your so GOOD at this... seriously, how did you get so good, you're SURE this is your FIRST battle on the old and/or new forums, you countered my evry attack ?!?. oh and Your pyrite the glaceon from the RSP aren't you? I'm neko the glaceon fom the RSP(note neko the eevee, eevee's are expensive) EDIT:reads nerek's post below... ooooooooohhhh you used a small army of attacks
oh and @negrek I think he's using the / as a combo refrence rather then an either or thing.
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Okay, Chaos, flip up into the air and spiral down while using Crush Claw. When you get close to Thorn, use Double Kick to hit it right after Crush Claw. If that misses, use Double Team and Aerial Ace to box it in and attack it. If they both fail, use Screech to weaken it, then use Slam and Detect to prevent damage to you while dealing it.
Crush Claw/Double Kick~Double Team/Aerial Ace~Screech/Slam/Detect
Oookay, you've written these very strangely, so I want to make sure I have them right before I go to write anything up.

You want Chaos to use crush claw, then double kick. If double kick misses, you then want a double team followed by aerial ace. If both crush claw and double kick miss, you want screech, then slam and detect.

If that's the case, the way you want it written is:

Crush Claw ~ Double Kick ~ Double Team ~ Aerial Ace / Screech ~ Slam ~ Detect

That is, obviously, five actions, although I could alternatively interpret it to be six. Also, it should be noted that while you have stuff to do if various stuff misses, you have nothing to do if it hits.

The way your commands read now, the first action is either crush claw or double kick, depending upon something unspecified, the second action is double team or aerial ace, and the third action is ref's choice of screech, slam, or detect.

I'm afraid you're going to need to modify that a great deal before I can do anything with it.
Okay, sorry, THIS is what they should look like.

Crush Claw~Double Kick~Aerial Ace
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If that's the case, you've still ordered five or six actions worth of moves.

Typically slashes represent conditional attacks and tildes separate actions.

It might be best if you looked at some of the ways that other people order attacks, then go back and edit yours.
based on what negrek said shyguy, you can't combo moves, if you can, then negrek couldn't figure out that that's what the + meant (no offense negrek)
so, yah.
based on what negrek said shyguy, you can't combo moves, if you can, then negrek couldn't figure out that that's what the + meant (no offense negrek)
so, yah.
You can in fact combine moves, but when I last looked at it there were no plus signs involved. Sorry if you edited those in and I didn't bother to look them over.
You can in fact combine moves, but when I last looked at it there were no plus signs involved. Sorry if you edited those in and I didn't bother to look them over.
dear me this could take a while
don't worry I'm oing out now so you 2 can work it out... I hope :grin:
EDIT: n'kay now all we need is negrek to ref!:grin:
note to negrek: sorry if I get kinda impatient:sweatdrop:
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Okay, sorry about all this. :sad: I promise it WON'T happen again. Here's what my attacks will be this round.

Crush Claw + Double Kick~Aerial Ace
The Octagonal Tower: marvel of architectural absurdity, interdimensional gateway, and so abandoned that trainers can just waltz in and have a brawl on one of its characteristic eight-sided floors. "Kids these days and their weird arenas," Negrek complains as she materializes out of the shadows. "Think that they're too good for plain-vanilla terrain, do they? I mean, you can't even see this bloody place, all shrouded in darkness and crap. Why you'd ever want to fight in a place that feels like it wants to eat you is beyond me, but I suppose it pays the bills." Irritably waving away a tendril of darkness that had been experimentally been trying to slither around her shoulder, Negrek settles down on the cold, empty floor to wait.

By the time Lord Shyguy arrives, showing up before his opponent no doubt because he picked the arena and therefore has no difficulty finding it, Negrek is muttering something about the impracticality of building a tower at a dimensional junction if you're not even going to bother furnishing it and how it's amazing the lights even work, where you can see them out of the haze of malevolent shadow. Once Lord Shyguy arrives, though, it's not a long wait for his opponent, turbler of the mysterious lack of capitalization, to arrive. Both trainers are new to the League and excited to start their first battle, shaking hands under the referee's watchful eyes before turning and taking up spots against opposite walls. Scrambling back to her feet with a sigh, Negrek prepares to referee as the pokémon are released.

On Lord Shyguy's side of the field a bouncy treecko materializes, hopping from foot to foot as his bulbous yellow eyes sweep over his surroundings. What the treecko, named Chaos, sees seems to please, as a sly smile spreads across his face. He doesn't seem as happy to catch sight of his opponent, a small and somewhat intimidated-looking budew, but no doubt the coiling black that shrouds the tower resonates with the treecko, if his name is anything to go by.

Round One

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Looks almost at home in the darkness.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Less than pleased to find herself in such a cold, dark place.

The battle starts with Thorn simply watching and waiting, while Chaos leaps forward, fleshy foot- and fingerpads slapping against cold stone tiles as he charges right at his foe. As he nears Thorn he raises his right hand, a shimmering white aura of power forming around it before he brings it down on the hapless budew. There is an audible crunch as Chaos' hand, enhanced with claws made of pure energy, sinks into Thorn's side and rips a chunk out of the budew's flesh. Thorn squeals with pain, but Chaos isn't done yet. Rocking back on his tail, the treecko lashes out with a pair of powerful kicks, striking the budew once, then again. Thorn positively howls as the second kick sees Chaos' foot slamming into the wound opened by crush claw and coming away smeared with yellowish sap-blood. That's not all the treecko comes away with, though--retreating slightly and panting with exertion, the treecko winces as a sudden wave of nausea washes over him. One of the thorns for which his opponent is named scratched his foot while he was in the process executing double kick, and unbeknownst to the treecko, poison is seeping into his bloodstream through the tiny cut.

While Chaos recovers, Thorn tries to catch her breath herself. Dizzy with pain, the budew nevertheless concentrates on increasing her metabolism, causing a short but profound growth spurt that will ramp up her special powers. For a couple of seconds she glows green, growing perhaps two inches taller, before the attack finishes and a larger and more-confident-looking Thorn emerges from the glimmering light. Before her opponent can even react, she follows the growth up with a far more direct attack. The flow of sap oozing from the ragged hole in Thorn's side has mostly been stemmed by the generation of new cells during her growth spurt, but what still leaks out of the wound turns a noxious purple as the budew calls on her poisonous side. Vile toxins gather in Thorn's mouth before she spits a stream of foul-smelling, purple and brown liquid at Thorn. The startled treecko tries to dodge, but the toxic splatters all down his side anyway, hissing and stinging as it starts to eat through his skin.

Yelling in disgust, Chaos tries scraping the toxic off, but only succeeds in getting the foul stuff all over his hands. It's too late, anyway--the potent poison is already entering his bloodstream, worsening his condition. Putting the toxic attack out of his mind for now, Chaos decides it's time to strike back. Spinning around, he darts away to put some more distance between himself and Thorn. After giving himself some room to get up to speed, Chaos banks around at Thorn, running flat-out before leaping high into the air and bringing his paws down in a quick, double-handed slash attack across the budew's face.

Thorn reels back, a thin, weeping gash appearing across her front, but isn't off-balance for long. Compared to the earlier combo attack, an aerial ace is nothing, and by this time Thorn's fighting spirit is roused. Once more toxins answer her call, gathering in her mouth, but this time what Thorn spits out isn't a stream of liquid but a nasty clump of congealed sludge. The sludge bomb strikes Chaos full in the chest, hurling the treecko backwards as it explodes into a shower of poisonous globules. As the round comes to a close, both battlers are looking messy already--Chaos covered in nasty poisonous goo, and Thorn in her own greenish blood.

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 85%
Energy: 86%
- Slimy and uncomfortable. Badly poisoned (4% next round).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 84%
Energy: 89%
- Bleeding from a gash in her side and a cut across her face. +1 special attack.

Terrain Notes
There are small patches of toxic liquid dotting the floor all in front of Thorn where the stuff dripped off of Chaos.

Final Notes
- There's really no way you can combine crush claw and double kick, so Chaos just executed the two of them in quick succession instead.
- At the same time, there was no way for Thorn to know that Chaos was using a combo rather than just a regular crush claw, and so she did not protect. It's unlikely that she would have anyway--percentages are only used to measure a pokémon's health and energy, but are meaningless within the context of the match itself. Asking a pokémon to protect if it anticipates taking a certain amount of damage is about as meaningless as telling a boxer to block a particular strike if he thinks it's going to knock off more than 10% of his health.
- Chaos was poisoned by poison point in the process of using his combo, not that it really matters. One of his double kick strikes was a critical hit.
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round.
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Hmm, lets see...
(I'm skipping the heavy description crap, because I think it's a waste of time.)

Screech~Agility+Drain Punch
give 'em a sleep powder first. Then if on the next action (assuming sleep = fail) he rushes you with that drain punch throw up a protect, if he runs around first then start with a double team, then the protect otherwise if he does rush you and you protected, then giv 'em another sleep powder.
if he falls asleep THE FIRST TIME, start of with a double team, then follow up with a nice cotton spore.

sleep powder~protect/double team~sleep powder/protect/cotton spore
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Round Two

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 85%
Energy: 86%
- Slimy and uncomfortable. Badly poisoned (4% next round).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 84%
Energy: 89%
- Bleeding from a gash in her side and a cut across her face. +1 special attack.

Chaos draws himself up to his full height, opening his mouth in preparation for taking in enough air to set up a terrible screech. Seeing her chance, Thorn bounces from side to side, powder drifting from beneath her leaves in a blue and green cloud. Chaos' eyes widen as the cloud of glittering sleep powder starts to drift towards him, and his great inhalation cuts off with a hiccup as he schools himself not to breathe any of the stuff in. The treecko watches, horrified, as the cloud settles silently to the ground all around him, some in fact drifting down to stick in the gooey poison covering his skin. Wildly swatting the stuff away, Chaos retreats to the side, removing himself from the worst of the powder cloud before taking in another relieved breath. Although he feels a little lethargic upon doing so, the powder here is in concentrations too low to cause slumber, and the treecko rouses himself with an irritable mental prod. What had he been doing, now? Oh, yes.

Sucking in as much air as he can, Chaos closes his eyes and opens his mouth wide as he lets out an awful, keening scream that reverberates through every corner of the arena. Thorn whimpers and tries to cover her ears with her hands, but her arms are far too short; tears spring to her eyes as the screech cuts through the air. Even the shadows ringing the arena's edge seem discomforted by the sound, thrashing and collapsing in on themselves and into the corners.

At last Chaos' breath runs out and he closes his mouth, smirking as he watches Thorn shudder and twitch even after the attack ends. Her ears are still ringing with an echo of the noise, and Chaos realizes that, for the moment at least, she's totally defenseless. Bounding back a couple of paces, the treecko suddenly streaks forward, running faster and faster as he loosens up his muscles and approaches his top speed. Kicking off from the tile a couple of feet away from Thorn, he sails through the air, one fist drawn back and surrounded by a hazy nimbus of brown energy. The treecko brings the punch forward, ready to do some major damage with the aid of his acceleration--only to smack solidly into an invisible barrier of energy rather than Thorn. The shocked treecko slides down the barrier surrounded by crackling silver sparks; landing hard on his rump, he shakes his head to clear it before glaring at Thorn. Although shaken by Chaos' screech, the budew retained enough presence of mind to put up a quick defense against the treecko's ultrafast combo attack.

And now, she's got him where she wants him. Once more rocking back and forth, Thorn releases more of the sleep-inducing powder hidden beneath her leaves, another puff of blue and green drifting out into the air around her. Chaos scoots back across the floor as fast as he can, intent on staying out of the cloud of chemicals. He may be drained from his combo attack, but he's still far faster than the diffusing cloud of sleep powder and once more manages to avoid a trip to dreamland. Thorn pouts--she can't believe her attack didn't work a second time.

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 81%
Energy: 86%
- Still slimy, but relieved to not be asleep. Badly poisoned (5% next round). +1 Speed

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 84%
Energy: 89%
- Frustrated by the failure of her sleep powder and rattled by the screech. -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
There are small patches of toxic liquid dotting the floor all in front of Thorn where the stuff dripped off of Chaos. There are also a couple of patches of blue and green spores scattered across the tiles, most of them close in by Thorn.

Final Notes
- Sleep powder missed twice.
- turbler attacks first next round.
if at any time a draining move is used, or any status condition afllicting moves(eg will-o-wisp= yes, flamethrower=no), Oh and also super effective, by all means protect, same for damaging combos, but only for the damaging part. otherwise, give him ANOTHER sleep powder. if you manage to pull, it off, then use double team, followed by a cotton spore to more than negate that stupid agility. If he protects at first action use growth again, second action him protecting means you use double team. taunt and torment are unavailable to the stupid gecko, so that's nice If your sleep powder doesn't work or is overidden by protect, throw it at him on the next action, if THAT fails too then just sludge bomb him for the last action, If he protects on the last action, chill. PS: don't use protect twice in a row, if the conditions for protect are met twice in a row, then use double team, try to make AT LEAST two clones if not more, If you have not ime for such things, such as he rushes you with an ariel ace or some other super fast, you don't have time to do anything move, take it like the tough little budew you are and use a sludge bomb afterwards, on same action PSS: if you aren't allowed to chill, then come prepared with another growth, If you don't no what super effective means, then ignore it
, oh and if the second sleep powder is the one that hits just cotton spore
protect/sleep powder/growth~ protect/sleep powder double team/sludge bomb~protect/sludge bomb/chill/growth/double team/cotton spore.
you two got that??:sweatdrop::grin::sweatdrop: lol so coplex I almost got lost in it myself
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If it uses Sleep Powder AGAIN, use Safeguard first as fast as possible, then use Flash to misdirect it. If Flash works and blinds it, or whatever, then use DragonBreath. If Flash doesn't work, then use Dig.

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