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Lord Shyguy vs turbler (Ref: Negrek)

Round Eight

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 24%
Energy: 43%
- Growing increasingly tired and exasperated. Badly poisoned (8% next round, capped).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 61%
Energy: 53%
- Stirring restlessly, but still not fully conscious. Lighty asleep. Confused (moderate). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Thorn winces and stiffens as the aerial ace attack rips into her, the sharp pain finally enough to shock her back into the waking world. Groaning, the budew opens her eyes, focusing hazily on Chaos, who is watching her closely. The treecko grimaces as he realizes that the budew's finally shaken off the effects of his grasswhistle. Thorn's eyes narrow. Oh, yes, you'd better be disappointed, the budew thinks as she gathers a mouthful of noxious chemicals. Chaos realizes what she's about to do and gets ready to dodge, but in his badly-damaged state can't get out of the way of the sludge bomb. It bowls him over, and as Chaos slowly gets back up, he is distantly disgusted to notice that he's left a sticky, foul-smelling mark on the floor where he was lying.

Raising his eyes to the blackness overhead, Chaos gathers energy to himself, his hands glowing green with latent power as he remembers the feel of sun on his scales and the burst of energy he feels whenever exposed to sunlight. Slowly, the green flickering around his hands bleeds into orange, and as he raises his hands over his head, a wave of fire-type energy rips free of his fingertips and roars up towards the invisible ceiling. It vanishes quickly into the shifting shadows, and for a couple of moments nothing happens. Then there is a huge flash of light and a high-pithced howl as the darkness is ripped apart by an explosion of fiery energy. Intense golden light pours down over the arena, streaming from a hazy ball of fire energy imitating a sun and floating up near the ceiling. The shadows are pushed back into the corners and crannies of the place, where they silently vow revenge.

Thorn may be unimpressed by this show of power, though the fake sunlight does in fact feel good on her leaves, but she has no desire to taste another of Chaos' aerial ace attacks. The treecko drops to all fours, taking a deep breath as he prepares his tired body for another fit of exertion. The treecko takes off, hurtling straight at Thorn. As he leaps, however, ready to slash at the budew's face, he crashes into an invisible barrier of energy, silver sparks exploding all around him with a wicked hiss as he scrambles to get a purchase on the protect. In this he fails, plopping unceremoniously down on the floor in an oozy heap. Thorn, meanwhile, drops her protect and immediately begins working on another sludge bomb.

Chaos gathers himself as quickly as his pain will allow and starts to retreat; by pure chance, his erratic staggering takes him out of the path of Thorn's attack and the sludge bomb explodes against the tiled floor instead of his flesh. Nevertheless, the burst of toxins flung out by the attack still score the treecko's side, making him shudder.

Chaos turns about, doing his level best to stay standing and conscious despite the overwhelming pain that's gripped his entire body. Once more green light sparks around his hands, but this time, rather than raising them, Chaos brings them together, golden energy distilled directly from the light of the "sun" coalescing between his palms. He spreads them wider and wider as the orb of painfully bright energy grows increasingly large, then removes them altogether as the attack becomes too unstable to control and a column of intense solar power rips out of the orb and streaks across the arena, engulfing Thorn in its searing core. Though protected by two elemental resistances, the budew nevertheless feels the stinging bite of the solarbeam as it sears through the air around her, overloading her senses with intense light and heat that leaves her leaves scorched and her eyes firmly shut against the painful radiance. But, though the budew is left shivering by the attack, Chaos is no better off. He drops to all fours, breathing heavily as his vision swims, limbs shaking as the powerful poison catches up to him at last. He lets out a gurgle, buckles, and then collapses in a dead faint on the tiles. As Thorn opens her eyes, she is witness to the treecko being recalled in a burst of red energy. Chirping with delight, the budew temporarily forgets her own wounds as she does a small, awkward victory dance.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 0%
Energy: 28%
Knocked Out!

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 57%
Energy: 37%
- Extremely pleased with herself. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
Intense sunlight cooks the arena (2 more rounds), dispelling the shadows and hardening the sludgy deposits on the floor.

Final Notes
- Lord Shyguy sends out his next pokémon.
- turbler attacks.
- Lord Shyguy attacks.
start off with a toxic, to keep some consistent damage going. Follow that up with a good giga drain to heal yourself... then, um take advantage of the sun with a solarbeam! If he protects T1, then switch it up with a double team with as many clones as you can make. if he protects T2. then double team then, then follow with that giga drain. If he protects T3 as well as T1, then use growth if you already have any clones, and d-team if you don't. If he protects on only T3, then T3 is a double team. If anytime he has a safeguard up and you should use toxic, don't, instead ... protect commands are the same, but T1 is a growth, and the other commands remain... kk yah that's all. If both toxics are somehow blocked on T1 and 2 but whatever's blocking it is gone, then do the toxic

Toxic/double team/growth~Giga drain/double team/toxic~Solarbeam/giga drain/toxic/growth/double team

If I missed anything in my ~ style commands, I hope it wasn't important!:grin:

Okay, let's start with Safeguard, because Thorn is using Toxic AGAIN. Then use Signal Beam, and then Rain Dance.

Safeguard~Signal Beam~Rain Dance
As Lord Shyguy mulls over his pokémon choice, the shadows, offended by the burst of light, seek to get their revenge. Bubbling up out of the floor beneath Thorn, they wrap around the budew, causing her to gasp and shudder as their cold tendrils sink into her skin. An awful lethargy comes over her as the shadows suck away her energy, growing larger and darker as they sap away her life. Fortunately, they can't bear the glare of the false sunlight for long and are soon forced to disperse, oozing away to hide in their corners and crevices once more. There is to be little relief for Thorn, though, for almost as soon as they leave, Lord Shyguy's voice rings through the arena and the trainer tosses a pokéball to the ground, calling on Amp the mareep to defeat the budew at last.

Round Nine

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Placid and appearing more curious about her opponent than anything.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 57%
Energy: 37%
- Extremely pleased with herself. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Thorn watches the mareep carefully and, somewhat to her exasperation, sees green light seep out from beneath the sheep's fleece, outlining her body in a brilliant aura. It looks as though sleep powder's useless for now, so Thorn instead turns to bolstering her own battling capabilities. Releasing a wave of energy through her body, she triggers unrestrained cell division, a flurry of growth rapidly increasing both her size and her natural powers.

With the safeguard in place, Amp is ready to attack. The orb on her tail flickers with rainbow colors as she charges power, then emits a thick beam of intertwined red and blue light. The signal beam finds its mark, knocking the enlarged Thorn onto her back and aggravating the old wounds on her face. For a moment the budew is entranced by the glittering lights that play in front of her face as the attack fades, but she shakes the feeling off soon enough. It's time for some revenge.

It is now Thorn's turn to glow green, extending her life's energy to make contact with Amp. The mareep stiffens, eyes showing white as her muscles seize up. A terrible cold feeling washes over her body, and every corner of her aches as energy is forcibly torn away from her, forming little glowing blobs of green energy that are sucked back into Thorn. Before Amp's horrified eyes, the budew's wounds scab over and begin to heal, a delighted smile gracing the grass-type's face. Amp fights the giga drain attack doggedly, struggling to break free of Thorn's grasp. When at last she does, the mareep takes a moment to recover before beginning her next attack.

There is little opportunity to relax, though. Thorn once again begins to glow, but this time an ominous gold, as she powers up another attack. Amp hastily starts to caper and skip, ignoring her protesting muscles as she traces an intricate dance on the cold tile of the Octagonal Tower. It is imperative that she cut off Thorn's supply of sunlight, and is gratified as the miniature sun overhead slowly fades, replaced with dark storm clouds. Thorn, meanwhile, is dismayed as her source of power vanishes, making it more and more difficult to pull off the frenzied photosynthesis necessary for solarbeam to work. Still, the attack is reaching the tipping point, hard-won solar energy concentrated to incredibly damaging proportions. Even as the first raindrops start to fall, Thorn releases a huge column of golden light at Amp. It is weaker than normal in the rain-soaked environment, and making it cost Thorn dearly, but it's all worth it for the squeal of pain Amp lets out as she goes toppling to the ground, legs flailing in blind pain as the solarbeam scorches her fleece and burns her skin.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 89%
- Not pleased with the way things are going so far, to say the least. Protected by safeguard (2 more actions).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 62%
Energy: 20%
- Very tired, but feeling a little better otherwise. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
Rain pelts the arena (3 more rounds), washing away the sludge and the sleep powder on the tile.

Final Notes
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round.
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I think Lord Shyguy attacks first this round, Turbler attacked first last round.
Just thought I'd try to clear this up, since Turbler is probably waiting for Lord Shyguy, and Lord Shyguy is probably waiting for Turbler.

Negrek can you please clear this up?
Okay, let's use Thunder, then Signal Beam, then Chill. Nice and easy. ;)

Thunder~Signal Beam~Chill
Now then... If you're faster than it:Sunny Day~Giga Drain*~Toxic If you're slower: Protect~Giga Drain~Toxic If you can't Giga Drain energy then just Chill instead when that pops up.
*Please note that all Giga Drains for this round are for draining energy.
Sunny Day/Chill/Protect/Giga Drain*~Giga Drain/chill~Toxic/chill/Giga Drain
Were they really that bad before?
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Round Ten

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 89%
- Not pleased with the way things are going so far, to say the least. Protected by safeguard (2 more actions).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 62%
Energy: 20%
- Very tired, but feeling a little better otherwise. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

As Thorn listens to her commands unfold, her dismay only increases. She does her best to pay attention, concentrating on her trainer's voice and trying not to let her opponent distract her. Unfortunately, the sheer convolution of turbler's specifications only leaves Thorn more and more confused as the trainer goes on, and before turbler can even finish, a massive column of lightning rips down out of the mysterious dark overhead, drowning turbler out entirely as it strikes Thorn with a roar. The budew topples over, smoking and stunned, with no idea how to respond and in considerable pain. Her grass element saved her from the worst of the thunder's wrath, but she is nevertheless far from happy as she lies on the tiles, twitching.

Amp wags her glowing tail and grins, pleased that her opponent seems unable to respond. She takes her time revving up her next attack, the blue orb on the tip of her tail flickering to bright green and red as she charges it with bug-type power. Raising it high, the mareep blasts a beam of intertwining blue and red light at Thorn, having no trouble hitting the helpless budew and rolling her over on the slick tiling. Already mystified by her trainer's commands, the budew finds herself only more confused as the signal beam leaves spots of color flashing in her vision, winking on and off and making her feel queasy just trying to look past them. Feebly, she waves her little legs, trying to rise. Amp, meanwhile, gives herself a little shake, the last of her safeguard shield falling away in a curtain of glowing energy.

Meanwhile, Amp has settled down and calmly begun to chill, not entirely happy about having to lie down on the wet floor but glad at least for a break from battling. A faint smile graces her muzzle and her tail flicks now and then as she contemplates her present situation. She couldn't be happier with this round, really. Thorn, of course, has exactly the opposite opinion. Humiliated to be left lying helpless on the floor, she does her best to rise, but a combination of slick tile, confusion, and general frustration sees her doing no more than slipping and falling repeatedly. At last she gives up and lies still, pouting and doing her best not to break down in tears. Her mood is only moderately improved as the clouds far overhead start to break up, dissolving as fast as they arrived. The rain drops to no more to a spitting drizzle, then stops altogether as atmospheric conditions are returned to normal.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 88%
- A bit wet, but content.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 46%
Energy: 21%
- Distressed and extremely unhappy. Confused (severe). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

Final Notes
- Thorn was unable to interpret her commands for this round, but regained a small amount of energy because she did nothing for three actions.
- turbler attacks first next round.
Sorry, but no. They're really not that much clearer now than they were previously, and you not making them clear previously doesn't warrant a reref any more than someone messing up and ordering an illegal attack.
ok then, and question: How is who goes first determined if both attack priorities are the same? Thanks!
Several things. Most basic is speed. Faster pokémon will use a same-priority attack first.

However, if for some reason a pokémon needs to respond to what its opponent does, then it will move second. For example, if a pokémon is told to tackle if the opponent uses an offensive attack and chill otherwise, obviously it needs to see whether the opponent is going to use an offensive attack before it can even begin an attack, meaning that it will be moving later.

When two pokémon are very close in speed, it is possible that turn order will be determined simply by the complexity of the attack being used. For example, abra and Dialga have the same base speed (90). But if Dialga's using roar of time and abra's using psybeam, all else being equal, the psybeam is going to strike first.

And finally, there are other considerations that may come into play. If a pokémon has been hindered, even in a way that does not "officially" reduce speed, it will move more slowly. A pokémon with an injured leg will act as though its effective speed is much lower than it would be under ordinary circumstances, for example.

Most referees do not, but I also include a random element in the speed of pokémon in my battles, which means that a pokémon with lower official base speed may in fact have a higher effective speed than another one with higher official base speed.
Thanks for the clarifications, Negrek!
Ok Thorn, just keep giga draining Amp for whichever one of your stats(health or energy) is lower than the other, If they're roughly the same then use giga drain for energy.
If Amp uses protect use double team, If Amp uses protect and you have at least two clones use growth.
Giga Drain/Giga Drain (Energy)/Double Team~Giga Drain/Giga Drain (Energy)/Double Team~Giga Drain/Giga Drain (Energy)/Double Team/Growth
Okay, since Budew is faster, dodge if it attacks you, then use Thunder Wave. Follow up with a Signal Beam, then finish with Iron Tail.

Thunder Wave~Signal Beam~Iron Tail
Round Eleven

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 88%
- A bit wet, but content.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 46%
Energy: 21%
- Distressed and extremely unhappy. Confused (severe). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

Amp pulls herself back to her feet, feeling a bit better after her little rest and now that the rain has died down. Shaking water from her fleece, she stares down Thorn with renewed determination. For her part, the Budew doesn't look all that determined--in fact, she doesn't really appear aware of her surroundings at all. The budew's eyes are unfocused, and she flails madly about on the still-slick floor, apparently not even making a coordinated effort to right herself but simply moving for the sake of movement, gripped by some demented impulse.

Amp's tail swishes back and forth as she observes the budew's unstable behavior. She decides that it doesn't really matter, anyway, and pulses a weak burst of electricity from her tail, tuned to just the right amplitude to lock down her opponent's muscles. If anything, paralysis might prevent the grass-type from injuring herself further.

This proves not to be the case; Thorn stiffens and convulses as the thunder wave washes over her, paralysis swiftly taking effect, but this only seems to increase her panic. Her thrashing now is slower, but no less violent, and displays even less coordination than before. This is only good news for Amp, of course, who is left to prepare her next attack unhindered. Blazes of color seethe and swirl in the glassy orb at the end of her tail as she charges it with more bug energy, then beams another twining burst of blue and red light at her struggling foe. The signal beam, the source of all of Thorn's misery in the first place, does nothing to improve the budew's condition. Ordinarily, the wash of pain that accompanies the attack would have a fortifying effect on a confused pokemon, but memories of the same humming, searing light only throws Thorn into a deeper funk.

The budew is whining incoherently as Amp trots forward, her tail now glistening with a metallic sheen as she brings a different sort of energy to bear, but the mareep shows now mercy as she brings the iron tail smashing down. Thorn howls as the powerful steel-type attack slams square into her face and sends her sliding away across the wet floor. Paralyzed and as confused as ever, she fails to recover from the attack with grace, her every attempt to rise ending with her back on the floor, tiny arms waving madly as she recuperates from another painful fall.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 74%
- Feeling more confident now.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 26%
Energy: 18%
- Panicked and incoherent. Confused (very severe). Paralyzed (severe). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
The floor is still slick from the rainstorm, but it's rapidly drying off.

Final Notes
- Amp's signal beam worsened Thorn's confusion.
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round.
B...But how...:scared:, well, start off by taking a nice long Rest, hten just Sleep Talk, for the next 2 actions. If at any time you are too confused or paralyzed to move, chill and bump your action to the next, but get rest in as soon as possible!
Rest/chill~Rest/chill/sleep talk~Rest/chill/sleep talk
Round Twelve

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 74%
- Feeling more confident now.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 26%
Energy: 18%
- Panicked and incoherent. Confused (very severe). Paralyzed (severe). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

Thorn's struggles falter, a bit of comprehension coming back into the budew's face. Amp frowns--now that's definitely not something she wants to see. A storm of purplish light swirls around the mareep's tail-bulb before she forces a twining column of red and purple light out into the air beyond--and straight at Thorn, in fact. The budew squeaks as the signal beam hums in the air around her, scorching her leafy body and filling her vision with dazzling light. This time, though, her confusion recedes instead of worsening, and she begins thinking about her next attack. Which is to be--rest?

The referee claps a hand to her ear again, grimacing as she reaches for the device she had used to cancel the budew's earlier synthesis attack. "No healing for you," she grumbles as she flicks the appropriate button and Thorn blinks, unsure of why the energy she had been gathering has been drained away. Frowning, she looks up at the ceiling, into the shadowy corners--and at last around at her opponent, only to find another signal beam headed straight for her face. This one knocks Thorn silly, and for a moment Amp thinks she might have sent the budew into another conniption fit. It is not to be, though; Thorn clings to reality for the moment, perhaps motivated by her failure on the last action, and attempts rest again.

Once more the referee is tormented by the blaring warning given by her earpiece, and once more she cancels the attack. Thorn only redoubles her efforts, though, despite the interference of another signal beam from Amp, and the round ends in most unfortunate disarray, with the referee stomping on the earpiece which she has torn from her ear and which can still be heard, faintly, to be blaring a warning, and waving the wiimote around while she howls about battle stipulations.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 59%
- Confident and in control.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 11%
Energy: 17%
- In pain and mystified as to why she couldn't get her attack to work. Confused (severe). Paralyzed (severe). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

Final Notes
- Rest is banned because it is a direct-recovery move.
- turbler attacks first next round.
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