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Lord Shyguy vs turbler (Ref: Negrek)

Round Three

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 81%
Energy: 86%
- Still slimy, but relieved to not be asleep. Badly poisoned (5% next round).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 84%
Energy: 89%
- Frustrated by the failure of her sleep powder and rattled by the screech. -2 defense, +1 special attack.

Pouting, Thorn keeps her eyes trained on Chaos, waiting to see what the treecko wants to do. Nothing much, as it turns out. Chaos favors the budew with a smug look as a flickering green aura springs up around his body, but no more than that. Not sure what to make of this, Thorn decides to go for another sleep powder, shaking a cloud of deadly dust in Chaos' direction. This time, the treecko doesn't even attemt to dodge; the main body of the sleep powder engulfs him, hiding him behind a curtain of drifting blue and green powder. Thorn grins, thinking that she's finally managed to immobilize her opponent--until two great yellow spots glow out of the sleep powder cloud before unleashing a searing flash of light.

Thorn squeals and shuts her burning eyes against the awful light, reflexively shaking another gout of sleep powder out of her leaves. How could Chaos resist sleep after being struck head-on like that? Tentatively opening her eyes, the budew shoots a nervous glance over at where her opponent should be standing--if he is still standing, which Thorn sincerely hopes he isn't. She can't see much around the afterimages that cloud her vision, and what she can make out is blurred by painful tears, rendering the outside world a kind of blue-green blur.

Spiraling through that blur, though, is a column of golden, crackling energy that sizzles sleep powder into nothing and slams into Thorn's side. The budew shudders and gasps, for even after the initial pain of the attack has passed, her leaves, now a little charred, tingle and ache. Worse yet, she can't quite figure out what she should do in response to this attack; nothing so far this round has gone to plan, and she can't figure outwhich of her contingency attacks would be best to use. As the budew tries to concentrate, the rest of the sleep powder drifts to the floor, revealing Chaos, very much awake and looking more confident than ever--until a sharp pang from the poison makes him wince and start to double up before it passes.

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 76%
Energy: 77%
- Very pleased with himself. Badly poisoned (6% next round). Protected by safeguard (2 more actions).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 80%
Energy: 82%
- Distraught and having difficulty seeing. -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack, -1 Accuarcy

Terrain Notes
There are small patches of toxic liquid dotting the floor all in front of Thorn where the stuff dripped off of Chaos. There are also a couple of patches of blue and green spores scattered across the tiles, most of them close in by Thorn.

Final Notes
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round.
Okay, let's see...
Use Chill to heal a little. Once Chill is finished, get to Thorn and use Toxic. Then use Iron Tail after you poison her.

Chill~Toxic~Iron Tail

EDIT: Okay, that should do it. Oh, and turbler, next time I need to edit something, PM me instead. It makes things a lot easier.
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Okay, let's see...
Use Chill to heal a little. Once Chill is finished, use Agility to get to Thorn and then use Toxic while she's distracted. Then use Swords Dance and Iron Tail after you poison her.

Chill~Agility~Toxic~Swords Dance+Iron Tail

EDIT: next time will pm you on that kk , now for attacks!
ok thorn hit him with a DUO of sludge bombs then you need to let him hit you with an Iron tail, and then give him a sleep powder once he's done and his safeguard fades, If I misread it and that glowing blue aura 'round him stay, then just give yourself a double team as many clones as possible. let's Do This!:grin:.
sludge bomb~sludge bomb~sleep powder (after the Iron tail)/double team(as many clones as possible!)

and Negrek's online too, now we just need the reffing, but no hurry!
Oh and negrek did you take into account budew has a shiny stone(-5% accuracy on all attacks targeting the holder), I just felt COMPELLED to ask you... y'know?
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Round Four

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 76%
Energy: 77%
- Very pleased with himself. Badly poisoned (6% next round). Protected by safeguard (2 more actions).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 80%
Energy: 82%
- Distraught and having difficulty seeing. -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack, -1 Accuarcy

Now that Thorn is cowering and whimpering, distraught by a combination of flash and screech and without sleep powder to fall back on, Chaos feels much better about his sitauation and ready to take a little break to celebrate his reversal of fortune. Settling down as comfortably as he can on the cold tiles, the treecko closes his eyes and lets his mind drift away from the battle at hand, relaxing as much as is possible what with the need to keep his safeguard humming and the knowledge that there's one very mean bud-thing standing just a couple feet away.

Blinking tears out of her eyes, Thorn takes her time preparing and aiming her next sludge bomb. A couple thin dribbles of toxic liquid escape her mouth as she lines her head up just right for the attack, but she doesn't trust herself to hit her target any other way. Fortunately, Chaos isn't moving much, so when she finally spits up the gobbet of muck, it hits home. Chaos is rudely brought back to reality as the sludge bomb explodes all over him, shoving him back a couple of inches and splattering him with more burning, utterly disgusting toxins. Screeching, the treecko leaps to his feet and sets about shaking as much of the stuff off as he can.

Once the initial rush of panic and disgust has subsided, Chaos glares at Thorn and contemplates revenge. In fact, he has just the fitting punishment. Yes, a taste of Thorn's own medicine should make the budew more reluctant to sling sludge around. Chaos activates his own poison-generation glands, far less developed than Thorn's but powerful nonetheless. His cheeks bulge with noxious green goop and he darts forward to deliver it to Thorn--just as a sludge bomb goes sailing past and splatters on the floor behind him. Thorn lets out an angry squeak--why did that stupid treecko have to go and move all of a sudden? To make matters worse, Chaos promptly unloads a mouthful of toxic chemicals onto Thorn. Unfortunately for the treecko, while the toxic attack certainly disgusts the budew, it does no more than that. As a poison-type herself, she is immune to the treecko's best attemtps to poison her.

Unaware that his attack had no effect, Chaos grins to himself as he prepares the next, concentrating energy in his tail as it turns stiff and gains a metallic tinge. Swinging it around, he deals Thorn a powerful blow that sends her sailing away, bouncing a couple of times before she finally comes to a halt. The budew winces as she gets back to her feet, and her steps are a little shaky as she draws walks back towards Chaos. Although the flash attack has mostly worn off by this point, her vision is still a little smeary, and she isn't perfectly coordinated yet. Nevertheless, she can see well enough to tell that Chaos' safeguard is down. This time, she resolves, she'll make sure her sleep powder takes effect! Shaking another great cloud of blue and green dust, she takes Chaos by surprise. Too late, he realizes that his safeguard is no longer in place and he can't be guaranteed an escape from sleep. By that point, the cloud has already surrounded him, and an incredible weariness creeps over him, sending him to his knees and then to a prone position on the floor as his eyes slide shut. As the sleep powder clears, Thorn chirps happily--at last, she's managed to properly incapacitate her opponent.

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 58%
Energy: 73%
- Passed out asleep in the middle of a scattering of sleep powder (severe). Badly poisoned (7% next round).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 70%
Energy: 66%
- Rattled by iron tail, but elated nonetheless. -1 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
There are small patches of toxic liquid dotting the floor all in front of Thorn where the stuff dripped off of Chaos. There are also a couple of patches of blue and green spores scattered across the tiles, most of them close in by Thorn.

Final Notes
- The second sludge bomb missed.
- turbler attacks first next round. And if you're going to post something other than orders in the thread, don't later edit it to add those orders in. You're lucky I realized you might have done that and bothered to check the thread again even though there weren't any new replies. And yes, I have.
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Thorn your doing great... oh, and if he start's murmuring, he's gonna attack you, so be aware! Now then for orders...
as soon as he wakes up give him another sleep powder, 'till then here's what you do! protect against flash and ariel ace. otherwise, start with a nice double team, make as many as possible, then a growth followed by another Sludge bomb. If a move fails then move it to the next action, but as long as he's asleep sludge bomb is the last action, cause damage is cool. now if he wakes up T1, then start with sleep powder then double team then sludge bomb if he wakes up on T2 then you should already have doubl team, so just sleep powder then sludge bomb. If he wakes T3 then just sleep powder. that's good k? PS if T3 rolls around the only action you use protect on is flash, and sleep powder has higher priority.

sleep powder/protect/double team~sleep powder/protect/growth/double team~sleep powder/protect/sludge bomb

Let's see, the moment you get up, use Safeguard. If you're still asleep, just use Sleep Talk. If you're awake and already have used Safeguard, then use Giga Drain. If you're lucky, and are awake for all three attacks, use Synthesis at the end, but only if you've already used Safeguard and Giga Drain.

Sleep Talk/Safeguard~Sleep Talk/Safeguard/Giga Drain~Sleep Talk/Safeguard/Synthesis
Round Five

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 58%
Energy: 73%
- Passed out asleep in the middle of a scattering of sleep powder (severe). Badly poisoned (7% next round).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 70%
Energy: 66%
- Rattled by iron tail, but elated nonetheless. -1 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Thorn watches her sleeping opponent, awaiting some sign of attack. It isn't long in coming--as her trainer had warned her, the treecko shortly begins to stir and mutter in his sleep, spewing gibberish from his subcionscious. Abruptly, the muttering stops and the treecko rises to his feet. Somehow he trains his closed eyes on Thorn and, more startling still, begins to speak perfectly coherent words. While neither trainer might be able to understand what the treecko is saying, Thorn definitely can, and as time goes on she grows increasingly irate. The treecko is bragging at length, drawing Thorn's attention to his many virtues and assuring her that she has no chance of winning. The treecko moves about while speaking, strutting back and forth in front of Thorn in a manner that she would probably find humourous, if not simply creepy, if she weren't so enraged. As it is, though, rational thought flees her mind and she finds herself fixated on the desire to cause Chaos harm; she's shivering with suppressed rage. The treecko flops back to the floor as suddenly as he rose and slips back into the rhythm of deep sleep, but Thorn's anger doesn't fade. It is with reluctance that she turns her thoughts to her own command--double team--and sets about to execute it.

Unfortunately, the budew is angered to the point of madness, and her movements are clumsy and uncoordinated as she starts darting around the sleeping treecko in the hopes of creating clones. She can barely see through the haze of red that shrouds her vision, and she is just a little overzealous in trying to execute her double team. In the end she trips at a critical moment, slamming hard into the stone floor and reopening the wound on her forehead from the aerial ace attack.

Whether it is the howl that arises from Thorn as she topples to the floor of some other factor unknown, something rouses Chaos. The treecko grunts and stirs in his sleep, then blearily opens his eyes. Unaware of what he's been up to in his sleep, the gecko stretches comfortably before lazily calling up a safeguard to protect himself from further naps. As soon as the green, flickering glow starts up around his body again, he looks around for his opponent, only to find her lying nearby, snarling and flailing as she struggles to get back to her feet.

The confused budew is having little success returning upright, and her confusing commands make even less sense than they otherwise would to her muddled brain. Distracted and in a foul temper, the budew decides to ignore them and go with "hurt Chaos by any means necessary" instead. Or she would, anyway, if only she could get up off this stupid floor...

Chaos smirks and spreads his hands, a brilliant lime green glow surrounding them and overpowering the safeguard's constant pulsing. Thorn, startled, stops struggling as a similar glow surrounds her body. Much to her dismay, she feels something tugging at her body--or not at her body, exactly, but something deeper--her life itself. The budew gasps, mind temporarily clearing as the awful feeling creeps deep into her body, draining her of energy and the will to go on. Streamers of bright green energy peel away from her body and into Chaos' fingers. The treecko is rather disappointed, however: Thorn is extremely resistant to the giga drain attack, and though she doesn't find it pleasant, she isn't badly hurt by it. At the same time, Chaos doesn't gain much relief by absorbing the little energy he managed to wrench away from her. He flexes his fingers and sighs as the glow fades. Oh, well. A little's at least better than nothing at all.

Now levelheaded enough to scramble back to her feet, Thorn casts about for what to do. She's not entirely sure what to do in this situation; none of her commands seems to quite cover it, especially given that she didn't really do anything in the previous action. Feeling Chaos' stare upon her, she panics and uses the old fall-back, sleep powder, in an attempt to shut those glaring yellow eyes again. Too late she notices Chaos' safeguard, and though the treecko winces with pain, it's certainly not as a result of her attack.

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 51%
Energy: 63%
- Really starting to feel the poison, but otherwise okay. Badly poisoned (8% next round, capped). Protected by safeguard (3 more actions).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 67%
Energy: 61%
- Nervous and fuddled. Confused (severe). +2 Attack, -1 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
There are small patches of toxic liquid dotting the floor all in front of Thorn where the stuff dripped off of Chaos. There are also a couple of patches of blue and green spores scattered across the tiles, most of them close in by Thorn.

Final Notes
- Sleep talk generated swagger.
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round.
Okay, try Crush Claw. Use GrassWhistle when Thorn is distracted, then use Synthesis while she's asleep.

Crush Claw~GrassWhistle~Synthesis

EDIT: Okay, fixed.
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Four attacks again, man. Combos that involve two attacks still count as two actions, just grouped into one.
kk, crush claw should deal... 7 base -1 anti-stab -1 first stage +1 because of thorns defense modifier =6%. Nothing we can't handle. so start off with a nice safeguard, I know your pissed off, but if you don',t you'll be asleep, and that means you Won't Be Able To Hurt that Treecko!And you KNOW you wanna hurt him, so just do it, n'kay. If you didn't do it, then if you manage to magcally attack before he starts playing music, use sludge bomb otherwise if he played his little tune and it missed, still use sludge bomb. If you are asleep then obviously, use sleep talk if you're awake on the third action, ignore him and use sludge bomb, If you're asleep, then sleep talk again.

safeguard~sludge bomb/sleep talk~Sludge Bomb/Sleep Talk
Round Six

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 51%
Energy: 63%
- Really starting to feel the poison, but otherwise okay. Badly poisoned (8% next round, capped). Protected by safeguard (3 more actions).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 67%
Energy: 61%
- Nervous and fuddled. Confused (severe). +2 Attack, -1 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Trying to focus her fuddled mind, Thorn does her best to interpret her commands for this round. She is brought up short, though, by the fact, that she doesn't even understand the first one. She vaguely recognizes safeguard as the move that Chaos has been using against her rather often of late--indeed the one that currently swaths him in a green glow--but she has no idea how to use the attack herself. She must have misheard; perhaps she was misled by her confusion.

While the budew meditates blearily on what to do next, Chaos doesn't hesitate to begin his own attack. As he did earlier, he rushes at the smaller grass type, one hand glowing with white energy as he prepares to get her attention with another vicious crush claw. The budew doesn't even appear to notice his approach, but as soon as he sinks his fingers, enhanced with ripping blades of pure energy, into her side, she lets out a squeal and focuses on the treecko, anger smoldering in her eyes.

Before Chaos can retreat to safety, the budew collect noxious chemicals in her mouth, congealing them into another unstable ball of muck, which she proceeds to spit at Chaos as he turns to dash away. The treecko staggers, nearly driven to the floor by the power of the sludgy explosion, but he is nevertheless undaunted. After putting a little space between himself and his opponent, he turns around again, gathering grass-type energy between his hands. As the charge of power takes the shape of a green, glowing leaf, the treecko puts it to his mouth and blows hard. The sound that results is reedy and strange, wavering and ranging erratically up and down the scale. Nevertheless, it has an odd, hypnotic power, perhaps by virtue of its very strangeness, and Thorn finds herself unable to concentrate on anything but the quavering tune, her eyes growing heavy as her consciousness grows fainter, anger fading into muddy uncertainty and fatigue. After only a minute or so of the tune, the budew is sound asleep and Chaos dismisses his grassy construct with a grin. Let's see how the budew enjoys her nap.

Apparently she doesn't, for soon after succumbing to sleep, the budew begins to twitch and mutter. Chaos claps a hand to his head, gritting his teeth as sudden pain explodes in his temples. His eyes water with the intensity of the agony, and before his eyes the world warps and dissolves into a strange, twisting place of madness. The shadows lurking in the corners of the tower take on life, stretching out towards Chaos even as the forms of the trainers and his opponent distort into hideous apparitions. The treecko whimpers and closes his eyes, at which point the pain vanishes as suddenly as it had started. When he cautiously takes a look at the world around him again, the treecko finds everything returned to normal, indeed as though it had never been different.

Rubbing his head for a moment more, the treecko starts to gear up for his next technique while keeping a close eye on Thorn. If the little bud pokémon starts babbling again, he's ready to head for the hills. Thorn remains quiet, though, for all appearances enjoying a good nap, and the treecko starts trying to pull off his attack. Despite his best efforts, however, whenever he tries to pull up the energy to start a synthesis attack, it is as though some mystical force is blocking his attempts. The distraught treecko's safeguard fades as he struggles to get a synthesis going, and though there is the occasional flash of green energy around his body as he nearly succeeds, it is always snuffed out before it can build to the proper size. Frustrated and mystified, Chaos glares at Thorn, convinced that this is somehow her fault.

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 37%
Energy: 51%
- Weary, but physically better off than he was before. Badly poisoned (8% next round, capped).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 61%
Energy: 53%
- Snoozing peacefully. Deeply asleep. Confused (moderate). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
There are small patches of toxic liquid dotting the floor all in front of Thorn where the stuff dripped off of Chaos. There are also a couple of patches of blue and green spores scattered across the tiles, most of them close in by Thorn.

Final Notes
- Budew can't learn safeguard.
- Thorn's sleep talk produced extrasensory.
- Direct recovery moves are banned in this battle.
- turbler attacks first next round.
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now then, 'till you wake up, just use sleep talk, n'kay
as soon as you wake up just use sludge bomb 'till he drops. If he uses protect, use double team., If he uses protect a second time and it works and you still ahve clones, then use another growth... if he uses flash use protect, If your asleep it won't matter, If he uses flash twice in a row, just close your eyes and use a growth at the same time if you can roll it into one action.
Protect/sleep talk/sludge bomb/double team~Protect/sleep talk/sludge bomb/double team/growth/close eyes~Protect/sleep talk/sludge bomb/double team/growth/close eyes.
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Dude, I'll PM you when I'm done editing the round. I think Lord Shyguy will want to see the changes before he posts.
What edits?

Okay, use Screech to distract Thorn, then use Dig. Once you hit Thorn, use Aerial Ace when you're close up.

Screech~Dig~Aerial Ace

EDIT: Fixed.
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Round Seven

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 37%
Energy: 51%
- Weary, but physically better off than he was before. Badly poisoned (8% next round, capped).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 61%
Energy: 53%
- Snoozing peacefully. Deeply asleep. Confused (moderate). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Much to Chaos' dismay, his situation only worsens; first he can't pull off a synthesis attack, and then his opponent starts up that murmuring again. Desperate to distract her, the treecko lets out a high, keening noise that forces even the trainers and referee to block their ears, their eyes tearing up. Incredibly, however, the awful noise neither awakens nor even slows Thorn down. There is a brief lull as she stops murmuring, but it soon becomes obvious that this was only because she was preparing to strike. The budew rises back to her feet, turns to face Chaos, and then lunges, closing with the dismayed treecko in no time flat. One of her stubby hands tightens, becoming as sharp as her namesake before she rakes it across Chaos' stomach, leaving a long but shallow gash down his red front.

Half horrified, half disbelieving, Chaos puts a hand to the wound, then winces as it starts to burn. This is crazy! Eager to be away from his somnambulent opponent, the treecko hunkers down and starts tearing at the earth. Unfortunately, given that there is no earth to be found and the floor is actually composed of thick stone blocks, the treecko's efforts are less than successful. The sound of his small claws scrabbling uselessly over rock, seeking for some seam that might be widened, is soon drowned out by low, ominous muttering from Thorn. Giving up all hopes of digging to safety, Chaos shuts his eyes and tenses, teeth gritted as he awaits whatever punishment the budew has in store for him now.

As it turns out, though, it is not the treecko but the referee who recoils in pain as the budew begins her subconscious attack. A warning siren blares in the earpiece she wears and she jerks reflexively, face contorting with pain, as she fumbles for the off switch. "Geez, would you stop doing that, already?" she growls after successfully subduing the device, then punches a button on what looks vaguely like a Wiimote, causing the green aura that had been growing around Thorn to splutter and then die.

Cautiously, Chaos opens one yellow eye. He is unaware of what his opponent was trying to do, but in the end it left him unhurt, so it can't have been too awful. The scene that greets him as he opens his eyes looks just as he remembers it; Thorn has fallen silent for the moment, but almost as soon as the treecko sets eyes on her she starts twitching and grumbling again, ready to try again for an attack after the last one was canceled. Once again, though, she doesn't seem intent on hurting Chaos; quite the opposite, in fact. The budew's jumbled murmurs give way to hopeful chirping as she starts to sidle closer to Chaos, a foolish grin on her sleeping face as she reaches towards him.

Chaos recoils, eyes widening. That's just creepy. Thorn continues to wander along after him, still reaching out plaintively, but the treecko is having none of that. Putting a couple of feet between himself and the budew, he then puts on a burst of speed and comes around at high velocity, barreling straight at Thorn and raking her face with his claws before jumping back to land about a foot in front of the budew. A spasm of pain from his poison-tormented innards makes his landing a little sloppy, but overall he's satisfied with the lack of punishment he's received this round.

Lord Shyguy (OO)
Chaos (M)
Health: 24%
Energy: 43%
- Growing increasingly tired and exasperated. Badly poisoned (8% next round, capped).

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 61%
Energy: 53%
- Stirring restlessly, but still not fully conscious. Lighty asleep. Confused (moderate). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +1 Special Attack

Terrain Notes
There are small patches of toxic liquid dotting the floor all in front of Thorn where the stuff dripped off of Chaos. There are also a couple of patches of blue and green spores scattered across the tiles, most of them close in by Thorn.

Final Notes
- Because Thorn wasn't awake to comprehend screech, it failed to lower her defense.
- Thorn's first sleep talk produced cut. The next was synthesis, which failed by default, and the third was attract, which had a drastically reduced effect because it was clear that she wasn't consciously trying to attract Chaos.
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round.
Hmm, Chaos is probably going to faint... use Sunny Day while Thorn is still asleep, then use Aerial Ace, and finally Solar Beam.

Sunny Day~Aerial Ace~SolarBeam
sleep talk as long as your asleep, If you awake, here's what to do. Start off with, again... a sludge bomb, follow with a protect on T2, then another sludge bomb. don't push commands to next action... Ok.
Sleep talk/sludge bomb~sleep talk/protect~sleep talk/sludge bomb
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