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Lord Shyguy vs turbler (Ref: Negrek)

oops... Don't worry Thorn. We WILL pull through!:grin:
try...um...(curse you lack of aroma therapy until you're a roselia!)
just use unngh... *idea light bulb!*sleep powder, then toxic the cotton spore, if he uses safeguard, then just triple cotton spore!
Cotton Spore/sleep powder~cotton spore/toxic~cotton spore
Okay, let's finish this up. Iron Tail, then Signal Beam, and finsih with Tackle.

Iron Tail~Signal Beam~Tackle
Round Twelve

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 59%
- Confident and in control.

turbler (OO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 11%
Energy: 17%
- In pain and mystified as to why she couldn't get her attack to work. Confused (severe). Paralyzed (severe). +2 Attack, -2 Defense, +2 Special Attack

Amp dashes at Thorn, brandishing her tail in ancticipation of her next attack. Glittering silver energy ripples out along its length, temporarily giving it the properties of unyielding metal. By this point, Thorn is on the verge of tears, her confusion only making the fact that she hasn't been able to attack for a long time worse. She is sick and dizzy, in pain and frightened--the perfect target for Amp's attack. The mareep brings her tail whistling around in a gleaming arc and smashes the budew straight in the face. Thorn can only let out a squeal as she is swatted away like a baseball, sailing across the arena before she comes to a hard landing on the unyielding tile. The budew bounces a couple of times before she at last comes to rest, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes and a violent bruise sure to take over the entirety of her face in a few minutes.

At this point, Thorn is only barely clinging to consciousness. There is still hope, though; if she can put her opponent to sleep, she might have the time to recover a bit of vitality. Fighting against confusion and paralysis, the budew slowly, arduously rises to her feet, fixing her gaze on Amp and taking a couple shaky steps forward. Shivering along the length of her tiny body, she shakes a great cloud of blue-green powder into the air. For a moment, Thorn's view of Amp is blocked by the drifting sleep powder. As the attack drifts towards its target, though, Thorn's heart sinks. The sleep powder, wafted away by some subtle air currents in the tower, fails to engulf the mareep at all, instead drifting off to her left.

Amp smirks, tail glowing with blue and red light. Thorn knows what's coming next, and she tries to shield her face with her stubby arms, but it's usless. The signal beam sizzles through the air, and once the twisting strands of energy dissipate, the budew is lying motionless on the floor, out cold.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 48%
- Extremely pleased with herself.

turbler (XO)
Thorn (F) <Shiny Stone>
Health: 0%
Energy: 17%
Knocked Out!

Terrain Notes
There is a dusting of sleep powder on the tiles to the right of Amp.

Final Notes[/u]
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round; turbler's next pokémon is Neku the female eevee.
Okay, gotta win this quick or you'll lose all your energy... Start with Toxic, follow up with Rain Dance, and finish with Charge.

Toxic~Rain Dance~Charge
man-o-man, really bad luck near the end with thorn... if only sleep powder hit... :(It's Neko the Male Eevee btw... hmmm... here's what you're gonna do
protect first, to block that toxic... then uh... a toxic of your own! then finish it up with a sunny day to stop that rain dance, or if your toxic missed, then try again! We can crush this sheep... :)
protect~toxic~sunny day/toxic
Round Thirteen

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 78%
Energy: 48%
- Extremely pleased with herself.

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Confident and sprightly.

Thorn is replaced in short order with Neko the eevee, who looks across at his opponent with more curiosity than determination. The eevee's bushy tail even wags a little, as though he's anticipating a game of tag or friendly wrestling match as opposed to an all-out battle. Amp's reply is not so friendly, though; she stares coldly across at the eevee until her orders are given, and then she doesn't hesitate to go on the offensive.

At this point, this means gagging up a foul combination of biotoxins. Amp doesn't find producing a toxic attack to be a particularly pleasant experience, but she knows that Neko will enjoy it even less. When she at last manages to cough up a gobbet of the vile stuff and spit it at the eevee, though, she is dismayed to see it splatter up against an invisible wall of force instead of hitting the eevee straight on. Neko sits quietly behind a sturdy protect, a grin on his face as he deflects the toxic attack and lets the barrier fall.

Grumbling to herself and spitting a couple stray droplets of toxic out onto the floor, Amp tries something a little different. Looking up towards the dark, mysterious vault overhead, she takes two steps left, two steps right, and is soon involved in an ancient dance, jumping and prancing with considerable energy back and forth across the arena. This dance is full of power--power over the weather, specifically, and capable of calling up thunderstorms. It would be impossible for the blackness overhead to darken any farther, but above, dense clouds are gathering, and soon after Amp has begun her dance, raindrops begin to patter to the ground. The mareep finishes her dance, striking a pose, as the rain picks up to a soaking downpour, washing away the remains of her toxic attack and the sleep powder that had coated the floor.

While the sheep was dancing, though, the eevee was preparing an attack of his own. Like Amp, Neko concentrates on concocting an incredibly poisonous blend of chemicals. By the time it starts to rain, the toxic mixture is complete, and the eevee takes a couple of steps forward before projectile-vomiting the hunk of noxious poison all over his opponent.

Amp has nothing to protect herself from the vile purplish liquid, and she flinches away as the stuff splatters across her muzzle. The rain washes some of the toxic away, diluting it, but it burns nevertheless, the remainder eating into her skin and entering her bloodstream. The attack wasn't as potent as it could have been, but Amp's time is limited nonetheless.

For now, though, she needs to prepare for her next attack. Electricity pops and snaps around Amp's body as she calls up energy from her inner reserves, transferring it to her fleece where it will be easy to call upon to augment future electric attacks. Electricity circulates around her fleece, giving the mareep a sort of crackling aura.

Neko seems uninterested in this development, however. The eevee's face is tilted towards the unseen clouds overhead, face a serene mask of concentration. As the eevee summons up all his memories of the sun, its heat and light, steam begins to rise from his fur, the raindrops that fall on it evaporating immediately. The effect becomes increasingly pronounced until at last Neko lets the attack go entirely, a wave of fire energy ripping free of his body and soaring up into the dark overhead. A great flash of light tears aside cloud and shadow alike, revealing a globe of angry flame, a miniature sun, hanging high up in the tower. The rain, of course, stops immediately. Neko lowers his head and looks across at Amp, smirking, as the temperature rises and the arena begins to dry once more.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 77%
Energy: 36%
- Tiring swiftly. Charged up. Badly poisoned (2% next round). +1 Special Defense

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 84%
- Beat that!

Terrain Notes
The floor has been washed clean, and there are still a few small puddles lingering here and there. The intense sun promises to dry them up soon, though (6 more actions/2 more rounds).

Final Notes
- The rain diluted toxic, delaying its full effects.
- turbler attacks first next round.
on the first damaging attack that's electric that you see, use protect, otherwise, safeguard, then secret power until a status effect hits him, then if you still have an action left... use return if your happy, or frustration if your mad. Okay pal? we can do this!:D, If Safeguard fails (or is interrupted by protect) try again
Protect/Safeguard~Protect/safeguard/Secret Power~Protect/Safeguard/Secret Power/Return/Frustration
Last edited:
Ahh, but we know other typed attacks! Start with Facade since you're poisoned, then use Protect to block the Secret Power, and finally, use Double Team if Neko uses a damaging move, otherwise use Toxic.

Facade~Protect~Double Team/Toxic
Round Fourteen

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 77%
Energy: 36%
- Tiring swiftly. Charged up. Badly poisoned (2% next round). +1 Special Defense

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 84%
- Beat that!

Unfortunately for Neko, Amp isn't about to tolerate being smirked at by a little fuzzball without so much as a proper coat of fleece--especially not one that just up and vomited slime all over her face. The mareep lowers her head and charges, and Neko's smug expression changes to one of horror as he realizes that the sheep means real business. Amp leads off with a vicious headbutt, but the violence only escalates from there as she tramples Neko beneath her small but sharp hooves, bites down on one of his large ears, and generally pummels him mercilessly. Neko wails and struggles to drag himself away from the enraged sheep, but Amp has no intention of letting him escape. Neko can do nothing but endure the abuse until at last Amp has expended the last of her rage and, feeling remarkably cheerful, backs off again.

Wincing, Neko picks himself up off the warm tiles, reflecting that his confidence may have been premature. He should just stick to his orders and not underestimate his opponent. For the moment, his orders are to use safeguard, and so the eevee prepares to do just that. Safeguard, right... uh, yeah, safeguard...

Much to his dismay, the eevee realizes that he has no idea at all how to go about setting up a safeguard. Perplexed, he racks his brain for any shred of information that might help, but it is futile: he really and truly has no idea how to use the attack.

Secret power, though, is a different matter. Not a common attack, maybe, but no problem at all for Neko! Eager to show that he's not totally incompetent, the eevee hastily starts drawing energy from his surroundings, compressing it into a ball of light at the back of his throat. Amp doesn't seem bothered by this development, standing her ground and watching Neko's preparations with no more than a vague smile. His charging complete, the eevee lets his attack fly, a brilliant column of white light shooting from his mouth and towards the waiting mareep. It is caught midair, though, by a wall of pure force; splashing in all directions, the secret power hisses uselessly into empty air as Amp sits confidently behind her protect, simply waiting for the attack to die down.

Once it does, Neko snaps his jaw shut, thoroughly annoyed. Another failure--honestly! Worse, when he tries to mull over his next attack, he comes up utterly confused. So many choices--Neko grumbles and paws at his stinging ear--only to have his paw come away with blood. Just great... he honestly has no idea what to do now. Amp doesn't give him the opportunity to figure it out, either. Trotting cheerfully up to her fuming opponent, the mareep proceeds to return his toxic favor with one of her own, spitting a noxious torrent of posionous liquid all over his head.

Neko squeals, pawing at his face in an attempt to clear the vile stuff from his eyes. The burning liquid sinks through his fur and eats through the skin beneath, entering his bloodstream and consigning him to the same poisonous affliction as Amp.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 75%
Energy: 20%
- Verging on exhaustion, but a little more confident now. Charged up. Badly poisoned (3% next round). +1 Special Defense

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 88%
Energy: 79%
- Oh, ewww. Covered in poison slime with a bite taken out of his left ear. Badly poisoned (3% next round).

Terrain Notes
Bright sunlight burns down on the arena, warming the tiles and scattering the shadows (3 more actions/1 more round).

Final Notes
- Eevee cannot learn safeguard, and once again we see the effect of excessive conditional orders.
- Lord Shyguy attacks first next round.
Well, since you're still charged... Start with another Facade. Follow up with Rain Dance. If your Rain Dance is succesful, use Thunder. Otherwise, use Thunderbolt. If it should use Protect while you're using an attcking move, use Double Team instead.

Facade/Double Team~Rain Dance~Thunder/Thunderbolt/Double Team
:D okay, neko, we're almost there! Here's what you need to do
*for the swagger, make it after the mareep attacks, unless your substitute is destroyed, then use it before him!
Round Fifteen

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 75%
Energy: 20%
- Verging on exhaustion, but a little more confident now. Charged up. Badly poisoned (3% next round). +1 Special Defense

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 88%
Energy: 79%
- Oh, ewww. Covered in poison slime with a bite taken out of his left ear. Badly poisoned (3% next round).

Neko sure doesn't seem to be enjoying his slimy, toxic present. Amp smirks as the eevee scrapes at his soiled coat, letting out small whines of unhappiness as he shakes gobbets of sludge onto the floor. Doesn't like poisoning much, does he? Well, Amp likes it even less, and she's about to make her displeasure known again, and as painfully as before. Rushing at Neko, the mareep headbutts him straight in the face, ignoring the toxic that gets smeared into her fleece as a result--it's her own poison, after all. Neko falls backwards with a screech, and Amp doesn't give him the opportunity to recover, setting upon him with gleefully vicious kicks and even the occasional bite.

As Amp's anger wanes, she falls back, panting but satisfied. She feels great now, her bloodlust slated, although her little rampage was certainly... draining. While the sheep rests, Neko pulls himself together, getting shakily back to his feet. He can feel some new bruises coming on, but he'll have to worry about them later. For now, he has a job to do. Closing his eyes, Neko spreads energy throughout his entire body, a brilliant white glow suffusing the air around him as his very fur begins to shine. The eevee takes one large, deliberate step to the left and in doing so leaves the glow behind. Standing next to him is something like a ghost of the eevee, a construction of pure energy that looks identical to its creator. The shining eevee stands calmly at Neko's side, for the moment

By now, Amp has started in on her next attack. This one, too, is familiar, and the sheep falls easily into the rhythm of her dance. Her hooves drum out an irregular beat on the tiles as she jumps and spins, calling for clouds to once more cover the burning sun. The weather heeds her wishes, the warm glow suffusing the air in the tower vanishing as dense clouds billow in the air far overhead and presently begin spitting their burdern of water down on the pokémon below. Neko doesn't really mind, as the rain starts to clean the toxic out of his fur, but he's not about to let the earlier facade attack go unpunished. The cream-colored tip of his bushy tail begins to glow, shedding a steady rain of energy sparks, and Neko spins about, dragging a glowing arc through the air with his tail and scattering the sparks in all directions. They grow as they spread outwards, only picking up momentum as they go, until they form a flock of blazing stars made out of pure energy. Several of these slam into Amp, slicing chunks out of her luxurious fleece, while most shoot on into the darkened corners of the tower, expiring against its stone walls.

The swift attack stung, and Amp is feeling more than a little tired by now, but she's not about to give up just yet. With the clouds overhead pouring down rain, she feels it's the perfect time to let her stored charge out and put Neko in some serious pain. The sheep's fleece crackles with energy as she sends a streamer of ions snaking up into the clouds above Neku, priming a path to bring a lightning bolt thundering down. Her call is answered with as a searing bolt of electricity shoots down directly at Neko--only to be thwarted as the substitute shoves its master out of the way, taking the attack itself. The thunder hits home with a roar that seems to shake the very air, and the substitute disappears in a flash of light; the mighty electric attack was more than enough to get rid of it. Amp, her head hanging and her legs shaking a little with exertion, is far from pleased to see her attack absorbed so easily; Neko, on the other hand, isn't thrilled to see his substitute go. Nevertheless, he's got to turn his irritation into arrogance and grab Amp's attention while he can. Feigning nonchalance, Neko makes an offhand comment about the sorry state of Amp's fleece after that swift attack while running a paw through the thick ruff around his own neck. The mareep glares at him, but Neko refuses to meet her eyes, sighing about how he wishes he could find an actually challenging battle. Surely there must be someone out there as powerful as him.

As Neko's self-aggrandizing speech goes on, Amp grows more and more incensed. She can't quite forget her fatigue, but most rational thought is swept away in the face of Neko's unselfconscious arrogance. Thinks he's all that, does he? That eevee's going to pay... if Amp doesn't collapse from exhaustion first.

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 67%
Energy: 4%
- Angry, but too tired to do much about it. Badly poisoned (4% next round). Confused (severe). +2 Attack, +1 Special Defense

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 58%
Energy: 66%
- Cleaner now, but aching from another facade. Has a bite taken out of his left ear. Badly poisoned (4% next round).

Terrain Notes
A torrential downpour pelts the arena, once more washing toxic off the floor (6 more actions/2 more rounds).

Final Notes
- turbler attacks first next round.
Might as well make use of the Rain Dance...

Just use Thunder three times (or as much as you can).

Thunder x3
Round Sixteen

Lord Shyguy (XO)
Amp (F)
Health: 67%
Energy: 4%
- Angry, but too tired to do much about it. Badly poisoned (4% next round). Confused (severe). +2 Attack, +1 Special Defense

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 58%
Energy: 66%
- Cleaner now, but aching from another facade. Has a bite taken out of his left ear. Badly poisoned (4% next round).

Exhaustion hasn't won yet and Amp charges at Neko, catatonic and deaf to reason--or command--from her trainer. The mareep's hooves scramble across the slick floor tiles, clumsy and uncoordinated, and she ends up falling heavily instead of pulling off her desired revenge. She continues to struggle even when downed, though, her mind seething with thoughts of payback as she tries to drag herself closer to Neko, even though her confusion thwarts all attempts to actually rise. Though Neko initially hesitates, contemplating fight or flight as the furious mareep charges, he relaxes when Amp's attack falls flat. Once more his tail begins to glow and, swinging it in another wide arc, he scatters glowing swift stars across the arena.

Several of these slam into Amp's face, temporarily shocking the mareep out of her rage. Unfortunately for her, this means that the exhaustion that fury had been masking comes roaring back with a vengeance. She knows that she only has enough power left for one attack, so she'd better make it a good one. Drawing on all her electrical reserves, she releases a burst of ions into the air, calling down another mighty strike from the clouds overhead. This time, the attack hits its intended target, and Neko finds himself caught on the receiving end of a lightning strike. Unable to even cry out, the eevee can only convulse in electrical agony as the shock rips through him, the scent of burning in the air as his fur is singed, his hearing temporarily deadened by the heavy roar of the thunder attack. All in all, though, he's in better shape. Amp goes quietly, but go she does--slipping into unconsciousness out of pure exhaustion and falling still on the puddle-ridden floor.

Lord Shyguy (XX)
Amp (F)
Health: 62%
Energy: 0%
Knocked Out!

turbler (XO)
Neko (M)
Health: 44%
Energy: 63%

Rain continues to pour down on the arena and the trainers as Lord Shyguy reluctantly pulls Amp's pokéball off his belt and recalls the fallen mareep. turbler, too, returns his pokémon, as the twitching Neko hardly looks to be in any shape to enjoy his victory. Stepping forward, the two of them meet up with the referee at the center of the arena to exchange post-battle pleasantries and a handshake. Meanwhile, Negrek writes up the necessary report and hands out money, leaning out over her clipboard in a futile attempt to keep her records from getting soaked. When all this is finished, the three depart again, none too keen on remaining in this shadowy tower longer than they have to. Soon the Octagonal Tower is left to itself again, only the seething, living shadows that fill its nooks and crannies left to wait, perhaps, for the next foolhardy pair of trainers to stumble into their reach.

turbler receives $16 for winning, Lord Shyguy gets $6, and I get $10 for reffing. Neko, Amp, and Thorn get two EXP each, while Chaos gets one.
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