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Lordlogan has entered


New member
Im Logan im 15 and like writing stories and such i play ukulele and im lordlogan on other forums to so if you recognize the name thats why
Welcome, my Lord! *bows* Haha, just messin' wit ya. It's nice meeting you Logan, I'm Lili, and welcome to tCoD! It's nice to see another person interested in writing, so maybe it'd be cool if you could stop by the roleplaying center and play with us. Also, it's interesting that you play the ukelele, I've never really known anyone who plays the ukelele. :D

Soo, yeah. Enjoy your stay here! :)
Welcome, Logan, it is nice to have another writer here. Now with formalities aside, dude ukelele that is totally awesome.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time on the forums. (And hope your time on the forums is more plentiful then mine.)
Thanks you two!

I chose the Ukulele because everyone plays the guitar and not many people play the ukulele but its slowly spreading like a virus through my school me and my friend use to bring ours every friday and we got like four people to buy one and there just getting more more frequent, and ill ne sure to check out every ones writing :) thanks for the Welcome

- Logan
Ukulele. Because I only know, like, four-hundred and thirteen people who play Ukulele.
Anyways, welcome to the Tcod. Have a good time, don't destroy the world without a good reason, that sort of thing.
Hiello. fellow writer.
So, DoubLL. (as in, Lord Logan, has two Ls, so it's Double L. and...yeah, just forget it), you play the Ukele, eh? Well, the Ukele player cannot compare to the sheer awesomeness of the man who commands the musical instrimunt, known as the stapler!

Have fun. play nice, and if you do destroy the world, leave Ireland alone. I'm serious. I will throw a stapler's nest at you, and they're really fiesty when they're mad!!!
Hiello. fellow writer.
So, DoubLL. (as in, Lord Logan, has two Ls, so it's Double L. and...yeah, just forget it), you play the Ukele, eh? Well, the Ukele player cannot compare to the sheer awesomeness of the man who commands the musical instrimunt, known as the stapler!

Have fun. play nice, and if you do destroy the world, leave Ireland alone. I'm serious. I will throw a stapler's nest at you, and they're really fiesty when they're mad!!!

Haha got any mad stapler covers up on youtube?
I saw "LordLogan" and instantly thought of my friend I'm having a fallout with. But then you said you were 15, and I was like *phew*

Anyways, welcome fellow writer! We should have a story trade someday! =^.^=
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