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Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

I keep re-reading the posts, looking for clues, but I see nothing x.x Is it just too early in the game or am I a total idiot xD?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

This isn't good. Two of our innocents are dead, with no leads. However, we might be able to deduct that whoever doesn't talk today are the two who can't talk, and could be considered innocent. However, others might have the same idea, and choose not to talk today in order to make themselves look like the innocent ones, plus some people just never choose to contribute in any case, and those could screw up our results as well. I think that tonight, we ought to lynch someone, though no one seems to come out as an obvious candidate.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

Wow... I have honestly no idea what to do. As much as I hate random lynching, the longer we do nothing, the more innocents will die. (Then again, we might lynch an innocent ourselves.)

What to do?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

If no leads come up, and we do decide to randylynch, the biggest problem will be that we might not be able to trust whoever goes to the rng. That person could very well be mafia, and would tamper with the results. Does anyone have any ideas as to who we could trust, or how we can decide?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

I think what Griffin was trying to say was that each of us would randomizes a number, and if any names came up more than the others, we would lynch that person. If that is the case, we might end up with only one vote for several different people. Sreservoir, I don't quite understand what you're trying to say, so could you please elaborate?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

Woah... I've never heard of such organised random lynching before. Last time I played someone just called out a name and that was it. But this is way fairer, and probably just as dodgy...

Man, I hate random lynches. No matter how they're done.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

How about everyone PMing who they think should be lynched to Rai-CH and whoever gets said the most gets lynched? Rai-CH gets spammed but at least you know it's fair. Even though it's basically exactly the same as if we voted right here and now =/ I dunno.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

How about everyone PMing who they think should be lynched to Rai-CH and whoever gets said the most gets lynched? Rai-CH gets spammed but at least you know it's fair. Even though it's basically exactly the same as if we voted right here and now =/ I dunno.

This is actually a good idea. It's secret, so it's not the same as a vote in the thread. I think we should vote on it though; nine votes would be the majority.

I'm in favor of this ^
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

I'm not sure, but it seems suspicious to me that sreservoir is voting against griffin tonight, when everyone is talking about a randylynch. In fact, now that I checked, it hasn't said anything that isn't against griffin since the day began. First, it expressed that griffin's idea was flawed, and while that isn't bad in itself, I think that griffin's wording may have been off, while the idea somewhat made sense, if you looked for a slightly deeper meaning. Then, when I asked for an elaboration, it basically just repeated what had just been said. Lastly, clinging onto that fact, it voted to lynch griffin just because of the way in which she worded her suggestion. I could be wrong, and the only reason sreservoir is lynching griffin is for a trivial reason, but it seems like sreservoir has something against griffin.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

So lynch sreservoir?

...Well... It doesn't seem quite fair. Maybe I'm just to squeamish about randylynches.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

More reason to PM Rai-CH our choices - It keeps people from bandwagoning. Makes it more fair.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 2]

The sun sets over the World Conference Building. While there were a few ideas on how to lynch being thrown around and even someone speaking up about who to lynch, no clear decisions were made. The nations returned to their rooms to hopefully get some sleep.

No one was killed. You have 24 hours for night actions.
Re: Mafitalia [Night 2]

“No... Not again,” England mumbled as he aroused from his slumber.
He groggily walked out of his room; the other nations had already left their rooms and were crowding the hallway. Everyone was chatting away; it appeared that no one had died. After a quick headcount, it was discovered that, in fact, no nations had been killed. Everyone was suspicious, why would the Mafia fire their gun, but not kill anybody? At least the innocents were lucky, they still had the advantage over the Mafia.
“Maybe the ghost of Switzerland is haunting us!” Denmark laughed, trying to ease the tension.
It didn’t work.

No one was killed. You have 48 hours for discussion.
I've kinda taken a bit of a storytelling take on the flavour text, it's more fun giving the characters their own voice, plus it spices it up a bit. Though I'm sorry if I start going OOC, I'm not used to writing established characters.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

From the sound of it, it sounds like one of the healers healed the person the Mafia tried to kill. So... we got lucky there? No deaths, but no more leads either.

Any ideas to what to do?
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