• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Manual Introduction Reset


formerly known as Jaketiger1116
*music roars, confetti cannons fire, and I walk onto the stage*


Hello! I am Jake. Well, that's what almost everybody calls me. That's not really my name. In fact, you may call me any of the following:
Jake, Ike, Alex, Bug, or Darren.

My real name is Alex, but what seems like a long time ago I donned the name Ike on the internet for about two and a half years. Only being sixteen, and having only really joined the internet when I was maybe eleven, two and a half years is a really long time in what I refer to as "internet time".

I'm off-topic.

Back on topic: Hi guys, I'm Jake. I'm not really new here. I signed up here almost two years ago, and I spent a while in inactivity, but I've been here. I haven't really posted all that much though. But I've read some posts here and there. And I want to re-introduce myself in the place of Welcome.

So hello again everybody, I would love to be a bit more active than ever before, and most of all, I would like to make friends with some of you fantastic people. If there's one thing I've learned it's that this is a great place to be, and you're a great bunch of people :)
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