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Mawile vs. Sangfroidish

Format: 2 v 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 14 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs
Arena Description: Bear City
It's just a forest. There's the occasional bear walking around, but they don't care if you hit them with attacks. But other than that, there is nothing interesting going on.
Additional Rules: -

Round 6



Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Reflect ~ Fake Out ~ Assist
Status: Looking as mortified as ever



Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Psych Up ~ Flame Charge/Psych Up/Howl ~ Flame Charge/Psych Up/Howl
Status: Completely disconsolate. Attack -6, Special Attack -6, Speed -2

With Envy back inside her Pokeball, billowing hair was replaced will all-seeing eyes. From another Pokeball of Mawile’s came a rigid feline, baby blues out in all of their glory. They were enough to cast an eerie feeling upon everyone in the arena but Quelana, who had already descended so low that a weird looking opponent was nothing but a minor distraction.

Margaret took little time getting herself comfortable in the arena. Sparkling, golden energy seemed to flow out of the Earth as if from a spring, forming a pristine dome around Margaret. The shield shimmered in the sunlight, making the Espurr’s form stretch as if reflected in a funhouse mirror. The spectacle did nothing to cheer up Quelana, who was driven only by a sinking feeling that Sangfroidish might abandon her if she failed to perform. Thus, she put aside her despair for a moment, instead attempting to focus on the mind of her new and strange opponent. The barrier erected by Margaret proved to only be a physical wall, as Quelana had no trouble getting through to Margaret’s brain. Quelana searched for Margaret’s own fighting spirit inside the immaculate consciousness, and soon had a good idea of her meantal state. Margaret was new to the battle, adrenaline had yet to flood her cranium, yet she had not been forced to endure a crippling seance. Quelana fed off of Margaret’s positive mindset, replacing her own sombre mood. She slunk back into her own mind as the feisty Psychic-type finally got to work fortifying her consciousness. The deed was done.

Margaret, stock still since entering the arena, now rushed forward at a blistering speed, tiny feet kicking up dust as they pushed her body forward. As she approached Quelana she raised her fists, appearing to be setting up for a volley of punches. Though just getting back in the mood to attack, Quelana still had her reflexes, which were fully operational. Watching Margaret come near with an intent to injure painted in her body language, Quelana was quickly on her toes. Margaret took a swing that passed within inches of the Fennekin’s face, causing a fatal flinch. The tiniest hint of a smirk became visible on Margaret’s face as she instead swept her tiny foot under Quelana, a weak kick that sent her sprawling in the dust. The Espurr hopped away, leaving Quelana to brood on the ground.

The Fennekin paid no attention to Margaret as she trained her giant eyes back on her trainer, specifically the belt of Pokeballs around his waist. He could sense the thoughts of each of his teammates, fairly sporadic thanks to the rest breaks they were all taking. Margaret settled on Rei the Litwick, following an old adage: “fight fire with fire”. Sadly, the move she chose to utilize did not line up with that element. Instead, from her stiff body came a pulse of electricity that spread out over the entire forest clearing, sparks jumping to singe low hanging branches. The wave threw Quelana back slightly, hitting just as she had stood back up. Again, she found herself thrown against the deck. Now, however, her depression had been replaced with anger. She longed to get involved in the fighting again.

She took the time to lift herself back up again, her temper already giving way to smoke that wafted from her fur. Shaking dirt from her elegant form, she began a jogging gait towards Margaret. As she continued to travel faster, her fur began to kindle, and flames peeked out from under her coat. Soon she was zooming across the terrain, an out-of-control locomotive. The bolt was halted slightly once Quelana passed the golden barricade. When she reached Margaret, she bowled her over, flames stretching to burn the tumbling foe. Embers shot out from Quelana, landing on Margaret’s fur, where she frantically tried to brush them away. The heat of each of them was enough to send her into a fuss. Ecstatic that she was back in action, Quelana held her head high as she walked away, out of the shield. Even if the attack had not delivered as many bruises as Quelana had liked, she felt confidence flowing through her. She was warmed up. Now the fun began.

End of Round 6

Mawile XO


Health: 97%
Energy: 89%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Status: In a huff, but almost perfectly fine. Reflect active (2 more actions)

Sangfroidish XO


Health: 90%
Energy: 92%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Status: Already forgetting about Envy. Speed +1

Arena Notes:

Ref Notes:

-I don’t believe Reflect is considered a stat change, so it wasn’t copied.
-Fake Out made Quelana flinch.
-Assist called Shock Wave from Rei the Litwick.
-That incredibly successful Flame Charge raised Speed
-Mawile commands next.
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I'll admit that this is actually pretty sad, so I'll throw your Fennekin a bone there. Let's start out with a Barrier so she can use Psych Up on that. Good job with this reffing, by the way, it made me feel pretty guilty about what I've done. Even just reading that made me feel terrible, so I think you've done your job really well, Eta Carinae!

Next, let's hit her with a Hidden Power. Hopefully we get something that's nice and super effective. For our last action, let's play it safe and use a Charge Beam. If she tries to inflict you with a status at any time though, I want you to use Magic Coat to bounce it right back to her. If she has clones, just use Shock Wave until they're gone.

Barrier/Magic Bounce ~ Hidden Power/Magic Bounce/Shock Wave ~ Charge Beam/Magic Bounce/Shock Wave
mawile you are a complete butt and you should feel terrible

So uh. We're basically just completely shagged at this point. He didn't even have the decency to not Magic Coat so we can actually get some damage on him >:( Just fucking. Hit it with Foul Play so we don't have to use our own shitty Attack stat. Blergh.

Foul Play ~ Foul Play ~ Foul Play
Just butting in to say that Psych Up totally should have reset Quelana's stats. It throws out the user's stat stages and replaces them with the target's; I've edited its description to be explicit about that. (You were right about Reflect not counting though.)
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Then I'll edit accordingly as soon as I can! Sorry about this, guys, I'll post again when I'm done so you two can reorder.
Alright, I think everything's been fixed now (hopefully it won't come off as quite as disparaging this time :P). Feel free to recommand you two, Mawile first again. Thanks for being patient through the mistake.
Awesome, now we don't have to waste an action buffing our stats! Also, it would seem that she's actually faster than you now (I think?), so let's take advantage of that. So, let's use Payback for our first move. Then, let's use Reflect again to avoid any serious damage. Then just do another Payback. It should hurt her pretty well.

If she tries to inflict a status, Magic Coat it back at her. If she Protects, use Barrier. You can get around any Substitutes, so we don't need to worry about that.

Payback/Magic Coat/Barrier ~ Reflect/Magic Coat/Barrier ~ Payback/Magic Coat/Barrier
You don't seem to have charged any energy for Psych Up. It should cost 1% energy for every level a stat is raised, so, uh, 14%. Shit.

Start with a Fire Spin to hold her still and stop her landing those Paybacks, then Flamethrower twice.

Fire Spin ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower

mawile you're still a bastard
Format: 2 v 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 14 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs
Arena Description: Bear City
It's just a forest. There's the occasional bear walking around, but they don't care if you hit them with attacks. But other than that, there is nothing interesting going on.
Additional Rules: -

Round 7

Mawile XO


Health: 97%
Energy: 89%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Payback/Magic Coat/Barrier ~ Reflect/Magic Coat/Barrier ~ Payback/Magic Coat/Barrier
Status: In a huff, but almost perfectly fine. Reflect active (2 more actions)

Sangfroidish XO


Health: 90%
Energy: 78%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Fire Spin ~ Flamethrower x2
Status: Already forgetting about Envy. Speed +1

Quelana started the round by breathing out a steady stream of fire. It was no barrage that hurtled towards Margaret. Instead, the flames that came from Quelana’s maw snaked through the air, seemingly in no rush. Margaret, never missing anything with her unblinking eyes, saw the blazing serpent approach and chose to dart away. The flames chased her tail as she hopped through the glade. Finally, she ducked behind a large tree trunk, and the flames splattered against it, burning the bark. Quelana growled in frustration as Margaret peeked back around the pine, seeing the coast was no clear. She quickly bounced back around the trunk and came to face Quelana. From there, she charged forward, much more deliberate in her direction. As she scampered, one of her tiny paws was enveloped in dark energy. When Quelana was within her reach she delivered a mighty slug, throwing the Fennekin’s cheek to the side. Saliva flew from her mouth, still warm from the fruitless fire she had discharged.

As Margaret backed off, Quelana began to work her fire sac again, generating more flames within her pharynx. With a guttural and long bark, she breathed out a much wider swath of fire, one that stretched out to touch looming branches, annihilating stray twigs and leaves. This flaming mass came straight at Margaret. This time, a few hopping steps were not enough for the Espurr to dodge the attack. She tried to run away, but the inferno surrounded her. In a matter of seconds she was trapped in a charring prison. Her fur started to burn away, her extremities were left bare, and her eyes saw the tumultuous hell unfold before her. Thankfully, the display lasted for only moments. Margaret found joy in being released from the flames, but she quickly ducked into some shade to avoid any more heat from the sun.

From this spot, she took some time to reinforce her defenses. Her glimmering shield was nearly invisible, and though it would do nothing to stop the flames she was facing, it did give her an added sense of security. She concentrated on the faded shield, and poured energy back into it. Quickly, color returned to the dome, and in no time the shield was back to its beautiful golden self. To Quelana, Margaret was shrouded in gold, living in luxury behind her momentum-killing bubble.

Bubble or no bubble, Quelana was not intimidated. Again, she brought forth a whirling firestorm that had no issue passing the barrier. Quelana’s view was hampered, but she could see enough. Margaret writhed once more as the flames swirled around her. For a split second, Quelana could see those wide eyes that watered in the sweltering heat. As the flames dissipated, Margaret sprang forward to give Quelana an idea of how she felt. Another black fist smacked the Fennekin, this one an uppercut that sent Quelana teetering away, her jaw throbbing.

End of Round 7

Mawile XO


Health: 75%
Energy: 75%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Status: Dreaming of an ice bath. Reflect active (4 more actions)

Sangfroidish XO


Health: 70%
Energy: 69%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Status: Already collecting bruises. Speed +1

Arena Notes:
-There is a very sad tree with a very sad burn mark on it

Ref Notes:
-Fixed Psych Up
-Fire Spin missed
-Sangfroidish commands next

Okay, just keep Flamethrowering I suppose, switching to Heat Wave on action 2 to prevent any Torment fuckery. If she protects or has a Light Screen up, Howl instead.

Flamethrower/Howl ~ Heat Wave/Howl ~ Flamethrower/Howl
Format: 2 v 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 14 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs
Arena Description: Bear City
It's just a forest. There's the occasional bear walking around, but they don't care if you hit them with attacks. But other than that, there is nothing interesting going on.
Additional Rules: -

Round 8

Mawile XO


Health: 75%
Energy: 75%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Rain Dance ~ Payback x2
Status: Dreaming of an ice bath. Reflect active (4 more actions)

Sangfroidish XO


Health: 70%
Energy: 69%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Flamethrower/Howl ~ Heat Wave/Howl ~ Flamethrower/Howl
Status: Already collecting bruises. Speed +1

Quelana had no issues with doing what she was doing, it certainly seemed to be working. The air before the Fennekin’s face ignited, cascading flames rolling towards Margaret. Again they crowded around the poor Espurr, offering no avenue for escape. The blaze completely blocked out Margaret from the rest of the world, hiding her in a prison of intense heat. The sweat pouring off her brow hissed and evaporated as it hit the ground. The fire returning again completely obliterated the grass on the ground, leaving a barren patch of dirt in its wake. The flames turned more of Margaret’s fur to ash, her skin starting to poke through in a few places.

Looking for any opportunity to cool down, Margaret moved not to attack Quelana, but rather to ease her pain. Like a ballerina on pointed toes, Margaret began a fluid dance, prancing back and forth along the ground, elongated arm movements as a compliment. Each time Margaret raised her arms and beckoned, clouds from above slowly ambled in, shrouding the arena in gloom. The overcast sky was a dismal grey, and as Margaret’s routine wound to a close, the first droplets of water descended from the sky. They were followed by more, the rainfall transitioning into a downpour. In moments, both Margaret and Quelana were soaked to the skin, their fur drooping from their forms. The bears sauntering through the surrounding forest were soon drenched as well. Frustrated, they returned to their respective shelters.

Quelana was already shivering. She much preferred stifling heat to a somber drizzle. Therefore, she took no convincing to heat up the battlefield once more. With a stomp of her two front feet, flames burst forth from her body, hurtling in nearly every direction. Unfortunately for Quelana, “nearly” wasn’t quite enough. Margaret saw the ring of fire approach, and needed only to hop into the air to avoid the single flare that came shooting towards her. Quelana snarled, her attacks seeming to miss the mark just as often as they hit it. Her foul mood was compounded when Margaret rapped her on the scalp again, another fist pulsating with dark energy. Quelana’s skull rattled, the pain rendering her woozy.

Gathering her composure, Quelana released the umpteenth stream of flame. This time however, the flames shrank as the rain struck them, hissing in the shower. The flames descended upon Margaret again, but this time the pain was much more bearable. Margaret hardly flinched this time, the heat more of a sauna than a brimstone prison. Still, she took the attack as incentive to strike back at Quelana once more, bent on revenge. Revelling in the soothing rain, Margaret bounded forwards once more and struck Quelana in the chest, throwing her backwards. Quelana landed on the ground, and her coat was splattered with mud. The once majestic fox was now no better than a downtrodden hound.

End of Round 8

Mawile XO


Health: 57%
Energy: 58%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Status: Very, very, very wet, but content. Reflect active (1 more action)

Sangfroidish XO


Health: 50%
Energy: 57%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Status: Hoping the rain cleanses her fur. Speed +1

Arena Notes:
-It is raining (7 more actions).
-There is an ecstatic tree with a nearly healed burn mark on it.
-The ground is much muddier than before.

Ref Notes:
-Heat Wave missed. Build more RNG shrines, Sang.
-Though it didn’t come into play for Heat Wave, the rain caused the burn chances for Quelana’s moves to be cut in half.
-Mawile commands next.
Just use Charge Beam 3 times to hopefully get some good Sp. Atk boosts. If she tries to inflict a status, Magic Coat it right back at her.

Charge Beam/Magic Coat/Psychic x3

(nope no backfiring here)
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Bring the sun out and torch her with two Fire Blasts.

Sunny Day ~ Fire Blast ~ Fire Blast
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Format: 2 v 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 14 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs
Arena Description: Bear City
It's just a forest. There's the occasional bear walking around, but they don't care if you hit them with attacks. But other than that, there is nothing interesting going on.
Additional Rules: -

Round 9

Mawile XO


Health: 57%
Energy: 58%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Charge Beam/Magic Coat x3
Status: Very, very, very wet, but content. Reflect active (1 more action)

Sangfroidish XO


Health: 50%
Energy: 57%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Sunny Day ~ Fire Blast x2
Status: Hoping the rain cleanses her fur. Speed +1

Quelana enjoyed the shower from the heavens that cleansed her skin of sweat and mud. So it was reluctantly that she heeded her next order, even though she often flourished in the beating sun. Quelana’s ears perked up, and she yapped a few times. Margaret was confused as to what the Fennekin was doing, but soon the realization sunk in: this was to be a war of weather. The rain started to dissipate, the frequency of each micro-splash decreasing as the clouds fragmented and drifted away. In their place, rays of sunlight shone through, illuminating the forest in patches. Soon, the giant ball of fire in all of its glory lit up all the eye could see, heat blanketing the turf. Margaret started sweating immediately, whereas Quelana stretched her limbs and basked in the glowing light. Perhaps she would enjoy this heightened temperature more than she thought.

Margaret hurriedly began to rub her paws together, furry friction generating static electricity. Soon, sparks were flying from her hands, but she continued to rub, faster and faster, not enjoying the prospect of generating more heat in these conditions. When her hands were a blur, she thrust them forwards, and released from them was a glistening beam of pure energy, magnesium white with neon yellow sparks still crackling as it shot through the air. Quelana, still lounging in her caked mud coat, was caught off guard, and the skinny beam caught her on her flank, pushing her backwards. She shook her head quickly, refocusing on the battle, still smarting from the last hit. Looking back at Margaret, she was glad to see that last few sparkles in the air melt away; Margaret’s shield was gone.

Taking a few deep breaths, she stretched her fire sac to its limit, bringing forth a smoking concoction bigger than any she had used in the battle so far. With flames eagerly spilling out of her mouth, she formed a giant, five-pronged, mass of heat, a fire star that made the sun’s rays feel like they were birthed of a lightbulb in comparison. Struggling to keep control of the writhing kanji, Quelana shut her mouth, letting the flames bound towards Margaret. Alas, they started to climb upwards, reaching out fiery tentacles towards the foliage that adorned the arena. Margaret ducked as low as she could, and the massive blast skimmed right over her head, leaving her unharmed. The poor tree that had already suffered through one fire attack was not so lucky. The flames proliferated, drenching the specimen in unrelenting fire. Leaves and branches quickly disintegrated, and what was left was blackening. Quelana, wanting to scream at the sky, felt no remorse for the gentle giant.

Slightly worried about the blaze starting behind her, Margaret tiptoed forward. In her slightly new position, she began to furiously push her hands together again, each paw travelling back and forth at an alarming rate. Already, the heat on her paw pads had disappeared, meaning she had to run through the entire process again. When little surges of energy began to flash from her fingertips, she released a second brilliant beam. This one travelled a bit slower through the air, and when it struck Quelana, who braced this time, the Fennekin did not suffer greatly. The beam was more of an annoyance really, a few jolts coursing through her fur was all that come of it.

Quelana was still livid. This time, she was determined to strike Margaret. Her maw gaping, flames coursed forwards, slithering in the air before Quelana. When five flame serpents were present, arranged in a traditional symbol for fire, the blast was unleashed. This time, Quelana hit her mark. Margaret was devoured by the largest bundle of flame yet, one that did not wrap her in an orb, but violently threw her backwards. The Espurr was lucky, as she was not thrown against a tree, specifically the burning specimen. Instead, she ended up on the dry ground, gasping for air. Reeling from the hit, she stood back up and released a third white beam. This one slammed into Quelana right in the snout, causing her to squeeze her eyes shut, out of shock more than anything else. Margaret finally grinned a little as she saw a few remnant sparks darting through her fingers. Next time she used that attack, Quelana wouldn’t be feeling so confident afterwards.

End of Round 9

Mawile XO


Health: 40%
Energy: 46%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Status: Searching for a cool patch of shade. Special Attack +1

Sangfroidish XO


Health: 33%
Energy: 41%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Status: Starting to waver. Speed +1, Dusk Stone in effect, Blaze in effect

Arena Notes:
-The sun is shining (6 more actions).
-A tree is ablaze. The flames may start to spread to the branches of others.

Ref Notes:

-The first Charge Beam was a critical hit.
-Reflect faded after the first action.
-The first Fire Blast missed.
-The third Charge Beam raised Special Attack.
-Quelana’s Dusk Stone came into effect at the end of the third action.
-As did her Blaze.
-Sangfroidish commands next.
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Gaaaaaaah of course it missed :l

Well that's it, we're basically done. Just maybe we could get some ground back with a cunningly-placed Hypnosis, but Magic Coat is a thing so aagh.
Just shoot Flamethrowers at her until one of you dies. If she for some reason thinks it's even worth changing the weather to foil that plan, swap to Foul Play. If you used Foul Play in the previous action, Frustration.

Flamethrower/Foul Play ~ Flamethrower/Foul Play/Frustration ~ Flamethrower/Foul Play/Frustration

I was never going to hold onto that win streak for long anyway. :p
...good point 8D

Whatever you do, Quelana, keep that sun out and roast her with Flamethrowers whenever you're not using Sunny Day. If she tries to Yawn or inflict any status Magic Coat it back. We just might barely do this.

Flamethrower/Sunny Day/Magic Coat ~ Flamethrower/Sunny Day/Magic Coat ~ Flamethrower/Sunny Day/Magic Coat
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