Eta Carinae
I really loved that farm.
Format: 2 v 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 14 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs
Arena Description: Bear City
It's just a forest. There's the occasional bear walking around, but they don't care if you hit them with attacks. But other than that, there is nothing interesting going on.
Additional Rules: -
Round 6
Mawile XO
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Reflect ~ Fake Out ~ Assist
Status: Looking as mortified as ever
Sangfroidish XO
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Psych Up ~ Flame Charge/Psych Up/Howl ~ Flame Charge/Psych Up/Howl
Status: Completely disconsolate. Attack -6, Special Attack -6, Speed -2
With Envy back inside her Pokeball, billowing hair was replaced will all-seeing eyes. From another Pokeball of Mawile’s came a rigid feline, baby blues out in all of their glory. They were enough to cast an eerie feeling upon everyone in the arena but Quelana, who had already descended so low that a weird looking opponent was nothing but a minor distraction.
Margaret took little time getting herself comfortable in the arena. Sparkling, golden energy seemed to flow out of the Earth as if from a spring, forming a pristine dome around Margaret. The shield shimmered in the sunlight, making the Espurr’s form stretch as if reflected in a funhouse mirror. The spectacle did nothing to cheer up Quelana, who was driven only by a sinking feeling that Sangfroidish might abandon her if she failed to perform. Thus, she put aside her despair for a moment, instead attempting to focus on the mind of her new and strange opponent. The barrier erected by Margaret proved to only be a physical wall, as Quelana had no trouble getting through to Margaret’s brain. Quelana searched for Margaret’s own fighting spirit inside the immaculate consciousness, and soon had a good idea of her meantal state. Margaret was new to the battle, adrenaline had yet to flood her cranium, yet she had not been forced to endure a crippling seance. Quelana fed off of Margaret’s positive mindset, replacing her own sombre mood. She slunk back into her own mind as the feisty Psychic-type finally got to work fortifying her consciousness. The deed was done.
Margaret, stock still since entering the arena, now rushed forward at a blistering speed, tiny feet kicking up dust as they pushed her body forward. As she approached Quelana she raised her fists, appearing to be setting up for a volley of punches. Though just getting back in the mood to attack, Quelana still had her reflexes, which were fully operational. Watching Margaret come near with an intent to injure painted in her body language, Quelana was quickly on her toes. Margaret took a swing that passed within inches of the Fennekin’s face, causing a fatal flinch. The tiniest hint of a smirk became visible on Margaret’s face as she instead swept her tiny foot under Quelana, a weak kick that sent her sprawling in the dust. The Espurr hopped away, leaving Quelana to brood on the ground.
The Fennekin paid no attention to Margaret as she trained her giant eyes back on her trainer, specifically the belt of Pokeballs around his waist. He could sense the thoughts of each of his teammates, fairly sporadic thanks to the rest breaks they were all taking. Margaret settled on Rei the Litwick, following an old adage: “fight fire with fire”. Sadly, the move she chose to utilize did not line up with that element. Instead, from her stiff body came a pulse of electricity that spread out over the entire forest clearing, sparks jumping to singe low hanging branches. The wave threw Quelana back slightly, hitting just as she had stood back up. Again, she found herself thrown against the deck. Now, however, her depression had been replaced with anger. She longed to get involved in the fighting again.
She took the time to lift herself back up again, her temper already giving way to smoke that wafted from her fur. Shaking dirt from her elegant form, she began a jogging gait towards Margaret. As she continued to travel faster, her fur began to kindle, and flames peeked out from under her coat. Soon she was zooming across the terrain, an out-of-control locomotive. The bolt was halted slightly once Quelana passed the golden barricade. When she reached Margaret, she bowled her over, flames stretching to burn the tumbling foe. Embers shot out from Quelana, landing on Margaret’s fur, where she frantically tried to brush them away. The heat of each of them was enough to send her into a fuss. Ecstatic that she was back in action, Quelana held her head high as she walked away, out of the shield. Even if the attack had not delivered as many bruises as Quelana had liked, she felt confidence flowing through her. She was warmed up. Now the fun began.
End of Round 6
Mawile XO
Health: 97%
Energy: 89%
(Margaret) Espurr [F] <Infiltrator> @Lucky Egg
Status: In a huff, but almost perfectly fine. Reflect active (2 more actions)
Sangfroidish XO
Health: 90%
Energy: 92%
(Quelana) Fennekin [F] <Blaze> @Dusk Stone
Status: Already forgetting about Envy. Speed +1
Arena Notes:
Ref Notes:
-I don’t believe Reflect is considered a stat change, so it wasn’t copied.
-Fake Out made Quelana flinch.
-Assist called Shock Wave from Rei the Litwick.
-That incredibly successful Flame Charge raised Speed
-Mawile commands next.
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