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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

Wes was sick to death of this. Of all of it. Everybody had way too much to say and it was time people started putting their money where their mouths were.

In other words, he was ready for everyone to just shut up and fight. He crouched into position, tensing his muscles and readying himself to launch into the fray when he saw—

Corey didn't move from his seated position, continuing to stare blankly at nothing of note. Broken by his attempt to just be a decent individual who happened to abide by law leading to nothing but disdain and misfortune, he seemed ready to accept whatever fate would come for him. Perhaps the actual heroes would benefit in the end without him.

“Oh for gods’ sakes—” Wes snarled. He stomped over to Corey, raised a forepaw, and promptly cuffed him over the side of his head. “Get a grip, moron! You can wallow in self pity or whatever later, but right now, we need all hands on deck, including yours! Give yourself some credit and get it together!”

They weren’t exactly gentle words of comfort, but Wes couldn’t be bothered about that at the moment; they had shit to do, and as much as he disliked this guy, he wasn’t about to let him sit there when he had abilities to contribute. He threw the Ralts one last look that said you’d better get moving or so help me, then pelted into the chaos, his sights on the mayor.

Of course Sonora didn’t get to reveal her evidence before all hell broke loose. That would have been too easy, or something. But Wes himself didn’t need any evidence to know Ignition Prick was bad news, and he certainly didn’t need any more excuses to deck him in his pompous beak…so he did just that.

Wes (Brawler Rogue Aux)
Action: Brawler Strike (Fighting) @ Ignition Vulture
"That's quite enough of that," came Ignatius' raised voice. The Empoleon shot a querulous glare at Mabosstiff about that stray word 'attempted'. "I won't stand here and be slandered by a band of agitators! Bisharp Rin, Mabosstiff Raul – arrest this rabble. All of them."

“Hellgar’s horns! That guy’s nuts!” cursed Silver under his breath, before glaring at the megalomaniac Empoleon and hollering back in spite. “Like hell we’re gonna go to prison, you imbecilic scumbag!”

Oh yeah. Kicking that smug penguin’s butt was going to be so cathartic!

The null sauntered toward the bisharp, nudging Silver in the process. "Get ready to go for his defenses when that damn ward wears off."

“Ha! On it, big guy!” Silver chuckled with confidence and flexed his claws. “Breaking down defenses is my specialty!”

The now-Sneasel faced the Bisharp and stared her up and down, a sense of familiarity flooding through his mind. It truly felt like old times, when he made those Rocket Admins flinch under his cocky glare.

“So, you’re done forcing your lackeys do the dirty job for you, huh?” He raised his claws and his smirk widened, readying himself for another assault. “Well! Then let’s see what you’re capable of!”

And with a burst of speed, Silver charged at his new target, his fists pulsing with fighting energy.

Silver (15 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- Receive Helping Hand
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Rock Smash @ Bisharp Rin (-11 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
Net change: -11 STM, +10 TMP
Net totals: 4 STM (16 after regen), 15 TMP

Silver’s Spotter Feat: Bisharp Rin’s moves
Everything had fallen apart so quickly. Ignatius was...

arrest this rabble. All of them."

Koa froze for a moment, stunned. Cold fear flooded him, his brain going completely blank. Criminal. One of them. See what you are, you're just like-

A fight erupted around him, his teammates springing into action. Battle cries and angry shouts filled the air. Panic replaced the dark spiral of thoughts as Koa whipped around to take in the remaining guests around the room. Dread pooled in him. Ignatius and his goons looked much tougher. "Get to safety!" he howled to any remaining bystanders. "Ignatius won't care if you get hurt, stay out of the way!" Once it looked like everyone was at the very least far enough away, he set his sights on Ignatius himself.

Any remaining anger and distrust he had towards Sonora he channeled towards Ignatius instead. She could be handled later, at the very least. Ignatius was a lying fraud. He took a single breath to gather himself, then charged in and fired a blast of electricity at Ignatius.

Koa (Aux Brawler)
[Electric] Attack @ Ignatius
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Turn 4
Player Phase Results
Combat Intel:

Mhynt's Spotter Feat! Empoleon Ignatius is carrying the following Bag Items:
Mental Herb
Lum Berry
Escape Orb

Kalas's Spotter Skill! Empoleon Ignatius has the following Gear:
King's Rock – The wearer's attacks have a chance to cause Flinching.
Assault Vest – The wearer may not use Status moves. They get +2 Def/+2 Res.

Bellatrix's Spotter Feat! Empoleon Ignatius knows the following moves:
Chilling Water
Flash Cannon
Icy Wind
Air Cutter
Disarming Voice

Leaf's Spotter Feat! Empoleon Ignatius has the following combat behaviour:
Ignatius will continue to make sweeping attacks, without particular regard for individual enemies. He's oddly strong, and he isn't unintelligent, but his arrogance prevents him from singling out members of the squad.

This fight is his Plan B. He also has, at the very least, a Plan C.

Clover's Spotter Skill!
Bisharp Rin has the Ability Defiant.

Silver's Spotter Feat! Bisharp Rin knows the following moves:
Aerial Ace
Iron Head
Night Slash
Brick Break

Odette's Spotter Feat! Mabosstiff Raul knows the following moves:
Fire Fang
Ice Fang
Thunder Fang

Isidora's Spotter Feat!
Mabosstiff Raul has 42 Attack and 18 Magic!

Astrid's Spotter Feat!
Mabosstiff Raul has 44 Defense and 35 Resistance!
Bouncer Squad:

Corey took a breather. Corey's Ability and type were reset.

Bellatrix Quick Attack dealt 4 dmg to Ignatius! NVE...
Her Scratch dealt 4 dmg to Ignatius! NVE...

Andre's Support Skill! Nip got +1 Spd!

Nip Scratch dealt 3 dmg to Ignatius! NVE...
His Rock Smash dealt 6 dmg to Ignatius! It's super-effective!

Koa's Brawler Strike dealt 7 dmg to Ignatius! It's super-effective!
Wes' Brawler Strike dealt 6 dmg to Ignatius! It's super-effective!

Leaf's Quick Attack dealt 4 dmg to Ignatius! NVE...
Her Trailblaze dealt 5 dmg to Ignatius! +1 Spd!
Her CRITICAL Double Kick dealt 10, then 10 dmg to Ignatius! It's super-effective!
Courtyard Squad:

Jade's is supporting Gladion! +1 Def!
Tarahn's Call gives +3 TMP to Kimiko!
Aige is Defending Arctozolt!

Nova's Tackle dealt a grazing 2 damage! NVE...
Prim's Caster Wave dealt 9 damage to Rin! It's ultra-effective!
Kimiko's CRITICAL Magical Leaf dealt 8 damage! NVE...
Kimiko's Vine Whip dealt 3 damage! NVE...
Helped by Arctozolt, Gladion's Body Press dealt 15 damage! It's ultra-effective!
Gladion's Tackle dealt 4 damage! NVE...
Helped by Gladion, Silver's Rock Smash dealt 13 damage! It's ultra-effective!
Bandit Squad:

Ghaspius's Support Skill! Odette got +1 Atk!
Ridley Called out to Odette!

Odette's CRITICAL Play Rough dealt 16 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul! It's super-effective!

Espurr's Caster Strike dealt 4 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!
Lyle's Brawler Strike dealt 4 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!
Felin's Brawler Strike dealt 5 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!

Rodion's CRITICAL Slash dealt 12 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!

Laura's Support Skill! Astrid got +1 Spd!

Astrid's CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 14 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!
Her CRITICAL Ice Shard dealt 9 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!

Isidora's CRITICAL Ice Shard dealt 10 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!
Her Ice Shard dealt 7 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul!
Her Feint Attack dealt 7 dmg to Mabosstiff Raul! NVE...
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Turn 4
Enemy Phase

Dave looked around, wary, surveying the crowd's reactions; were they impressed or horrified?

The crowd were mostly either catatonic or hysterical by now. The boldest amongst them did not have it in them to join the fray or speak out, and the wisest 'mon were shepherding the others to safety under the mezzanine, behind marble pillars that would protect them from stray attacks.

"Get to safety! Ignatius won't care if you get hurt, stay out of the way!"

"What do you think we're trying to do!?"​

"All the Saints!"​

"What's happening??"​

"Help us!"​

Panicked 'mon were difficult to instruct, but some, at least, heard Koa's plea and gave up on spectating the battle.

It remained to be seen what they'd think come the conclusion.

The guards and watchmon the party had fought so far had been little more than freshly deputised civilians and browbeaten pawns. Now they were facing down real fighters – experienced, battle-proficient pokémon strong enough to go into a battle outnumbered and knock out multiple weaker opponents. Ignatius himself had a strength unlike his footsoldiers in both degree and kind. A politician he may have been, but his elemental blasts outclassed anything the party could manage.

Their onslaught was ruthless.

"Hey there, big gal~ You know, my old flame said public displays of affection make people uncomfortable. But you're unflappable steel, so you should be fine, right?"
"So much for getting more lemmings to do your job. Guess even shit bosses have shit bosses sometimes. Honestly didn't expect anything'd get you to do something other than look for someone else to hide behind. Blink twice if he's blackmailing you, too!"
“So, you’re done forcing your lackeys do the dirty job for you, huh? Well! Then let’s see what you’re capable of!”

Rin didn't even scowl or sneer. Just rolled her head around her shoulders, her neck cracking with an unpleasantly metallic clangour.

"This will be good practice," she said, quietly, as she moved to strike.

Boss Action: Rin's Iron Head hit everyone in the zone!
Gladion: 14 dmg!
Arctozolt: Protected by Aige!
Nova: 13 dmg!
Silver: 20 dmg!
Kimiko: 22 dmg! KO!

Rin Focused...

Brick Break dealt a CRITICAL 24 dmg to Gladion! KO!

Aerial Ace dealt 19 dmg! to Silver! KO!
Boss Attack: Rin is preparing Metal Burst, targeting West Ballroom...

Rin levelled a bladed gauntlet at Gladion as he went down to a brutal downward chop that made a resounding crack.

"If you're smart, you won't get up," she told him, her steel voice cutting through the din and cry.

"Come and get it, you lousy mutt!"
"Come on! I've fought far worse than you!"
"Hey! We beat your mooks; what makes you think just three of you stand a chance against all of us together?!"


Raul scoffed, with a deep, hearty laugh, as if he felt no pain at all from the attacks he'd borne.

"I am no mere whelp!" he bellowed. "And I am not fighting for sport – brace yourselves, little ruffians!"

He lunged, and it might have occurred to the smaller spirits fighting him just how vast his jaws were.

Boss Action: Raul's Fire Fang hit everyone in the zone!
Odette: 19 dmg!
Astrid: 20 dmg!
Rodion: 10 dmg!
Isidora: 19 dmg!

Raul Focused...

Thunder Fang dealt a CRITICAL 25 dmg to Rodion! KO!

Crunch dealt 20 dmg to Astrid! KO!

Couldn't lower Defense...
Boss Attack: Raul is preparing Comeuppance, targeting East Ballroom...

"Stand down, strangers!" shouted Raul, sounding as if he expected they actually might. "The situation needn't get any worse! Don't do something you'll regret—!"

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Surely, someone like you would be well acquainted with the saying. I wonder. How much bounty will you accrue when all this is said and done. Because mark my words, you will not escape this night."

"Oh, spare me your trite threats, Ms Bellatrix!" retorted the Empoleon. "You may speak them again when you can do so from a credible position of power – for now, that is mine to hold!"

He threw a wing towards the Zorua, and with it, a localised blizzard.

Corey didn't move from his seated position, continuing to stare blankly at nothing of note. Broken by his attempt to just be a decent individual who happened to abide by law leading to nothing but disdain and misfortune, he seemed ready to accept whatever fate would come for him. Perhaps the actual heroes would benefit in the end without him.
Ignatius's Icy Wind dealt 15 dmg to Corey! -1 Spd!

The fighters in the way of the mayor's chill gale threw themselves out of its path, save for one already-frozen Ralts. With no other bodies around to shield against it, the full force of it hit Corey undiminished, almost enough to throw him unconscious.

"You there! Young Ralts!"

Ignatius turned to stride across to pursue Corey's squadmates, his wings already shimmering with hydrokinetic power.

"We need not fight, you and I," he declared. "You may think me merciless, but you have yet seen little of this lawless frontier. It takes vision and strong will to bring the light of civilisation to this wilderness. Throw aside the shackles of principles and pity; you need to make the hard choices!"

And then he swept towards the spirits that had escaped him, carried by a surge of frigid water.

Ignatius Called out to Corey!
Ignatius walked to East Mezzanine.
Boss Action: Ignatius' Chilling Water hit everyone in the zone!
Archie: 12 dmg!
Leaf: 14 dmg! KO!
Nip: 15 dmg!
Dave: 15 dmg!
Bellatrix: 15 dmg!

Air Cutter:
Archie: a CRITICAL 10 dmg!
Nip: a CRITICAL 13 dmg! KO!

Disarming Voice:
Dave: 8 dmg!
Bellatrix: 5 dmg!
Boss Attack: Ignatius is preparing Flash Cannon, targeting East Mezzanine...

"Do me the courtesy of not pretending you can challenge me," hissed Ignatius. "Not one of you can compare to my strength."

The mayor – and his bodyguards – could doubtless crush any one of the heroic spirits in a straight duel.

But this wasn't a straight duel.

Hey! Do not be afraid! I am still here, heroic spirits.

The battle is not yet over, and you can certainly still win it! You have numbers, allies, and coordination.

Keep fighting – I have faith in you!

"Hey, new guys," called Sonora, looking winded from her position hanging from a chandelier. "Don't quit now! You've got 'em on the ropes! Here – we'll lend you a paw!"

The green shadow swung herself to the mezzanine where Ignatius was laying out pokémon all about himself, and pounced to attack. While the Empoleon was distracted, her outlaws hurried to the aid of the downed heroic spirits...

"This oughta help!" yelled Hob, slapping Rodion on the back, with a smear of Extract.

"Get 'em, get 'em!" cackled Rocco, helping Astrid to her feet.

Carolina did the same for Silver, crowing, "The bird's goin' down!"


The Grafaiai from earlier had appeared from nowhere to smear paint over the eyes of Bisharp Rin, who flung them off and took up a defensive stance even as she tried to wipe the stuff from her face.

"Set her up for you," quipped Vago, clutching a cut on their face.

The energy in the ballroom changed with the tide of battle, and a whoop even went up from a few guests by the walls...

Kimiko was revived with 6 HP!
Gladion was revived with 1 HP!
Silver was revived with 1 HP!
Rodion was revived with 8 HP!
Astrid was revived with 1 HP!
Leaf was revived with 8 HP!
Nip was revived with 5 HP!
Sonora's Brawler Strike dealt 19 dmg to Ignatius!
Hob&Nero's Support skill! Rodion got +1 Atk!
Sera's Support skill! Leaf got +1 Atk!
Carolina's Support skill! Silver got +1 Atk!
Rillo's Support Skill! Kimiko got +1 Mag!
Rocco's Support Skill! Astrid got +1 Spd!
Vago's Rogue Skill! Bisharp Rin became Drowsy!
Turn 5
[ ] Critical Objective: defeat Ignatius Voclain.
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Words... pain... weakness... It all seemed to coalesce at once. All of Corey's frustrations, internal and external, they seemed to be growing louder in his mind with every passing fraction of a second. Beyond all else, all he started to feel was hate... Hate for his circumstances, hate for those that beat him down, hate for his own follies, and hate for this stupid, stupid place. It all served to finally just make him snap.

"Fuck this..."

He got up to his feet and he eyed Ignatius as his gaze glowed with a strange, ethereal shade of violet. He couldn't get close, and he knew he was at the short end of the stick where type match-ups were concerned, but he was still going to do everything he could to make that penguin hurt. With his rage clouding his thoughts, he had to vent it out somehow... and he certainly knew one way to do so...

"Like you know anything about being civil… You know what, Iggy? I hate that goddamn weed cat, not gonna lie, but fuck your so-called civilization... Fuck your ‘hard choices’... and FUCK! YOU!"

He screamed with more anger in his heart than he'd ever once expressed before viciously biting into the leppa berry from his pack and shooting a blast of confusion Ignatius' way, as far as he could possibly launch the attack, and further than that even if he could possibly manage. He wasn't thinking plans, nor tactics, nor even the well being of anyone else in the field... For once, the surrounding emotions seemed unable to reach him as his desire to bring pain to someone won out.

Corey (43 STM, 27 TMP, -1 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Destiny Bond (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Calm Mind (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- CRITICAL Confusion @ Ignatius (-7 STM, effect, -29 TMP, +3 TMP)
- Interact @ Ignatius (-3 TMP)
Net change: -8 STM, -26 TMP
Net totals: 35 STM (43 after regen), 1 TMP
Steven was lost in thought when their group arrived at the ballroom. The pages of the notebook were still tumbling around in his head. The numbers, the photos, the names. He didn't know many people in Frontier Town, but he couldn't shake the feeling he recognized one of the names on that list.

"Lucien... Lucien... where have I heard that name before?"

"Hey, Odette," he called to her quietly from the doorway. "Do you happen to know anyone by the name Lucien?"

Odette stopped mid-step, turning around to regard Steven again. "Lucien?" she repeated. Her eyes lit up with apparent realization. "Oh. Heard the name thrown around a bunch. He's the mayor's son. I know next to nothing about him aside from the fact that he's a prinplup and he's the town marshal."

A joking smirk replaced her thoughtful gaze. "Why? Don't tell me you've gotten on his bad side already. You just got here, man."

But Steven missed her joke. He'd frozen in the horror of what she'd said before. Lucien was the mayor's son? The mayor was blackmailing his own flesh and blood? He felt sick all over again.

The only thing that was able to shake Steven from his stupor was the mayor's echoing shout, and then all hell broke loose. He hardly had time to think before Laura shoved the notebook at him with a shout of, "Keep it safe!" before she dove into the fray.

Suddenly, he knew what he had to do. Holding the notebook tight, he frantically scanned the onlookers below as the air filled with the cacophony of battle.

There! By the entrance! A prinplup! That had to be him.

Steven bolted into the crowd, shoving partygoers aside. Manners be damned, he had to get to Lucien, and fast. He squeezed through a tight gap and found himself face to face with his target. The Marshal startled at Steven's sudden arrival but didn't react further.

"Lucien, right? My name is Steven. We haven't met before, though you know the group I'm with. Excuse my bluntness, but we need to talk."

Not the greatest introduction to the most distressed looking prinplup he'd ever seen. He pressed on though.

"And perhaps this feels like the wrong time to bring this up, but I get the impression this is something you need to hear--"

His grip on the notebook tightened further.

"Whatever happens, know this: you are not defined by your father's legacy."
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"Oh, spare me your trite threats, Ms Bellatrix!" retorted the Empoleon. "You may speak them again when you can do so from a credible position of power – for now, that is mine to hold!"
"Is that so?" Bellatrix countered. "I will be fascinated by what you'll have to say to your citizens after the performance you put on tonight. Then again, any publicity is good publicity, isn't it?" A harsh bite entered her tone on the last few words as she lunged to attack. What Bellatrix lacked in power, she more than made up for in speed and she'd now settled into a steady routine. One, two, three strikes then gain distance to force chase. It'd worked with Sonora and Ignatius looked to be falling for the same trappings.

However, a quick glimpse of something on the third strike caused Bellatrix's eyes to widen, breaking her out of her rhythm. She stopped and stared at the empoleon who would surely gloat about it the moment the tides would turn against him. It was unmistakable. What she saw was an Escape Orb.

Her mind raced. She could try to swipe it from straight from him, but such an action was easily countered. Not a risk that could be afforded this deep into the battle. A distraction then? No, telegraphing would certainly make this impossible.

As this was happening, red sparks coalesced around her paws, growing intenser with each thought about stopping that Escape Orb. Sparks hardened into hexagonal gems that bore a deep crimson shade and linked into each other like chains. How, how, how?

Something clicked at the back of her mind and the chains flew.
Bellatrix used Embargo!

They found their target, snaking around Ignatius and pinning his supplies into uselessness. Bellatrix could only watch in awe and horror, left to wonder what she'd just done. No, don't think about it, focus on the battle. With a shake of her head, she ran to gain distance from Ignatius.

Bellatrix (25 STM, 28 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- CRITICAL Scratch @ Ignatius (-4 STM, Sure Hit, -20 TMP, +3 TMP)
- **Spotter T0:** Intel @ GM Choice
- Quick Attack @ Ignatius (-6 STM, +3 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Ignatius (-9 STM, +3 TMP)
- Embargo @ Ignatius (-20 STM, +3 TMP)
- Walk to North Mezzanine
Net change: +1 STM, -8 TMP
Net totals: 26 STM (37 after regen), 20 TMP
"Lucien, right? My name is Steven. We haven't met before, though you know the group I'm with. Excuse my bluntness, but we need to talk. And perhaps this feels like the wrong time to bring this up, but I get the impression this is something you need to hear-- Whatever happens, know this: you are not defined by your father's legacy."

Lucien looked a little pale, but remarkably composed for someone who by all appearances was watching his own father's imminent defeat or triumph in a battle for the fate of his town.

"Well met, Beldum Steven," he replied, evenly. "While I've not had the pleasure, I know who you are. One of the later offworld arrivals, yes? And a human at that, I expect. Why should we not speak now? It seems I have nothing else more pressing to do at this time."

Lucien maintained a thin, pained smile as he looked back towards the conflict.

"Whatever happens. Hm. Steven, do you know your own father? Is he is an individual of importance, in your world? If so, I should very much like to know whether you have entirely shucked the legacy you would inherit."
Rodion (33 STM, 3 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to East Mezzanine (-2 TMP)
- Soak @ Ignatius (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Slash @ Ignatius (-13 STM, +3 TMP)
Net change: -33 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 0 STM (11 after regen), 6 TMP
Well, they were doing this. How exactly would Frontier Town society respond to a bunch of humans just fucking beating the mayor into the ground? Dave didn't know much about the nitty-gritty of laws in the Old West, but he'd take a wild guess that as far as the law was concerned this was assault and they'd all be criminals. All they were banking on was that the entire town would be on board enough to just choose not to prosecute them, and instead jail the mayor and... what, make Sonora mayor instead? When they were not only outsiders but not even the same species as the rest of them?

This was a dumb fucking thing to do, in any familiar reality. You didn't just have a plucky band of outsider rebels violently dispatch the reprobate in power and then everyone'd stand up and fucking clap and agree that they'd done the right thing and everything'd just be sunshine and rainbows.

And yet, they'd probably all be tarred with the same brush either way. And this was hardly any familiar reality, was it. It was fucking talking Pokémon Western world. Maybe this place was actually insane enough there was a chance this could be worth it. And that mayor was extremely fucking despicable.

"Hey, asshole," he snarled, charging toward Ignatius. "Want to tell me your thoughts on humans?"

Dave (46 STM, 13 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Rage @ Ignatius (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- Activate ability (Pickpocket Atk)
- Sand Attack @ Ignatius (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- Bite @ Ignatius (-17 STM, effect, -7 TMP, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to North Mezzanine (-2 TMP)
Net change: -30 STM, -3 TMP
Net totals: 16 STM (27 after regen), 10 TMP
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By the time the mayor released his first attack of the night, only Corey – despite Archie and Wes’s best efforts – remained in its path. Unfortunately, it seemed most of them had decided to take shelter on the East Mezzanine, and as a result, the Empoleon had little trouble approaching them for a more physical confrontation.

Archie, though badly battered, was able to withstand the onslaught. Some of his teammates weren’t so lucky, but with the timely intervention of some of the bandits they’d only moments ago been fighting against, everyone was soon back on their feet! The Oshawott grabbed his Oran Berry – he could keep going a while yet if he needed to, and since the Mayor had been so generous as to come to them, the Oshawott laid into the Empoleon with several Scalchop swings, interwoven with Bellatrix’s own attacks, then jumped back out of reach as the Zorua’s Embargo enchained the mayor and fired his own Water Gun.

“I’ve heard of the chains of commanding but this is ridiculous,” he mused. It was something Spencer would say. It probably would've been funnier coming from the Treecko. But Archie didn’t really have time to play around here, so he once again found himself following the Zorua, this time to the North Mezzanine!

Archie (43 STM, 0 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Sacred Sword @ Ignatius (-25 STM, +3 TMP)
- Slash @ Ignatius (-13 STM, +3 TMP)
- Water Gun @ Ignatius (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- Walk to North Mezzanine
Net change: -42 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 1 STM (11 after regen), 8 TMP
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Astrid (35 STM, 12 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Powder Snow @ Raul (-8 STM, +2 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Raul (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to East Mezzanine (-2 TMP)
- Aqua Jet @ Ignateus (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Ignatous (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Ice Shard @ Raul (redirect to Ignataus) (-7.5 STM, -22 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -33 STM, -9 TMP
Net totals: 2 STM (13 after regen), 3 TMP
"This will be good practice," she said, quietly, as she moved to strike.
And yet, Nova stood firm, barely flinching from what was meant to be a fierce attack. Had the helmet dampened the blow to some extent? Food for thought at a later point.

Instead, he shook his head at the bisharp. "I think you're mistaken." Nova rushed Rin once again. He knew the Tackle would hardly do a thing, but it got him close enough to go eye to eye with the bisharp. To let her see the emptiness that had set in in his gray eyes. Nova looked right at her. Through her.

"One strong striker folds against well-coordinated numbers." Nova's voice had a certain detachment to it. Something his allies might've heard. And something he was aware of, internally screaming at himself to stop, but unable to. "It didn't matter what you did in the courtyard. Because your fate was always sealed."

Nova jumped back and signaled to Silver. "She favors one side!" He gestured with his helmeted head. "The other one's her weak spot. Strike it!"

Nova calls Silver!

He gave Rin one last empty look before turning and heading closer to Ignatius.

They found their target, snaking around Ignatius and pinning his supplies into uselessness. Bellatrix could only watch in awe and horror, left to wonder what she'd just done.
Nova didn’t go very far.

It was a move, right? They were ethereal. It was a move, right?

Nova (13 STM, 14 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Tackle @ Rin (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Silver
- Walk to North Ballroom
Net change: -4 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 9 STM (18 after regen), 16 TMP

Nova's Tackle deals X damage to Rin! NVE...

Nova -> Arctozolt -> Aige call -> Silver -> Gladion -> Jade aux -> Kimiko (uses +1 spd to go after Ignatius) -> remaining auxes

Aige's call gives +3 TMP to Silver!
Jade's Support! +1 speed to Kimiko!

Following Ignatius getting Soak'd:
Prim's Caster! She grass strikes Ignatius for X damage! SE!
Tarahn's Caster! He electric strikes Ignatius for X damage! SE!
Clover's Rogue! Ignatius is burned!

```Silver (28 STM, 15 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- Receive Helping Hand
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Leer @ Bisharp Rin (-14 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Rock Smash @ Bisharp Rin (-11 STM, Sure Hit, effect, -25 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -25 STM, -10 TMP
Net totals: 3 STM (15 after regen), 5 TMP
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The freezing cold water was enough to make Nip stumble, the chill cutting straight through his thick fur all the way to the bone. He gasped, reeling. Before he could recover, a sharp pain sliced across his chest and he only had a second to clutch at his chest and process the fresh agony before he dropped, unconscious.


Pain sliced across his chest as the mawile's claws struck him, trailing fairy energy that burned down to his very aura. He fought rising panic as his will to fight drained.

"Useless!" The mawile growled, hooking her claws in his turn. "Are you trying to make me look bad? I would have caught that patrat if you'd just stayed quiet! This tribe would have been better off if you'd just died in the trials."

A part of Nip knew she was lying. The loss of prey was her fault. But he couldn't fight back. It wouldn't do any good. He'd learned that moons ago. Bowing his head, he mumbled an apology.


Nip gasped as he regained consciousness coughing out a mouthfull of water. He was... What was he doing again? Oh, right, fighting the empoleon.

Carefully, he climbed to his feet, swaying unsteadily. He reached into a bag hidden beneath his sash, pulling out an oran berry, and chomped down on it. Sweet relief dulled his pain as the juices did their work. That was it. He would not stand for this any longer.

With a loud warcry he lunged at Ignatius, landing one, two punches and a scratch. Ice energy flowed through his fist, cold enough to cause frostbite. "Not so fun when you're on the receiving end is it? That's for all the lives you ruined, asshole!" And for once, he could fight back.

Letting loose smoke, he turned and and fled back the way he'd originally come, fighting rising exhaustion. "Catch me if you can!" he called over his shoulder.

Nip (38 STM, 14 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Rock Smash @ Ignatius (-11 STM, effect, -5 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Ice Punch @ Ignatius (-14 STM, effect, -9 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Scratch @ Ignatius (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- Smokescreen @ Ignatius (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- Walk to North Mezzanine
Net change: -38 STM, -6 TMP
Net totals: 0 STM (12 after regen), 8 TMP
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[[ooc: I know my squad's not allowed to attack the penguin until our guard is KO'd but purely for flavor purposes, I am ignoring this. Mechanically it should line up.]]

Before she even realized what was happening, the bisharp rushed forwards and tore through her squad like a hot knife through butter. Kimiko didn't have time to get out of the way before Rin slammed into her with the force of a truck, sending her flying. She crashed into a pillar and was out cold before she hit the ground.

The next thing she knew, she was being helped to her feet by a familiar heliolisk... right, he was on one of the wanted posters. One of the bandits, here, helping her. Well, that made sense, she supposed. Enemy of my enemy is my ally, or something. Kimiko tried to stand, her vision spotty and her body aching.

She offered a quick thanks before letting her trainer instinct kick in again. All three of their foes were capable fighters, but the mayor himself seemed to be their biggest problem (and perhaps he always had been); Ignatius was efficient and effective at sweeping attacks.

Apparently, Kimiko wasn't the only one surveying the battlefield. Jade called out to her, noting a weakness someone else stuck into Ignatius' armor. With the rest of her squad dealing with Rin, Kimiko nodded in reply and, ignoring the aches and dizziness, charged in that direction. As she ran, the musician in her formed an idea. She began to sing, less as a lullaby and more an act of defiance.

The empoleon was entirely focused on the pokemon around him. He shouldn't be expecting attacks to come from anywhere else, not with his guards supposedly handling their fights. By the time Kimiko had reached Ignatius, she'd hit the chorus of her song, decided to weaponize it. She leapt up behind the empoleon and blasted him with the sound waves of her voice.

Kimiko (44 STM, 8 TMP, 1 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive Helping Hand
- Walk to East Ballroom
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to East Mezzanine (-2 TMP)
- Sing @ Empoleon Ignatius (-14 STM, hit, -6 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Round @ Empoleon Ignatius (-11 STM, +3 TMP)
- Magical Leaf @ Empoleon Ignatius (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +3 TMP)
- Vine Whip @ Empoleon Ignatius (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -36 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 8 STM (19 after regen), 10 TMP
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"Take that!" A clean blow and with it, a furious sense of satisfaction. He could be a hero-

The wall of water rose at Ignatius command. Koa backpedaled. Slow. Too slow. One moment he was standing, the next a wall of ice smashed across his face. The world spun end over end as he gasped instinctively, choking in freezing water.

He scrambled for some kind of purchase, flailing as the attack final petered out, leaving him lying on the floor, shivering and coughing and sputtering. Anger burned against the cold, and he tried to gather his legs under him and rise. His legs gave out and the world spun for a second as he lay there.

Pitiful. Did you really believe you could be anything? Some kind of hero? Look at you. One hit and you're down. You're incomplete. Weak.

Around him he heard the rest of his team trying to gather themselves and attack again. Get up! He heaved and fought against the exhausting chill. He had to... get up... Blackness flared across his vision, his body refusing to obey. Sucking a breath he drew upon the now familiar electric charge inside him and then- zap! Sent it surging through himself instead.

The jolt gave him the strength to get to his feet. He swayed, but managed to stay standing. For a moment he saw doubles of Ignatius, before they settled into a single target he poured all his still burning frustration into.

Breaking into trot, he built up electricity in his paw. He ran faster and danced forward, then feinted, striking with his other paw before dancing out of range, a snarl on his jaws.

"What's wrong Ignatius, are you afraid of everyone seeing the pathetic cowardly little piplup you really are?"

Koa (Aux Brawler)
[Electric] Attack @ Ignatius
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Ignatius's Icy Wind dealt 15 dmg to Corey! -1 Spd!

The fighters in the way of the mayor's chill gale threw themselves out of its path, save for one already-frozen Ralts. With no other bodies around to shield against it, the full force of it hit Corey undiminished, almost enough to throw him unconscious.

"You there! Young Ralts!"

Ignatius turned to stride across to pursue Corey's squadmates, his wings already shimmering with hydrokinetic power.

"We need not fight, you and I," he declared. "You may think me merciless, but you have yet seen little of this lawless frontier. It takes vision and strong will to bring the light of civilisation to this wilderness. Throw aside the shackles of principles and pity; you need to make the hard choices!"

And then he swept towards the spirits that had escaped him, carried by a surge of frigid water.

Kalas saw Corey take the brunt of the attack, physical (or, well, Special) and mental. That had to sting, it didn't look like the Ralts was faring too well.

However, as the Empoleon grandstanded and then proceeded to ignore at least one completely viable target, Kalas narrowed his eyes. It seemed to him Ignatius' focus was not completely here in the fight; either the so-far-villain had trouble seeing the obvious, or just didn't care.

Whichever, Kalas would have to think fast on how to use that to the group's advantage.

He screamed with more anger in his heart than he'd ever once expressed before viciously biting into the leppa berry from his pack and shooting a blast of confusion Ignatius' way, as far as he could possibly launch the attack, and further than that even if he could possibly manage. He wasn't thinking plans, nor tactics, nor even the well being of anyone else in the field... For once, the surrounding emotions seemed unable to reach him as his desire to bring pain to someone won out.

Kalas sensed what was coming. He flew down some distance from Corey and saw him lash out. Kalas couldn't possibly know how doing that felt, but he could tell from his distance that the Ralts was responding from stress, probably not thinking of the situation, probably not taking charge of his anger to use it to the group's advantage... to his own advantage.

Quickly, Kalas recalled what he knew about birds and gave a quick gesture to Corey to see if there was a chance Ralts would use this knowledge.

Boss Attack: Ignatius is preparing Flash Cannon, targeting East Mezzanine...

Kalas nervously eyed the situation in the Mezzanine. He knew he was not too good in a straight fight, but he bat his wings and readied to take off anyway: he considered he still had one last advantage that merited him making at least the attempt to go after the Empoleon.

Kalas (Aux Spotter / Support)
Support: Mag +1 @ Corey
It came from out of nowhere, a spinning metallic battering ram that smashed through her allies and left Jade dazed and winded, struggling to lift herself from the carpet. Stars danced in her vision.In a flash of golden light, she saw Gladion, Silver, and Kimiko picking themselves up after being revived. Half of her brain was convinced that something had to have been broken, while the other half just wanted to jump back into the fray, and it was weird. Being a Pokemon was weird.

The Bisharp was staring at them dispassionately, daring them to make another move. Jade's eyes darted from her, to the melee on the other side of the room. The mayor was actually on the back foot. Maybe...

"Silver and Gladion should go for Rin," Jade muttered. "The rest of us can back them up. Kimiko--"

Could she make it? Half the fighters in the ballroom had dashed to the upper landing, leaving the path mercifully clear. Had to go for it.

"Go for the mayor. Go, now!"

Jade's Support Skill! Kimiko got +1 Spd.
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