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Metallica Fanboy vs. Zaiella


blame telegram
2-on-2 Single
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: Protect/Detect, direct healing moves restricted to two per Pokémon.
Arena: Natural Pier

A long, platform-like rocky formation stretches from the coast and towards the sea. It stands not long above the sea level, and although a bit ragged, it's almost plain. The sea's waves are not in a good mood today; any non-water-type incapable of flight/floating to end up on the water will need to make a costly struggle to get back on ground; it will take a full action, and some energy (the amount changes with how capable of swimming the Pokémon is).

Other: None.

Metallica Fanboy's Active Squad:

[Dexterous] Aerodactyl [M] <Pressure>
[Megatherium] Slakoth [M] <Truant>
[Warfare] Carvanha [F] <Rough Skin>

Zaiella's Active Squad:

[Cinnamon] Charmander [M] <Blaze>
[Topaz] Pichu [M] <Static>
[Terra] Budew [F] <Natural Cure>
[Azure] Horsea [M] <Swift Swim>
[Jade] Ralts [F] <Synchronize>

Attack order:

Zaiella sends out
Metallica Fanboy sends out and commands
Zaiella commands
I'll send out Topaz! Sorry for the delay, been gone the last few days but I'm back now, and shouldn't have any more delays.
Go, Megatherium.

Let's try to take advantage from the beggining. Put your foe to sleep with Yawn, then follow up with Bulk Up. You can have your lazy time afterwards.

If Topaz avoids the first Yawn, try again.

Yawn ~ Bulk Up/Yawn ~ Activate Truant
Topaz, use Uproar and try to ignore the yawn! Then Charge a nice good Thunderbolt!

Metallica Fanboy vs. Zaiella: Round One

Arena: Natural Pier

A long, platform-like rocky formation stretches from the coast and towards the sea. It stands not long above the sea level, and although a bit ragged, it's almost plain. The sea's waves are not in a good mood today; any non-water-type incapable of flight/floating to end up on the water will need to make a costly struggle to get back on ground.

Two Trainers and a referee arrive on this bleak day for a battle. It’s not just the violent waves that darken the mood; the sky is severely overcast, and the sun is completely hidden, even at high noon. The referee gives the Trainers a nod, and each lets out their first Pokemon.

Metallica Fanboy lets out a tan sloth which takes a moment to leisurely scratch its head before settling to rest in a lazy position on its stomach. The only sign that Megatherium the Slakoth is even still conscious is his occasionally-blinking eyes. Zaiella’s Pokemon, on the other hand, is anything but slothful - the little electric rodent she releases jumps around incessantly, smiling and cheering for himself. Topaz the Pichu is obviously very excited to begin, so when both Pokemon are ready to go, the ref allows the Trainers to give commands, and the first round begins.

Team Metallica Fanboy (Oo)
[Megatherium] Slakoth (M) <Truant>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Patiently waiting for nothing in particular.
Commands: Yawn ~ Bulk Up/Yawn ~ Activate Truant

Team Zaiella (Oo)
[Topaz] Pichu (M) <Static>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Absolutely ready to go!
Commands: Uproar ~ Charge ~ Thunderbolt

Round One: begin!

With a little jump, Topaz excitedly begins his first action, which happens to also be his favorite thing to do in the entire world - to make a lot of noise! Even the roaring waves are nearly unable to match the volume of his squawking uproar. Megatherium, on the other hand, is somewhat less pleased with this attack: slowly covering his ears, the sloth shoots a nasty glare at the Pichu. With a loud sigh (which nobody heard), he opens his mouth wide and yawns directly at his little mousy opponent, but Topaz isn’t even paying attention.

<Megatherium: -3H, -4E / normal status / How’s a Slakoth supposed to get some sleep around here?>
<Topaz: -0H, -6E / making an uproar / gloriously ignoring everyone>

The little rodent’s squawking continues for what seems like hours to Megatherium and the Trainers alike; soon, the joyous uproar ceases to be endearing and devolves to mere annoyance. After only mere minutes, everyone around is giving Topaz the same evil eye that Megatherium had so recently made.

When Topaz finally pauses to catch his breath (yelling is hard work!), the sloth Pokemon sees his chance. Briefly tapping on the rocky promontory to get the rodent’s attention, Megatherium lets out another enormous, almost cartoonish yawn. Almost as if hypnotized, Topaz’s eyes begin to glaze over and he, too, yawns broadly, before shaking his head a little bit in an effort to stay awake.

<Megatherium: -3H, -4E / normal status / pleased at the silence>
<Topaz: -0H, -6E / normal status / struggling to stay awake>

Struggling to keep his eyes from drooping, the Pichu begins to gather electrical energy in his cheek pouches. Megatherium, who has already settled down to rest, takes a leisurely glance up at Topaz, but seems to decide that he isn’t a threat. Unfortunately for the sloth, his judgment is wrong: within moments, the electricity begins to spark in enormous arcs from Topaz’s body. As the arcs grow, a single enormous thunderbolt comes shooting from the little electric Pokemon toward Megatherium. The bolt nearly misses, but at the last second makes a sharp turn to the side and strikes the Slakoth. Megatherium shakes in pain as the electricity runs through his body. When the shock finally ceases, the sloth glances up meekly to find his enemy fast asleep on the edge of the outcrop. Reassured at least that another attack is not coming, Megatherium settles down for more slacking.

<Megatherium: -8H, +5E / normal status / almost too tired to notice his singed fur>
<Topaz: -0H, -6E / Asleep (severe) / sleeping deeply>

Round One over!

Team Metallica Fanboy (Oo)
[Megatherium] Slakoth (M) <Truant>
Health: 86%
Energy: 97%
Status: Almost too tired to notice his singed fur.
Commands used: Yawn ~ Yawn ~ Truant

Team Zaiella (Oo)
[Topaz] Pichu (M) <Static>
Health: 100%
Energy: 82%
Status: Sleeping deeply.
Commands used: Uproar ~ Charge ~ Thunderbolt
Asleep (severe)​

Arena status:
The natural pier remains unchanged. The waves continue to roar violently.

Ref’s notes:
1. Pokedex used: Veekun @ http://veekun.com/
2. Random number generator used: @ http://javascript.internet.com/games/dice-roller.html
3. Megatherium’s first Yawn failed because of Uproar.
4. Topaz’s Uproar was randomized to last for two actions, so his command to Charge was ignored.
5. By my calculations, the energy cost for Topaz to yell for awhile would actually be slightly more than the cost to create an enormous thunderbolt out of the sky, which I think is a little ridiculous so I lowered the energy cost of Uproar by 1 point so they were equal.
6. Thunderbolt nearly missed (the dice rolled 99), so the damage it dealt was slightly reduced.
7. Topaz fell asleep at the end of the third action as a result of Yawn.
8. I'm incredibly sorry for the wait!
9. Zaiella will attack first next round.
All right, Topaz, Sleep Talk when he acts but when he's using Truant, I want you to chill.

Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk~Chill whichever action Slakoth doesn't use
Now, Megatherium, let's respect our opponent's sleep. While we get ready to mage a huge pound later.

Bulk Up x2 ~ Activate Truant
Metallica Fanboy vs. Zaiella: Round Two

Arena: Natural Pier

A long, platform-like rocky formation stretches from the coast and towards the sea. It stands not long above the sea level, and although a bit ragged, it's almost plain. The sea's waves are not in a good mood today; any non-water-type incapable of flight/floating to end up on the water will need to make a costly struggle to get back on ground.

Team Metallica Fanboy (Oo)
[Megatherium] Slakoth (M) <Truant>
Health: 86%
Energy: 97%
Status: Almost too tired to notice his singed fur.
Commands: Bulk Up x2 ~ Truant

Team Zaiella (Oo)
[Topaz] Pichu (M) <Static>
Health: 100%
Energy: 82%
Status: Sleeping deeply.
Commands: Sleep Talk/Chill x3
Asleep (severe)

Round Two: begin!

Even with his opponent asleep, Megatherium still is unable to move faster than the little rodent - not that he cares, that is. As he lazes about, the little Pichu begins to mutter a bit in his sleep. Both Trainers and the ref struggle to hear the mumbling over the ocean’s roar, but Megatherium, frankly, can’t care less. Suddenly, Topaz emits an earsplitting snore, making every one of the sloth’s hairs go on end, before quietly continuing his sound sleep.

Glaring at the Pichu for interrupting his lazy time, Megatherium decides he might as well do something, now that he’s not resting. With a bit of concentration, he is able to manually heighten his own metabolism, rapidly processing the fuel in his cells into energy. As a result of this process, the Slakoth’s little muscles begin to grow visibly. A few seconds later, they finally stop bulking up, and Megatherium realizes that now he’s hungry.

<Megatherium: -2H, -3E / Atk +1, Def +1 / hungry>
<Topaz: -0H, -9E / Asleep (severe) / deeply asleep>

Topaz continues to murmur in his sleep, and Megatherium doesn’t like the looks of it when the mouse’s yellow coat begins to shimmer with even more static electricity than usual. Once again, arcs of lightning surround Topaz, and Megatherium knows that means trouble. By the time he manages to start crawling backward, though, the little electric rodent has already released a massive thunderbolt that hits Megatherium straight between the eyes.

With a little sigh, the Slakoth realizes that Topaz is, once again, deeply asleep. By now he begins to think he’d rather have the mouse awake. Isn’t being asleep supposed to stop him from interrupting his lazy time? As these thoughts go slowly through his head, Megatherium begins to bulk up his muscles once again. By the time the growth is over this time, the little sloth’s muscles look like those of a Machoke, and he’s definitely getting very hungry.

<Megatherium: -8H, -3E / Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe) / very, very hungry!>
<Topaz: -0H, -10E / Asleep (severe) / has absolutely no idea what’s going on>

Getting far too tired to keep moving, Megatherium decides to have his lazy time now. Resolutely remaining in a procumbent position on the rock outcropping, the sloth rests his little head. Topaz, meanwhile, rolls over onto his side in his sleep, but appears to still be dreaming. Or chilling. There isn’t really much of a visual difference.

<Megatherium: -0H, +5E / Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe) / famished>
<Topaz: -0H, +10E / Asleep (moderate) / slightly less deeply asleep>

Round Two over!

Team Metallica Fanboy (Oo)
[Megatherium] Slakoth (M) <Truant>
Health: 76%
Energy: 96%
Status: Famished.
Commands used: Bulk Up ~ Bulk Up ~ Truant
Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe)

Team Zaiella (Oo)
[Topaz] Pichu (M) <Static>
Health: 100%
Energy: 73%
Status: Slightly less deeply asleep.
Commands used: Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Chill
Asleep (moderate)​

Arena status:
The natural pier remains unchanged. The waves continue to roar violently.

Ref’s notes:
1. Pokedex used: Veekun @ http://veekun.com/
2. Random number generator used: @ http://javascript.internet.com/games/dice-roller.html
3. Sleep Talk randomly called Snore on the first action and Thunderbolt on the second.
4. Megatherium was paralyzed by Thunderbolt.
5. I feel like I rely on the adjective “little” far too much.
6. Metallica Fanboy will attack first next round.
Unlucky, aren't we?

But now that you're pumped, hungry and paralyzed... No other move would fit the moment better than Facade.

If your opponent uses Protect or makes himself harder to hit, switch to Bulk Up.

Facade/Bulk Up x2 ~ Activate Truant
Well, Topaz, go ahead and keep attacking in your sleep until you wake up. If you wake up the second action, use Rain Dance and Thunder. If you wake up on the third action, use Nasty Plot.

Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk/Rain Dance~Sleep Talk/Thunder/Nasty Plot
Metallica Fanboy vs. Zaiella: Round Three

Arena: Natural Pier

A long, platform-like rocky formation stretches from the coast and towards the sea. It stands not long above the sea level, and although a bit ragged, it's almost plain. The sea's waves are not in a good mood today; any non-water-type incapable of flight/floating to end up on the water will need to make a costly struggle to get back on ground.

Team Metallica Fanboy (Oo)
[Megatherium] Slakoth (M) <Truant>
Health: 76%
Energy: 96%
Status: Famished.
Commands: Facade/Bulk Up x2 ~ Truant
Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe)

Team Zaiella (Oo)
[Topaz] Pichu (M) <Static>
Health: 100%
Energy: 73%
Status: Slightly less deeply asleep.
Commands: Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk/Rain Dance ~ Sleep Talk/Thunder/Nasty Plot
Asleep (moderate)

Round Three: begin!

Topaz again begins to talk in his sleep, which by now is really starting to make Megatherium nervous. His muscles are aching through the paralysis, though, and he’s hungry, so he really doesn’t feel bothered enough to pay close attention to the rat. He’s sure that when something important happens he’ll be able to see what it is in time to...

Megatherium doesn’t manage to complete his train of thought; suddenly, he realizes that Topaz is presently running at top speed towards him! The Slakoth’s eyes involuntarily close as he tenses up (half from reflex, half from paralysis) but he is puzzled when he feels no attack hit him. Cautiously and slowly opening one eye, he sees the mouse sitting harmlessly asleep in the same place from which he started. Topaz had tried to fake him out! Well, let’s see how the mouse feels when he... um...

The sloth Pokemon realizes that he can’t remember what he was supposed to do. His stomach growls and, in frustration, he slams a fist against the rock beneath him. Bad idea. Now he’s paralyzed and hungry, and his hand hurts.

<Megatherium: -1H, -0E / Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe) / Why does everything happen to me?>
<Topaz: -0H, -10E / Asleep (moderate) / totally unaware>

The roars of the waves. The cawing of some Pelipper in the distance. More mumbles from Topaz. His stomach growling.

These are the things Megatherium hears. Guess which one he’s most concerned with? If you guessed “his stomach growling”, you’re right. But not for long.

The Slakoth’s attention is suddenly caught as Topaz’s coat once again glows with electric energy. Dreading another thunderbolt, the sloth begins to crawl backwards at a snail’s pace, his heart pounding. But the electricity doesn’t form arcs around his enemy; quite the contrary, it seems to be focusing itself in the Pichu’s hands. Before Megatherium realizes what’s going on, Topaz has sleepily managed to charge and release a beam of electricity that leaves both battlers’ fur standing on end as it leaves the mouse’s body and enters the sloth’s.

Fed up with all this nonsense, Megatherium finally manages to gather the anger necessary to make an actual attack. He crawls to the blissfully unaware Pichu and, shedding his laziness as if it were a facade, takes swing after swing at Topaz, beating the electric rat in every way he can think of. When his anger is finally satisfied, the facade goes back up, and he lays down at that very spot to rest, not even noticing that the cruel beating had woken Topaz up.

<Megatherium: -5H, -5E / Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe) / tired as a dog>
<Topaz: -16H, -10E / Sp. Atk +1 / in pain, but glad to be awake>

Recalling the pain from that last attack, Topaz begins to think darkly of all the things he could do to the unsuspecting sloth. From Megatherium’s bulged muscles, Topaz can tell that he’s bulked up, so ranged attacks are in order now. He can resort to any one of the electric attacks at his disposal, or he could do something less expected and shoot off some droning bug beams or even throw around some flowers. With Megatherium unaware to his impending fate, Topaz continues to plot nasty fates for the sloth, which excites him considerably.

<Megatherium: -0H, +5E / Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe) / not paying attention>
<Topaz: -0H, -3E / Sp. Atk +3 / longing to execute his schemes>

Round Three over!

Team Metallica Fanboy (Oo)
[Megatherium] Slakoth (M) <Truant>
Health: 70%
Energy: 96%
Status: Not paying attention.
Commands used: (flinched) ~ Facade ~ Truant
Atk +2, Def +2, Paralyzed (severe)

Team Zaiella (Oo)
[Topaz] Pichu (M) <Static>
Health: 84%
Energy: 50%
Status: Longing to execute his schemes.
Commands used: Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Nasty Plot
Sp. Atk +3​

Arena status:
The natural pier remains unchanged. The waves continue to roar violently.

Ref’s notes:
1. Pokedex used: Veekun @ http://veekun.com/
2. Random number generator used: @ http://javascript.internet.com/games/dice-roller.html
3. Sleep Talk randomly called Fake Out on the first action and Charge Beam on the second.
4. Megatherium flinched on the first action.
5. Topaz woke up on the second action due to an extremely lucky dice roll and the heavy damage caused by Facade.
6. NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow and I’ll be participating. Unfortunately, this means I probably won’t have the time or energy to ref. I’ll be reffing again as soon as November’s over (or if I give up early like I have in previous years), but until then, you’ll have to either get an emergency ref or just wait. Sorry, guys.
7. Zaiella will attack first next round.
It's almost the end of November and I've pretty much given up on NaNo by now, so DQ warning for Zaiella, let's say you have 48 hours. Even though she hasn't logged in since before the last reffing was posted. Sorry, Metallica Fanboy.
Zaiella is DQ'ed. The prizes are as follows:

Metallica Fanboy receives $8. Megatherium receives 1 EXP.
Zaiella is barred from challenging for 2 months. Topaz receives 1 EXP.
I receive $5.
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