Round 7
Metallica Fanboy

Alexandrite Dragon (♂)
Health: 12%
Energy: 100%
Type: Bug
Ability: Color Change
Status: Attack +6. Defense +1. Special Defense -2. Accuracy +1.
Zero Moment

Eurastar (♀)
Health: 47%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Ability: Magic Guard
Status: Attack +2. Special Attack +1. Speed -2. About 15cm taller than normal. Mildly confused (10% chance to hurt self in confusion)
Kratos Aurion

Random Number Degenerate (♂)
Health: 30%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Magic Guard, Flash Fire
Status: Mildly Paralyzed (5% chance of full paralysis - will fade completely two actions).
Alexandrite Dragon gritted his teeth as Round Seven began, determined not to be the first to fall in this battle. His first move was one to increase his survivability, rather than to damage his opponents - a green pulse began to spread from his feet across the entire arena, and as it went grass began to inexplicably carpet the intersection, growing most densely in the spots where the last round’s Earth Power had blown away the pavement. It was soft grass, like a carpet, and very soothing to all the combatants - even some of the onlookers jumped into the arena and lay down.
With the nice soft grass now covering the arena, Random Number Degenerate felt liberated - free at last from his paralysis and constriction of movement. He might not be as big as his two opponents, but he could certainly show them what a little Cleffa was capable of. ...that is, if the Random Number God came through for him. He wiggled his finger in hopeful anticipation, and before long a beam burst from his hand straight towards Alexandrite Dragon. It was a thin beam, though, and didn’t seem to do any damage to the Kecleon - in fact, it almost seemed too simple, like something was going on that the crowd didn’t know about.
But while Alexandrite Dragon was distracted, Eurastar took the opportunity to launch his own attack. Her finger crackled with electricity, and after a few seconds she sent a quick shockwave through the air towards her larger opponent. Alexandrite Dragon took the attack without moving, but it looked like it did more than it should have, like he’d lost even more resistance to it - and, perhaps more surprisingly, his body didn’t change color this time, it just remained the sickly greenish color it had been before the attack hit.
Before the Shock Wave could dissipate, Alexandrite Dragon retaliated by trying to capture some of the sparks from the attack - he succeeded just a little bit, and sent his own, much weaker, shock wave through the air back towards Eurastar. This one didn’t do damage, though - rather, it seemed to send a weak pulse through the larger Cleffa’s body, disrupting its concentration and unfocusing its attention.
Excellent, thought Random Number Degenerate, looking on. With that little bit of electricity in its body, his own electric-type attack that the Random Number God just gave him would do even more damage! One-upping his opponent’s last action, both of Random Number Degenerate’s hands began to crackle with sparks, much stronger than those of his opponent. He put his hands together and fired a gigantic bolt of electricity at Eurastar.
Just like the last one, the attack missed completely, and went right past Eurastar to instead hit the ambulance that had just arrived to care for the poor spectator from last round. It didn’t look like anyone was hurt, but there was an audible pop from inside the vehicle, and it became immediately evident that some of the equipment had just been compromised. Another ambulance was called.
This time, Eurastar noticed that he had been the intended target, and so decided to respond. The Random Number God granted him the power of ice this time, and without hesitation the larger Cleffa opened his mouth and released a bitterly cold blast of freezing air at Random Number Degenerate. The little Cleffa shivered and tried desperately to maintain his footing and composure against this icy attack that seemed to penetrate to his core.
But he didn’t have time to do that - Alexandrite Dragon didn’t give him time. After waving his finger one last time, he took off sprinting towards his smaller, and increasingly more battered, opponent. He didn’t care about the spikes, still hidden in the grass, he stepped on as he went, only about making his attack land. Gritting his teeth, he jumped, and Random Number Degenerate cowered in fear. But the jump was small, and rather than attack, Alexandrite Dragon instead turned his landing into a roll. And as he came out of that roll, only then did his foot meet Random Number Degenerate’s face.
The poor Cleffa had just undergone two harsh attacks, and his head was spinning - he couldn’t think fast enough to avoid the third one, and was just as surprised when Eurastar’s foot impacted his head, from a different angle this time. Suddenly, after all this time, Random Number Degenerate was suddenly feeling drained, and woozy, just like his opponent probably was. But that was no excuse to not try - he had to try even harder, give 110%, and make his trainer proud! So, as soon as Eurastar bounced off of him, Random Number Degenerate made a last-ditch attempt to deal some damage, and released a sickening burst of acid from his mouth. It was very painful going up, but it seemed to be worth it, as Eurastar’s skin became tingly and her face scrunched into an expression of annoyance and irritation.
End of Round 7
Metallica Fanboy

Alexandrite Dragon (♂)
Health: 5%
Energy: 100%
Type: Bug
Ability: Simple
Actions: Grassy Terrain ~ Eerie Impulse@Eurastar ~ Rolling Kick@Random Number Degenerate
Status: Attack +6. Defense +1. Special Defense -2. Accuracy +1.
Zero Moment

Eurastar (♀)
Health: 49%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Ability: Magic Guard
Actions: Shock Wave@Alexandrite Dragon ~ Frost Breath@Random Number Degenerate (crit) ~ Stomp@Random Number Degenerate
Status: Attack +2. Special Attack -1. Special Defense -2. Speed -2. About 15cm taller than normal.
Kratos Aurion

Random Number Degenerate (♂)
Health: 5%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Magic Guard, Flash Fire
Actions: Simple Beam@Alexandrite Dragon ~ Zap Cannon@Eurastar (Missed) ~ Acid Spray@Eurastar
Status: Very tired, but otherwise normal.
Arena Status:
~One civilian has been taken to the hospital for a head wound inflicted by a soft blunt object traveling at high speed. Another is currently comatose on the ground, and paramedics were a bit held up - the defibrillator isn’t working. Gee, I wonder why.
~Next to the latter is a stationary ambulance. Though the vehicle itself is OK, most of the elictrical equipment inside it has overloaded and short-circuited.
~One building, away from the battlers, has a bit of a dent in it.
~The center of the intersection, while still flat and easily navigable, is in tatters from the Earth Power attack. However, it is covered in luscious and comfortable Grassy Terrain, and will continue to be for three more actions.
~There are spikes covering the ground. There is a 30% chance of landing on them on any given action.
~Alexandrite Dragon and Random Number Degenerate share the resolve of not being the first to fall in this battle. Eurastar is feeling pleased, as if she’s already won. The three battlers are in a triangle of about a meter.
Next Round: