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Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Here's the Electric Absol-



Hope you like it, it wasn't easy!
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

0.0 wow,that's good! 0.0
I could never do that!
And yes,do you want a spicific pose?(i.e.A1)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

*dun dun dun DUN!!!*
This is my 1,000th post!!And I'm putting it here!
Anyways,I've been busy...
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

What colors?Oh,and heading off for at least two weeks of camping tomorrow,so requests will be closed when I get off the computer.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!


Be sure to edit the first post to have things I can do.

I'll PM you the other stuff.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Zulo, can you do an Albino Drifloon? That's a Drifloon that's all white to 5% grey with shiny red eyes. The strings should stay black.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Yay! Thanks for the great sprites, Mewtwo! Sorry it took so long... *does not check art threads*
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

0.0 wow,that's good! 0.0
I could never do that!
And yes,do you want a spicific pose?(i.e.A1)

For the Blaziken Chao, I want the B1 pose.
*Dialga uses Roar of Time*
*Ultimate Pikachu sees Chao*
*Ultimate Pikachu loves it!*
So, Ultimate Pikachu thanks in advance lol.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I'll try to get to all of those as soon as I can!

Until I do, requests are closed.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Milotic recolored as Shaymin-



EDIT: Me had fun with this one!


Mind if I keep it as one of my palattes?

Blaziken Chao-


I hate chaos.

Requests are reopened~
Last edited:
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