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If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens!
Oh yes.

Roles said:


During the day can explode, taking another player down with it. Must type *sssss*[player]. If targeted at night, it and the targeting player both die.


If lynched will show up as not mafia. If killed or investigated at night will show up as mafia.


Can target one player to kill each night.




When targeted with a killing action for the first time, it does not die, but loses this protection. Will show up as not mafia when investigated.


Can kill once per night, but the target is randomized.


Can target one player to heal each night.



Can target a player to heal each night. Can sacrifice self at night to heal two separate players.


When targeted with a killing action the first time it loses its wool but survives. It will die when next targeted by a killing action.


May choose to protect a player at night. Whatever action intended for that player targets the cow instead.




Can investigate one player each night.
This sounds like the best thing ever and I want in.
(seems like all the mafia games I sign up for never start but I'm hopeful this time :<)
fuck yes

(wouldn't zombie pigman be a good alien though o:)

I wanted the mafia to have a healing role, and the zombie pigman is the only aggressive mob that drops meat. And meat=health so yeah.

Btw, if anyone has better ideas for the roles than what I have, let me know.

I wanted to include the spider jockey, but couldn't think of a good way to do it.
Eh, there are more aggressive mobs than peaceful.

I was hoping to get enough people playing that we could use all the mafia roles and still have enough innocents, but now that I've thought about it, it doesnt' look that way, and there still are a lot of mafia roles.

Uh, probably will get rid of the Ghast and Slime. We'll see.
So, I can start now, if we want, or wait for a couple of more people. I think I'll lose the ghast and slime roles, and probably won't assign zombie pigmen unless we get more people. Thoughts?

Additionally, to clarify, I had planned to have the mafia discuss during the night, then the mafia kill would be submitted by the skeleton, as opposed to there being a mafia kill and a skeleton kill.
Hi! I was totally asked to join to bolster the numbers, I hope this post helps with publicity too. >: Also I need to try this whole big mafia craze thinggg.
I can't promise I'll post a lot (time zones) but at least I shouldn't be inactive ~

There are a lot of mafia roles, I'm scaaaared... but uh it would be better with more people so yeah! Maybe you could include the different varieties of sheep to increase the innocent roles? Ehh, I dunno. I kinda like the sheep idea as it is, and having to kill a whole bunch of townies twice would be a pain (if it was going to be consistent).
Maybe the mobs should be the innocents and the neutral mobs the mafia (;
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