Round 3
Munchkin (Black team)

Hera (Inkay ♀) - Bishop
Health: 65%
Energy: 82%
Ability: Contrary
Condition: Itching to attack.
Status: Sustaining a Reflect (1 more action). Hat destroyed. Current position: D5.
Commands: Protect ~ Hypnosis @ Wheelbarrow Dumpling ~ Flamethrower @ Lena
Riba (Gastly ♀) + Rook Hat
Health: 77% +
Energy: 91%
Ability: Insomnia
Condition: Not liking the whole having to roll around thing. Pretty annoyed.
Status: Protected by Reflect (1 more action). Current position: E6.
Commands: Move to F6 ~ Substitute (10%) ~ Move to F5

Nai (Aerodactyl ♀) + Knight Hat
Health: 77% +
Energy: 95%
Ability: Pressure
Condition: More active now than before
Status: Protected by Reflect (1 more action). Current position: D6.
Commands: Move to E4 ~ Taunt @ Lena ~ Fire Fang @ Lena
Eifie (White team)

Nando (Torchic ♀) + Rook Hat
Health: 100% +
Energy: 86%
Ability: Blaze
Condition: Having a great time.
Status: Normal. Current position: D2.
Commands: Fire Pledge @ anyone / Agility ~ Fire Pledge @ anyone / Agility ~ Fire Pledge @ anyone / Agility
Wheelbarrow Dumpling (Swinub ♂) + Bishop Hat
Health: 78% +
Energy: 80%
Ability: Oblivious
Condition: Mostly present.
Status: Special Defense +2. Has forgotten Secret Power. Current position: D3.
Commands: Ice Beam @ Nai or Hera / Earth Power @ Riba / Stealth Rock x3

Lena (Chikorita ♀) + Knight Hat
Health: 91% /
Energy: 88%
Ability: Overgrow
Condition: Confident and ready for more.
Status: Attack +2. Current position: E3.
Commands: Grass Pledge @ anyone / Safeguard ~ Grass Pledge @ anyone / Safeguard / Reflect ~ Grass Pledge @ anyone / Light Screen
As the referee waved his flag to signal the third round, Hera leapt into action by not moving at all and instead focusing as a spherical greenish barrier formed around her. Nothing would be touching her at all this action, she was sure, and after her opponents wasted their momentum on this attack, she would have the perfect chance to fight back on her own. In the meantime, Nai flew over her, her confidence almost exactly opposite Hera’s. With her teammate protecting herself and her other teammate rolling herself out of the way (Riba was doing this very inconspicuously, maybe because she felt embarrassed) she knew she was likely the next target. And, of course, she was hesitant to put herself in that position. But she didn’t have a choice. Her teammates were depending on her, and she had faith in her trainer.
And even before she arrived, Wheelbarrow Dumpling released a thin light-blue beam towards her, exploding into ice crystals on impact. Nai was completely unprepared for the attack, and as her wing went a little bit numb, she began to spiral towards the surface of the giant chessboard, trying desperately to regain control of her flight before she hit the ground.
It was a lost cause. Maybe she would have been able to make it back into the air, had an inexplicable burst of fire not descended from the heavens directly above tile F6 and pushed her straight downwards to a harsh impact with the ground. Another trapped tile, evidently (there were far too many of them, Nai was beginning to think).
Lena narrowed her eyes as just one space away her opponent crashed to the ground. This was her opportunity, hers and Nando’s, for a brilliant combination attack. She glanced towards the Torchic, who sent her back a confident nod, and then swung her head-leaf in the air. It began to glow a forest-green, and immediately the surface of tile F6 was no longer tile but rather vines - black, thorny vines, turning green quickly as they surged upwards and carried Nai back into the air in the worst way possible. But the attack wasn’t over yet - in fact, it had only just begun. With a loud chirp, Nando also began to attack, in a similar fashion. His little wings began to glow a reddish hue, just as his partner’s leaf had glowed green, and within a moment the vines that had sprouted only a moment earlier began to burst into flames. The fire snaked its way rapidly up the thorny vines, consuming it all, as Nai screeched in a combination of fear and pain.
And then there was an explosion. A very large explosion, in all directions. Nai was flung straight into the air, where she managed to catch herself and maintain flight, and Hera sustained her translucent green shield with visible effort while Wheelbarrow Dumpling and Lena were both blown back to the edges of their respective tiles, the fire having left a profound reminder of its presence on them. Lena winced in pain at the singed leaf on her head, and yelled a few words at the rather sheepish Nando. She didn’t think it would be that big, the Torchic called back, and she promised it wouldn’t happen again.
Nai was badly bruised now, and had a painful burn, but that wasn’t any reason for her to give up. She was still flying, and she was still in it! “Hey, Green,” she called out to Lena, who, still wincing at her burn, looked up at the Aerodactyl curiously. “A little fire’s too much for you? Doesn’t really look like you’re ready for big league battling to me.” The chikorita’s eyes widened. “Doesn’t look like you’re a good fit for a chessboard, either,” Nai continued, but was cut off by another beam of ice slamming into her side. Wheelbarrow Dumpling had hoped to interrupt the exchange with his attack, and as he raised one furry eyelid for the first time this battle and glanced concernedly at Lena, it looked like he’d been successful. Indeed, Lena didn’t feel angry at all, just competitive. She was above Nai, clearly.
She would prove that by attacking Hera instead, and this time not catching herself in the crossfire. She nodded to Nando, and together the two of them conjured twin pillars of vines and flames on opposite tiles of the Inkay’s Tile D5, and before Hera could do anything to shield herself again, they wrapped around each other to form another huge explosion, this time with Hera in the center rather than Nai. And she was the only one affected, it seemed, when the fire died away. Nai had been caught in the blast, but it hadn’t done as much to her as the last one had. Her hat, though, was a different matter, and it fell to the ground in flames.
Wheelbarrow Dumpling’s attention was distracted from the beautiful fires by Hera, though, as soon as the smoke let up enough for her to be visible to him. And, ignoring her burn, she began to wave her tentacles in a slow circle, baiting Wheelbarrow Dumpling’s eyes to follow them. Slowly, they began to close - and though no one could actually see through the Swinub’s thick eye coverings, the snow pig was soundly asleep, even amidst all the commotion.
The battle continued around him. As Riba began to roll back towards the battle, a shiny new Substitute in tow, Nai, juggernauting through the explosion, swooped down towards Lena and grabbed her head leaf with his fangs. As he did so, his teeth burst into a coating of flame, and Lena whimpered in discomfort, even though the pain from Nai’s burn stopped the attack from being as strong as it otherwise might have been. Before long, the Aerodactyl let go of her, and she managed to land on all fours, but the experience was painful and she didn’t want to do it again.
But the battle hadn’t stopped, and there was no time for her to recover. Nando hadn’t given her a nod this time, but he’d instead simply begun his attack - another pillar of flame, exploding from the surface of the giant chessboard below Hera. But Lena couldn’t pull herself into acting. It was like her brain was short-circuiting, and she couldn’t remember what she was supposed to do. So instead, she tried to nurse her burn, so that it might go away, watching Nando’s flame pillar absentmindedly.
It was very surprising to her when a new branch broke off from the pillar of flame and flew straight towards her. Lena let out a yelp as a singed but smirking Hera attacked her with a steady stream of fire, reminding her that Nando wasn’t the only one with firepower around here. These fires did nothing to mitigate Lena’s burn - in fact, the more attacks she took, the worse it began to hurt. By the time the flame dissipated, Lena’s head leaf was throbbing with pain, and she had a little headache. She needed to finish the battle soon, so she could get rid of this.
End of Round 3
Munchkin (Black team)

Hera (Inkay ♀) - Bishop
Health: 25% (Capped)
Energy: 66%
Ability: Contrary
Condition: Determinating.
Status: Moderately burned. Hat destroyed. Current position: D5.
Actions: Protect ~ Hypnosis @ Wheelbarrow Dumpling ~ Flamethrower @ Lena
Riba (Gastly ♀) + Rook Hat
Health: 67% (Substitute:
Energy: 84%
Ability: Insomnia
Condition: Glad she was spared her teammates’ fate.
Status: Current position: F6.
Actions: Move to F6 ~ Substitute (10%) ~ Move to F5

Nai (Aerodactyl ♀) - Knight
Health: 37% (Capped)
Energy: 85%
Ability: Pressure
Condition: Having an adrenaline rush.
Status: Severely burned. Hat destroyed. Current position: E4.
Actions: Move to E4 (hit trap) ~ Taunt @ Lena (failed) ~ Fire Fang @ Lena
Eifie (White team)

Nando (Torchic ♀) + Rook Hat
Health: 100% +
Energy: 74%
Ability: Blaze
Condition: Oblivious to his teammates’ sufferings.
Status: Normal. Current position: D2.
Actions: Fire Pledge @ Nai ~ Fire Pledge @ Hera ~ Fire Pledge @ Hera

Wheelbarrow Dumpling (Swinub ♂) - Bishop
Health: 44%
Energy: 75%
Ability: Oblivious
Condition: Not present at all.
Status: Deeply asleep. Moderately Burned. Special Defense +2. Has forgotten Secret Power. Hat destroyed. Current position: D3.
Actions: Ice Beam @ Nai ~ Ice Beam @ Nai ~ Asleep

Lena (Chikorita ♀) - Knight
Health: 51% (Capped)
Energy: 84%
Ability: Overgrow
Condition: Very uncomfortable.
Status: Severely burned. Attack +2. Hat destroyed. Current position: E3.
Actions: Grass Pledge @ Nai ~ Grass Pledge @ Hera ~ Grass Pledge @ Hera
Arena Status
~Sunny Day is in effect for 4 more actions
Referee Notes
~Wheelbarrow Dumpling’s Sachet protected Lena from Taunt’s effects.
~In keeping with the games’ tradition, Fire Pledge and Grass Pledge did not deal damage differently. However, the resulting Fire Pledge dealt double-damage (base 160), plus sun boost. This attack is very destructive.
~Hera, Nai, and Lena all hit the damage cap (40%). This made damage calculations on later actions easier.
~Munchkin commands first next round.