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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

my birthday was actually yesterday


Ben Wade's Assistant Coach
but i forgot to make a thread

it was uneventful but nice, i got 40 bucks and a laptop a few weeks ago as an early present
*walks down the Arylettcarpet*

Wow, special treatment, just for me? Why thank you! :D

Anyways, although it's a bit late (your fault!), Happy Birthday Zim!

No, you do not get birthday sex. (is referring to a song zairra forced me to listen to)
Hey, what are you guys doing rolling out MY carpet on HIS birthday? No, no, no! ;;Unrolls Arylettcarpet, rolls Russcarpet;;


Happy birthday again, you awesome, awesome man~ I'm still working on your gift, yups.
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