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My first sprites


New member
Hey everyone, J0mama666 speaking, and these are my first attempts at spriting:




Please C&C, thank you.
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The Wigglytuff sprite kinda looks odd; its as if the Wiglytuff body isn't connected to the snake part at all. Try removing some of the outlines on ther bottom of the stomach to try and make them look more connected. Plus, the outlines of the snake body seem too dark, are they all black? Try changing them to the Wigglytuff's outline colour.

The tail of the Ilumise sprite needs to be darker as it is in the background. Other than that it's good.

The outline of the pronged hand of the magmortar seems off. It is yellow, when it should be red. ^^;

Remove the white from the Hitmonchan's head, it looks off. Also, the outlines on the head seem too dark, try using a lighter colour for that part of the outline.

Pretty good first sprites, I must say. Just work a little on the outlines, that's the only really noticable problem.
Congrats on the first sprites, they look great! The splices look better than my first ones lol. Why don't you try a few recolor's or revamps? They are good practice, especially the latter.
Well, you're very dedicated. I can see that. However, these sprites can be summed up in two initials: CP. This means Copy+Paste, and refers to sprites that have been obviously spliced together with minimal scratch-editing. If you're a beginner, I understand that perfectly, so it's where we all begin. Just practice with this, trying to make the parts match up smoothly. I do like the Wigglytuff one though. The Hitmonchan one's better, but I just like Wigglytuff better. XD As for specific C+C, it's really all been covered by Ruffledfeathers, so yeah...just practice!
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