Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day One
I was dead all al0ng...
I d0 believe that RK-9 died fr0m a vigilante kill 0ther than mine. I did n0t use my p0wer, but perhaps s0me0ne else did. Glace has the same nature as I, s0 it is quite p0ssible that that they have 0btained a much similar r0le t0 the 0ne I have. In any case, I have many guesses t0 the r0les 0f 0thers. C0pying Phant0m's list, I will show them t0 y0u:
Seri: Rash, Water Absorb (Mafia)
RK-9: Brave, Intimidate (Inn0cent, b0dyguard, unkn0wn)
Mai: Quirky, Color Change (Inn0cent, vigilante)
KMew: Brave, Light Metal (Inn0cent, unkn0wn)
Phant0m: Brave, Blaze ((Vigilante, unkn0wn))
Ya 0k: Hasty, Wonder Guard ((Mafia, bulletpr00f))
Zackrai: Jolly, Moxie ((unkn0wn))
Fl0wer D0ll: Quiet, Anger Point ((d0ct0r, serial killer, unkn0wn))
Glace: Quirky, Prankster ((Vigilante, unkn0wn))
Kirby-Chan: Hasty, Pressure ((Mafia))
In 0nly 0ne parentheses are the c0nfirmed r0les/alliances. I'm n0t entirely sure RK-9 is a b0dyguard, but the ability and nature fit well t0 me. If s0 it d0es n0t appear he was pr0tecting any0ne, th0ugh.
I did n0t mean t0 g0 lynching them immediately. All I intended was t0 v0ice my c0ncerns.
I d0 n0t believe we sh0uld listen t0 what Seritinajii says. He is still aligned with the mafia and will win with them if they prevail. H0wever, we sh0uld n0t dismiss what he says either. S0 d0 n0t c0unt 0ut what he says as a lie if he d0es decide to speak up. He might say it just s0 we will dismiss the 0pti0n 0f it being true, such as calling s0me0ne mafia wh0 actually is mafia.
I ap0l0gize f0r typing like this. As with Phant0m, the j0ke was irresistable. If I played j0kes, which I d0 n0t. They are 0kay, but n0t helpful f0r discussi0n 0r f0r discerning wh0 the mafia are.
It w0uld have been much w0rse if I typed in red.