• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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New user used X-Scissor!


New member
Hi. I'm new to the forum, as you can see. I love the Pokemon series and I REALLY want Pokemon Soul Silver when it comes out in America. I'm known as Bowser X on some forums, Blade Bro. on most wikis, and I'm Mariothemovie on wikia.
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Welcome! /o/

I was playing Platinum in Italian a few days ago and laughed when I saw that a pokemon used Forbice X. I'm not sure why.
Hi there.

Welcome to the Cave of something-or-others, where we eat tea and drink cod or something like that. I don't remember.
'sup? I'm Male Gardevoir, the crossdresser most certainly NOT gay Pokémon. Although most people just call me MG.

So yeah, I hope you'll enjoy it here, where we drink cod and eat te-

Shit, someone already pulled that joke.
*Turns into a Werewolf* BRING IT ON!

And hi, X-Scissor is one of my favorite moves, so I like you. Call me Steele, I just have a temporary name change. Oh, three days, fifteen hours, 37 minutes til SoulSilver!
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