• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Newest person that posts!


Blue tigers rock. So what?
Yo, I'm new. So, I'll guess I'll start with Favorites!
!. I like blue!(obviously)
2.I like wolves.
3. I like animals!
4.I like to read.
5. I don't necessarily like karate, but I take it.
6. That's about it.

[Insert witty statement here]
I'm Mawile, the resident Mawile who lurks TCoD constantly.
I'd recommend the Anime Style Battling section of the forums.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask~
RespectTheBlade said:
Hello, and welcome to the cave! The exit is over there in case you need it...
I'd recommend you check out the Anime-Style Battling part of the forum.

Hello! I am Superbird, one of two people who offers coffee and salmon to guests to the forum, not the standard Tea and Cod. Would you like some? And can I take you baggage?

Anyway, this is the TCoD forums. DO NOT wipe your feet on the carnivorous welcome mat, no matter what anyone may tell you. Other than that, please enjoy yourself.
Hello! I am Superbird, one of two people who offers coffee and salmon to guests to the forum, not the standard Tea and Cod. Would you like some? And can I take you baggage?

Anyway, this is the TCoD forums. DO NOT wipe your feet on the carnivorous welcome mat, no matter what anyone may tell you. Other than that, please enjoy yourself.

And I am the other one. How do you like your coffee?

Don't mind the carnivorous welcome mats, to wipe your feet just use that totally safe mat over there *points*

So yeah. Enjoy your stay at the forums!
Welcome to TCoD, the place where everyone loves making friends, sharing, playing together, skipping with lolipops in flower feilds filled with roses and pink flowers, and being happy! :D

...No, I'm just kidding. But people in these Fourms can be very entertaining...

Like me! Anyways...

!. I like blue!(obviously) [I love blue, too! But my favorite colors are black and white. It used to be blue and pink, but I dunno what happened.]
2.I like wolves. [They're my favorite animals, too!]
3. I like animals! [So do I! :D]
4.I like to read. [I like to, too. Sometimes. Only if It's a good book. :3]
5. I don't necessarily like karate, but I take it. [Me no take karate. D:]
6. That's about it. [A WINNER IS YOU! <3]
[Insert witty statement here]

We are so alike. :D
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Definately mind the mats, one has rabies..... well they all might have it by now though. Anyways welcome to TCoD. I hope you stay and post long time.
hi i am lord vorpal and i thought of showing u that really cool game named pokemoncraft its cool check out : http://www.pokemoncraft.com/
this is the home page:

pokemoncraft is a mmorpg that is based on pokemon , it is free to sign up and its really cool there is a pokedex this is the site :


you create a player and u choose ur main pokemon and if ur lucky evolve it into the final stage!
you can donate to get rare pokemon like : giratina heatran celebi dialga palkia .....etc.
well i hope u check it out , enjoy.... :D
hi i am lord vorpal and i thought of showing u that really cool game named pokemoncraft its cool check out : http://www.pokemoncraft.com/
this is the home page:

pokemoncraft is a mmorpg that is based on pokemon , it is free to sign up and its really cool there is a pokedex this is the site :


you create a player and u choose ur main pokemon and if ur lucky evolve it into the final stage!
you can donate to get rare pokemon like : giratina heatran celebi dialga palkia .....etc.
well i hope u check it out , enjoy.... :D

...You could make your own introductory thread, by the way.

RespectTheBlade said:
Hello, and welcome to the cave! The exit is over there in case you need it...
I'd recommend you check out the Anime-Style Battling part of the forum.

Hello! I am Superbird, one of two people who offers coffee and salmon to guests to the forum, not the standard Tea and Cod. Would you like some? And can I take your baggage?

Anyway, this is the TCoD forums. DO NOT wipe your feet on the carnivorous welcome mat, no matter what anyone may tell you. Other than that, please enjoy yourself.

By the way, someone beat you to the punch. We already have someone here advertising that Here. ;)
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