• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Nice to meet you!

Lil' Purple Bird

To love or lust after...
I once looked at these forums a LONG long time ago, but never got around to registering. So, here I am!

You can call me Lil' Bird, if my username's too much of a "mouthful". I'm in my first year of college studying in the film and video department, even though my passion is more geared for animation. Thus, I am an artist, though I do love to write whenever I can, and do enjoy a good book.

Connecting two and two together, as this is a somewhat-Pokémon-related forum, I am a fan, though more for the games than in the anime itself (though I'll watch old episodes in a heartbeat), but I've branched out my interests over the years. I am not new to the rules of forums in any way, as I do hail from Serebii, but am still active there.

And... I guess that's all I care to put down at the moment. Hope to have fun here and meet some people.
Nice to meet you! I'm Superbird, rapidly losing sanity. And welcome the Cave of Dragonflies, where (contrary to popular belief) we do NOT sit around all day drinking tea and cod. ...Although we do offer it to newcomers. Can I get you some? If you don't wand that, you can also have Coffee and Salmon, Lemonade and trout, or Red Bull and crabs.

So, now that that's over with, I'd like to direct you to the Anime-Style Battling forums. And so. This is a nice place, where everyone actually cares about each other and all that. So please! Get acquainted with the rest of the community!

Oh, and you're not the only Serebii Forums veteran here. Though I'm not one myself, we have several here.
FIRST: Aw. That's such a cute avatar!! :) I love it :D

SECOND: Welcome! I am known here as Silver! (Most people tend to shorten usernames anyway ^^) It's good to see another follower of the "I like the games more but I can still watch the old anime episodes" club! ^^ Some of the newer episodes have gotten so silly they've ruined it :(.

I hope you do have fun here and enjoy all the forums we have to offer on our menu today! ^^

Also, just to point this out for the randomness but, I AM A SPLICE OF A MOOGLE AND AN UMBREON! *announcement over* Have fun! ^-^
oooh an artist cools

Welcome, Madame Purple. I'm Foamytoise, welcome to the forums and stuff. We've got a nice community of artists here, so you should fit in well.
Superbird: Thanks! Uh... can I have lemonade and shrimp, if available -^_^-? Not really a huge fan of fish... Anime-Style Battling forums, eh? I'll go check that out!

SilverFalcon: ^_^ Well, I stopped watching the new episodes ever since it was traded over to Cartoon Network (and also the changing of the VAs), and I don't have cable, so... yeah XD. And I have no idea what a moogle is, though someone on Serebii goes by Moogles. Guess I should go look it up.

Foamy: I giggled at Madame. It's just me, but I have a feeling this is more pleasing than Serebii, people-wise. Thanks for the info, I hope to fit in!
Welcome to TCoD. (Superbird already got the TCoD greeting meme) I'm a fellow artist though still quite an amateur. ^^
I actually do some animation myself with Adobe Flash, nice to see another animator as well.
Zoltea: Hi! Actually, I'm not an animator yet, that's why I'm in college x). One of these days, I'll get to work with Flash, but right now, I've been messing around with Premiere and PhotoShop (with some After Effects). Flash will come in the future.

But I still get jealous of those who CAN animate with Flash...
*hands Lemonade and Shrimp on a plate*

Yes, this is a much nicer place than Serebii. The reason is that we have about a sixth the members—Everyone knows each other and we can all be nice to each other. Also the people who come to this forum all seem to be alike. For instance, pretty much this entire forum is Liberalist (barring Pwnemon and possibly Eloi, conservetives), as well as Atheist. Oh yeah, this is LGBT central also. =P
:D Thanks! *munches*

Wow, a sixth O_O. Dragonfree (if that's still her name here) is really well organized, then. And at the few threads I've looked, I can tell people are nicer here, no one speaks ill of each other. Trolls are quickly removed here, I assume.

Heh, I'm adding one more on the list of the conservative minority XD. But we shouldn't let politics or religion get in the way of anything. That's what got Serebii messed up in the first place. As well as the n00bs.

I'm not familiar with LGBT, sounds like it's RPG-related.
:D Thanks! *munches*

Wow, a sixth O_O. Dragonfree (if that's still her name here) is really well organized, then. And at the few threads I've looked, I can tell people are nicer here, no one speaks ill of each other. Trolls are quickly removed here, I assume.

Heh, I'm adding one more on the list of the conservative minority XD. But we shouldn't let politics or religion get in the way of anything. That's what got Serebii messed up in the first place. As well as the n00bs.

I'm not familiar with LGBT, sounds like it's RPG-related.

LGBT = Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
Anyone who doesn't fit with that is probably a poképhilliac (not to say the converse is true), :P
(I'm conservative too, x3)
I'll show you what I've made probably in a visitor message.
Yeah, straight people like me are in the minority, but people don't tease. Too much. xD AND wow nobody warned the poor person 'bout the carnivorous welcome mats or the vegetarian welcome mats that turn ferocious when brought into contact with sugar x.x Anywho, welcome to TCoD where all the friendly TeaCodians live their friendly lives being friendly~ xD
Thanks, Cloudsong! *goes to play F.U.N. song, then pauses* Wait, what welcome mats o.o? I thought it was just tea and cod (and other varieties of fish and drink). I saw nothing about welcome mats that eat people.
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