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New member
Yes, another sprite contest. I realize that there about *tries to count how many sprite contests there currently are* a lot of sprite contests, but let there be one more! *Everyone moans* Also, I promise this is not one of those one and done contests. I'll try to keep it running as long as possible.

Contest #1: Re-type any Pokemon to Dragon-Type.
Contest #2: Splice a fire-type and a bug-type.
Contest #3: Disguise a Pokemon as any other Pokemon
Contest #4: Make a Pre-evolution to any existing Pokemon (Use any type of spriting)
Contest #5: Splice a Legendary and a Starter Pokemon
Contest #6: Opposite of Contest #4, Make an Evolution to any existing Pokemon (Use any type of spriting)

Contests will be judged be yours truly alone and will be judged by the following.

10 pts./Creativity
5 pts./Originality
10 pts./Quality

1. Wolftamer9 -

2. Silver -

3. Mewtwo -

4. Hikari Nijino -

5. pokedreamer -

6. Lucariking -

7. Zulo -

As soon as I get seven contestants that have submitted their entries, judging will begin. If you want to enter but there are already seven contestants, I will allow you to join if any of the contestants do not have their entries in.

Happy competing!
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can I enter?
done. I knew sceptile would work well.

retypes. where scratching, splicing, and recoloring unite.
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Save me a spot! ^^

Here. It sucks, but eh. I'm still a newbie to retypes anyway. Its ponyta.
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i have to drop out ive tried and tried but it dosent agree with me
so theres still an open spot left
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Eevee123, the way to keep it normal size dis to not resize it at all. Not while your working on it, not before or after you've worked on it, just keep it the same size as the sprites you were using to make your one.
Sites don't make sprites better. To work on it, zoom in on the sprite so you can see it. Sites don't change the image at all, they just put it on the internet for you.
You can join even if eevee123 does do the contest because everyone hasn't submitted their entries.

Which should be in as soon as possible. I'm getting anxious waiting to see everyone's sprites.
Sorry for the delay in judging. I didn't see Ruffledfeathers entry. I'll judge as soon as I get back from band camp and then I'll start the second contest.
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