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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
why don't they just admit it's all politics and they want $$$
why can't people be damn honest
I don't think two-thirds of Americans are poor, drunk, gun-wielding, incestuous, homophobic, NASCAR-obsessed, racist bible-thumpers under the bizarre notion that "the south will rise again". I mean, there are people like that, but it's not two thirds of the population, I don't think. :P
Those two concepts don't work together, dear.
I know, but it's so obvious they are such fucking pricks, why not fucking come out and say they are pricks, that makes everything so much easier
also I want your sig back
Maybe if you kiss me.
i never said it wasn't funnyi hate these self-important stuckup people that are like "you can't make fun of the special olympics because it's offensive!"
yes I fucking can
it's humour
and everything can be sacrificed on the altar of humour
just make it's damn clear that it's humour