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Obama speech

we never watched in our school, but some teachers did air it. if the teacher was concerned with the speech and getting parent complaints, they didn't have to show it. none of my teachers did.

did you guys see the lady on the news that was like... crying because of it? "i... i feel so (sniff) bad for the kids... h-having to sit through that..." she was like sobbing because of it. come on. ...i laughed haha.

vplj where do you get these amazing things everything you post is genius
I liked the speech, im glad he's bothering to even say anything about education. My mom says that as far as public speaking obama is the new JFK, anyone agree?
Obama's speeches would impress me more if he wrote them himself. Churchill did.
Clearly he says the speeches well. But you have to say them well and write them well to be an orator.
Well, I haven't been active for a while so decided to start with this. Ahem.

Well, I haven't heard it cuz in all my classes we were doing something more important apparantly:freaked:. But I've heard from lots of others about it and got the basic idea. My opinion's prob way different than every one elses so. What I heard is, stay in school, dont do drugs, get good grades, etc. Figures, cuz thats what about every pres. that gives a speech to kids say. He couldnt say anything backwords on there, because all the pressure he has been getting from everywhere. Otherwise, "change you can believe" in would be everywhere :huh:(joking, but it prob wouldve been a speech with hints of hypnotic stuff). What made everyone crazy was the question having to be answered about the speech.

Other thing. Where does the phrase, "Change you can believe" in even make sense? Answer that, if you can. And did ya know his approval rate went down the fastest of any pres.

Oh, and I agree with Ruby, "...you have to say them well and write them well to be an orator."

Ok, I'm done now :grin:.
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